If You Don't, You'll Die

"What do you want to know?" Lucas asked with an apathetic expression, his eyes expressionless, just waiting for his inevitable death.

Summarizing the conversation that followed, Lucas first talked about how the doppelgangers came back to life, specifically awakening from a cryogenic sleep.

A man with reddish skin and three blue horns amidst long black hair, one horn on the right side of his head, another slightly above the forehead, and the last on the left side of the forehead. He couldn't remember the clothes properly, just that it was a strange style resembling a long-sleeved dress for women, but clearly meant for men to wear.

Every word he spoke emitted a cold air, freezing the air molecules and forming cubes even inside the huge tower, the only warm place around.

Regarding his name, he said they could call him Ysung; it was a common name where he came from.