We Won

Sarah's POV:


I can't believe the type of woman she is. How could she do this to her family? All she cares about is herself and her looks. I couldn't even call her ugly because she looked like me.


The driver got in, and he looked at me. "To the mansion or the company?" he asked, and I thought for a while. Then I saw a message on Elma's phone. It was from her son's school saying the game had started.


"Josh's game…"

"Do you want to attend it? I am sorry for butting in," he said apologetically, and I nodded. It wasn't a big deal.


"Since he has a basketball game, let's go there," I said and he stared at me, surprised. Then a smile crept on his lips as he drove out of the community. I will miss my home.


A few minutes later, we arrived at the school. The building was so big, and I wondered how students leave from one class to the next; do they perhaps use an elevator?


The driver pulled the door open, and I walked down. I scanned around, and other parents were present. I must admit Elma was indeed a big celebrity, as I could feel almost everyone's gaze on me, and they also took pictures.


This was weird, but I had to walk like Elma and also not smile at the camera. I arrived at the entrance when a middle-aged lady walked towards me. "It's a pleasure having you here, Mrs. Wistold. We always remind you of the events, but you never show up. Guess your schedule for today wasn't choked up; Josh will be so happy," she explained, and I got confused.


"I am sorry if I said a lot," she apologized, and I placed my hand on her shoulders.

"It's no big deal, so you are Josh's teacher?" I asked, and she looked at my hand on her shoulder. I quickly retracted my hand.


"Yes, ma'am, I will take you to the field," she said, and I followed her. We got to the basketball field, and it was filled with kids dressed in red and blue jerseys.


"It's Elma Wistold," I heard some young girls whisper.


"I love her so much," her friend giggled. Her fans loved Elma, but if only they knew the type of person she was.


"Josh, it's your mother," a small chubby boy in the crowd yelled out. Josh stopped playing and looked at me; he had a surprised look. I waved at him, and he smiled.


Then the ball was passed to him, and he had a bright smile as he threw the ball.


Then there was some noise from behind. I turned and my mouth widened when I saw a man about six feet tall with brown, smooth hair dressed in a blue suit.


It was Anthony Wistold; pictures didn't do him any justice. He was so handsome and also didn't look his age. I mean, he was forty years old but looked like a man in his early thirties, except for the dangerous aura he carried around.


He locked eyes with me, and he had a shocked look. Then he got closer and waved at Josh before turning his attention towards me. "It's Friday; shouldn't you be in the spa preparing for your Saturday party?" he asked, and I swallowed hard. I had no idea what he was talking about.


"Uhm, i…"


"Never mind, you are probably doing this for fame," he added, before turning his attention to the game. The game lasted for another twenty minutes, with Josh's team winning.


He was such a skilled player, and just like his father, he had impressive looks. He hurried towards us and hugged Anthony tightly. "I won!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.


"We won," I corrected, and they both gazed at me, confused. I crouched to the eight-year-old boy's level.

"You played as a team, so the win is for the team... It makes everyone happy that way," I explained, and he nodded.


"You are right, mother," he said. I could feel Anthony's gaze on me. Did I say something wrong?


I quickly stood up and straightened my gown, then there was a call from Elma's phone, and the contact name was 'Pick up'


So I accepted the call before placing the phone next to my ear. "What the hell? What are you doing in a crowded space? How dare you go to Josh's school?" Elma yelled, and I was forced to take the phone far from my ears.


"Calm down," I said, and I smiled at Anthony. Why was he looking at me with a confused look?


"I never knew it wasn't allowed; next time I won't," I tried sounding casual, not to alert Anthony and Josh.


"Are you beside Anthony? If yes, then he is going to ask who you were talking to. When he does, then roll your eyes and ignore his question," she retorted, and I held my head, frustrated. This woman was the worst wife anyone could ever ask for.


"Copied," I said, and she hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" as expected, Anthony asked. What Elma asked me to do was so hard, but I had no choice. I rolled my eyes and looked anywhere but at him.


I felt bad doing that; he was probably just an overly protective husband trying to know if she was talking to a man.


"As expected, come on, Josh... Let's go home."

They both walked out of the field towards the car, and I followed behind. A luxurious car was parked for them to get in, and I was confused about whether to get in as well or not.


"Mother, will you come with us?" Josh asked, and I was about to accept when Anthony butted in.

"She won't want to be affected by the scent in the car; remember, you are all sweaty."


Why would he say such to a kid? That will make him think badly of his mom.


"It's fine," I answered, I was already feeling too nervous as it is. So sitting in the same car with this man will only increase things. I pity the kids. Both their parents are awful people.