The Inheritance

Sarah's POV:


I returned to our table and found Josh laughing with his dad. How come Anthony has a good relationship with the kids but Elma doesn't?


"Mother," Josh called, and I nodded before sitting next to him.


"Father was wondering what took you so long," he said, and I looked at Anthony.


"We are done with breakfast; let's go," Anthony said, and I remembered my tasks—the ones Elma pushed to some Ms. Nel.


"Anthony, is it okay if I get some tasks in the company?" I wanted to design because that was my passion, but that was a little impossible since Ella didn't leave me anything to do.


"Don't bother; Nel will take care of everything," he answered, and I couldn't argue with him; after all, he was the boss.


But I felt bad. I was so happy about designing and showing my worth, even though I will be doing that with Elma's name. I just wanted to design.


"I understand," I said in a sad tone. I couldn't stop myself from being sad.


"But my mother is a designer as well," Josh stated, and Anthony didn't respond. He picked up his car keys and stood up.


"I will drop you guys home before leaving."


Josh and I followed him to the car before he drove away. My heart was filled with sadness because I wanted to design, but if it was not possible, then I would have to go back to drawing in my book and letting it die there.


"Mother," Josh called, and I looked at him.


"Are you sad?" He asked. How did Elma get such a caring kid?


"I am fine," I responded.


Anthony soon dropped us at the gate before driving away, and then I noticed there was a motorcycle parked in front of the house.


"Josh, do any of Kim's friends own a bike?"


"I don't know," he replied before rushing inside. I followed him in, and I didn't spot Kim and her friends on the patio, but I could hear some giggling on the left side of the patio. I followed the sound and discovered there was a vast swimming pool there, and she was swimming with her friends.


Then there was a guy sitting on the bench taking pictures of them. "Babe, look at the camera," he said, and Kim smiled before posing with her friends.


I didn't know what to do. The man wore a black helmet and also held a bike key. Was he Kim's boyfriend, and did Elma know about it?


"Mrs. Wistold" and her friends noticed me, and the fun atmosphere was replaced with awkwardness, or is it tension?


The guy stood up when he noticed me. Kim walked out of the water and tied the towel around her body.

"Mother, you didn't go shopping?" She asked in a nervous tone, and I didn't know how to reply. I wasn't a mother and had never dealt with a sixteen-year-old daughter. The only question in my head was, how would Elma have reacted?


"I felt sick," I replied, and she nodded before glancing at the boy.


"Umm, I was leaving," the guy said. He dropped the phone on the bench and walked towards the exit before stopping beside me.


"Good day, Mrs. Wistold," he said before nodding at Kim and leaving. I couldn't do anything.

"Have fun." After saying that, I left and walked in before retracting my phone.


I went upstairs to the room while dialing Elma's number; soon it got connected, and her voice came through: "What happened this time around?"

"Your daughter. Does she have a boyfriend?" I asked right away; she was supposed to tell me about that because teenage girls need caution and advice once they enter a relationship.


"I don't know."


"Oh, because I saw her with a motorcycle guy. He looked a little old for her."


"Ewwww, what the heck?" she said in a disgusting tone, at least something she could have a proper reaction to. If Kim wanted a boyfriend, then she should stick with the guys in her age range.


"Couldn't she find a guy with a car? A motorcycle, seriously? What nonsense?" Elma added, and I chuckled. What was I even thinking? This woman was going to have a normal parent reaction and tell me ways to help her daughter.


"Tell her that she should stick to guys at her level."

"Not guys her age?" I asked, and she sneered.


"I said level, and is that why you call me?" She was impatient, and I held my head, frustrated. I need to stop calling this woman.


"For the gala. What am I going to wear?"

"Which gala?" she questioned.

"At Kim's school, Anthony said there is a student-parent gala tonight."

"I am not going there; you should go visit my mom tonight. She wanted to talk to me," Elma said, and I frowned.

"How about your daughter's gala?" I mean, she was having fun with her friends at the pool, and tonight her friends will be with their parents except her?

"Anthony will go," I said go see my mom."


"Isn't it better I avoid your mom? She might spot the difference. "A mom always knows her daughter best, so how could she be sending me to go see her mom?

"Just do as I say; they will be discussing the inheritance tonight, and Mom wants me to be there. So be there and not at some stupid gala," she hissed before ending the call.

Does this woman even care about her kid's happiness? And if I disobey her, then it will be troublesome for me; she will keep scolding and cursing, and perhaps stop the treatment of my family.


But if I don't go, I will receive insults from Anthony and also the judging look from her kids. Is her inheritance more important than her kids?


"Elma!!!" How dare she put me in such a tight situation? Now I regret calling her.