
Sarah's POV:

I contemplated what to do, whether to let her know I was present or not. Parents are to educate their teenage daughters on this, and I had doubts that Elma did that.

After a lot of thinking, I walked downstairs. She seemed to notice me and quickly hung up, "Kim." I called and feigned to be surprised.

"You are not sleeping?" I asked, and she stood up.

"I got thirsty; I will go back to sleep." She didn't even look me in the face and turned to leave.

"One minute," I stopped her, and she sighed before turning towards me.

"Is there anything you will want to discuss with me?" I questioned her, and she thought for a while before shaking her head in denial.

"Are you sure? Something that a mother and daughter could discuss." I don't know why I felt nervous asking her this; is it because it was my first time trying to be a mother or what?

"You heard my conversation," she said, and I nodded. At least she was smart.

"I don't think a woman who got pregnant at the age of sixteen has the right to tell me how to live my teen life. Good night, mother."

My eyes widened as those words left her mouth. How could she say such a thing about her mother? I watched her walk to her room, and I sat on the sofa. Is it this hard to raise kids?

I didn't give my mother so much headache; she never complained about me, and I also never talked rudely to her. I believe every child behaves the way they were raised. Kim was a spoilt brat.

Thinking of this made me realize that I have to appreciate my mom for raising me well. I looked around before dialing her number. After a few rings, it got connected.

"Mother," I called.

"Sarah, is that you? John, come, it's our daughter." I could hear Mother call out to Father with an excited tone, and I chuckled. I am sure father must have jumped down the bed and rushed to get the phone from mother.

"Mother, how are you doing?" I asked.

"Fine child, we are all taking the medication given to us by the government doctors. I am stronger than before," she explained. What government doctor? The government had turned a blind eye to the disease that attacked the majority of people in our community.

After each month, we lost a close one to death, but not until Elma offered to take care of everyone's health expenses. I might hate her now, but what she did for my family and community is something I will never forget. I will forever be grateful to her.

To make things believable, I told everyone that the government would take charge of the expenses, and for us to repay their kindness, I would go work for them for a short while.

"Sarah"' father's voice came through.

"Hello, father, I hope you are taking good care of yourself and mother," I asked.

"Of course, I will never stop doing that. Just yesterday, the shopkeeper's son came looking for you," my father explained. He was talking about my friend, and I felt bad leaving without letting him know.

"Give me the phone," mother said before her voice came through.

"Dear, why don't you both get married? You are getting old; everyone in the community talks behind your back; they say you are very beautiful and educated but not married. When you come back, get married to him, okay?"

"Mother, I have some work now. I will call again next time. Good night. I love you"

"Don't hang…."

She was saying when I ended the call, since I turned twenty, my mother has never forgotten to remind me of getting married. I had a lot of suitors, but I chose not to marry any of them. The type of genuine love I dream of is so rare.


The next morning, I woke up at my usual time, freshened up, and got dressed for work before going downstairs.

I saw the maids busy in the kitchen. It was Monday, so they probably had to make breakfast quickly for the kids.

I joined them in the kitchen. "Good morning, ma'am," they said in unison, and I nodded before looking around.

"What are you cooking for breakfast?"

"Bagel with Lox, Pancakes with Maple Syrup, and Greek Yogurt Parfait," Bernadette explained, I nodded before dropping my bag, and I picked up the kitchen apron before putting it on.

"Ma'am, we are almost done," a maid said, and I didn't mind her. I saw the ingredients for Greek yogurt parfait, and I decided to make that.

"Okay, ma'am, we will do the others," Bernadette said, and I smiled at her before picking up the granola.

Then my mind drifted to my mom and how we always sang and danced while cooking. "In the kitchen, pots and pans, we're cooking up a storm." I sang happily while mixing the yogurt.

"Creating meals with laughter, that's our recipe."

"Ha-ha-ha, in the kitchen we go."

The maids said, "Chop-chop-chop, let the good times flow. With a dash of humor and a sprinkle of glee," they joined in, and I chuckled before pointing at Bernadette, who was in charge of slicing onions.

"The carrots and the onions make us cry.

But we turn those tears into laughter, oh my, oh my!"

The maids said, "Ha-ha-ha, in the kitchen we go." We kept singing and laughing; the atmosphere was so light and joyous, exactly how it should be in a kitchen.

Then I turned to wash my hands when I spotted Anthony leaning by the kitchen door. "You," I said in a surprised tone. How long has he been standing there?

"Good morning, Mr. Wistold," the maids greeted before looking at me nervously. I just realized that I was doing something crazy that Elma would never do in her life.

I picked up my bag and hurried out, saying, "I will go to work," but Anthony held my hand.

"Wait," he said, then he walked to the Greek yogurt I made, He carried a spoonful of it before shoving it into his mouth. He savored the taste before looking at me.

He furrowed his brow as if he were confused. "YouTube? I didn't see you using a phone," he stated, and I swallowed hard. He had been standing by the door for a long time; he must have seen how crazy I was singing with the maids. Elma won't spare me.