The Perfect Man

Sarah's POV:

"You don't know what you are talking about, and you say I am not Elma? Then go ahead and tell Anthony, "I walked out of the room and went back to my bedroom.

I banged the door angrily and hurried to the bedroom, turned the shower on, and let the water wash away my shame. "I was drunk; I was not in my senses, and that's why it happened." I tried so hard to console myself.

But that wasn't enough. "Sarah, what have you done?" Everything was going wrong; even the maid now knew that I wasn't Elma. Should I run away with Amber? 

After a fresh shower, I got dressed and stood in front of the mirror, staring at my reflection.

I was lost in thought when I received a call; it was Elma's mom. "Hello?" It would be disrespectful of me to not answer.

"Your father wants to discuss this with you all; maybe we can talk at the event tonight."

"Uhm, okay." What did Mr. Tyler want to discuss? Did Elma do something again?