I Live Rent Free In Their Minds

Elma's POV:

I had woken up an hour ago, but I was scared to open my eyes because I knew Anthony was right next to me.

Just before my car crashed into the other car, I saw life flash right in front of me. At that moment, I didn't want to die. I was going to leave my husband, who was willing to give me freedom, and also my kids, who loved me endlessly.

"I know you are awake; stop the pretense." Anthony scoffed. Left with no choice, I slowly opened my eyes.

The reason I almost got into an accident was because Jacob told me that everyone now knew about Sarah. I was shocked and careless.

"Anthony," I called in a weak tone, and then I found my parents and siblings in the ward.

"The princess is awake." Ken snorted, so like him.

"For how long have you been gone?" Father asked; they didn't even care about the fact that I was in a hospital bed, before they went ahead with their questioning.

"My head hurt…."