If Only He Didn't Leave

Sarah's POV:

After I looked around the bamboo house, we sat on a bamboo bench outside beside the river.. We hadn't uttered a word to each other, just feeling each other's presence.

"Uhm…" Anthony will say occasionally, but no words will follow after that.. After another1 pause, he said again, "Uhm…"

"What do you want to say?" I smiled at him, and he stared at my face. "I know it's you, Sarah; I can feel it. But the fact that you came here makes me wonder if it's Elma." 

That's's what has been bugging him all this time.

He really has such doubts?

And didn't Elma dye her hair so that people wouldn't mistake us anymore?

"Well, you might be right." I decided to tease him.. He took my hand in his and kissed it."Why did you change your mind? You told me to go to hell"

I burst out in laughter when I Ireminisced about my words: "Well, as you said, We both needed the vacation. "I pulled my hand from him and rested it on my thighs.