A Trip With Anabella

Sarah's POV:

Elma was so short-tempered; I get that we were all angry that Bella escaped, but wasn't she a little scared? Because I was. What if she came for us and tried to make us pay for putting her behind bars?

"Calm down, okay?" Anthony tried talking to her, and she simply nodded.

How did she become calm so easily? "Elma, don't go out." I frowned at her, and she nodded.

"We are serious," her mother scolded, and she sighed. "I have heard you all."

Then she went upstairs, and Jacob held my hand. "Everything will be fine; the cops will find her."

I nodded and looked at Amber, who had a worried look. I smiled at her, assuring her that everything was okay.

"I am scared. Will she come back to hurt my mother?" Kim asked, and no one could reply to her.

The first person on Bella's list was possibly Elma or me; I had called the cops on her, and Elma had made her broke.