Receiving A Fiscal Solution

"Why haven't you deactivated your suit soldier?"

This sudden question pulled him out of his reverie.

'Fuck... what do I tell them? They will find out that I am not using a prototype...' Dennis had to think on his feet.

"I want to be ready for the next round sir," Dennis responded with a tone of respect.

"You can unequip it for now and equip back later. Catch a break soldier," General Gustav voiced from the side.

"Understood sir. I will have to get my underwear back first," Dennis responded while pointing in the direction where everyone went for privacy to equip their UVS.

General Gustav just waved without a hint of suspicion, causing Dennis to internally sigh as he turned around and walked away.

He arrived back at the spot where he had equipped his UVS and looked around to be sure no one was around him.

After the digitalised view only displayed the mountain by the left along with the grasses and trees being the only witnesses here, he finally decided to unequip it.

[Powering Down...]

The UVS began to retract, looking almost liquid like as the nanites got pulled into the red circular disk glued to his chest.

Dennis was left in just his camo pants after the deactivation of the suit. He moved to the area where he dropped the prototype earlier and fortunately, it was still in the same place.

Dennis proceeded to pick it up and hide it in his clothes. He wore his black tank top before moving away from this area.

By the time he arrived at the entry point of the forest, more modified combatants had arrived with javelins in their grasp.

He looked around and noticed that Malik still hadn't arrived. Dennis wasn't too worried because even if Malik fell into a trap, it wouldn't matter since he got back here with a Javelin already.

More people trooped in and in an hour time almost everyone was back in.

"The challenge is over!"

"All Combatants are required to come back in!"

General Gustav's voice travelled far across the forest area due to the speakers placed in multiple regions within.

At this point, all ten Javelins had been turned in so it had to be announced for those who were still in the forest looking.

More than a hundred Modified Combatants were still in the forest at this time. They began trooping out in large numbers.

Every single one of them had crestfallen expressions upon deactivating the UVS suit, the moment they sighted the ten Javelin sticks positioned on the table before General Gustav.

-"Shit! I can't believe I wasn't able to get one,"

-"Damn it. If those bastards hadn't ambushed us we would have gotten to the next stage!"

-"Welp wasted opportunity,"

The chatters of multiple MCs lamenting, could be heard all across the place.


The moment General Gustav commanded, the place instantly quietened.

"Today's challenge was to pick the best amongst you all. The best ten and train them to become leaders," General Gustav began speaking.

"To be a great soldier out there you have to understand that sometimes your objective might not just be to battle. Sometimes your objective might be to protect.

And sometimes your objective might be both.

Good soldiers can successfully engage in battles and come out on top. It takes a great soldier to successfully protect required assets, items and people.

However, it takes an excellent soldier to be able to do all without fail. Remember, you can win a battle and still lose the war if you're unable to be exel in all aspects within the field.

As Modified Combatants I expect you lots to become the greatest army the world has ever seen,"

"Sir yes sir!" The MCs yelled in unision the moment General Gustav concluded his statement.

"Now back to the challenge. We have our finalists," General Gustav stated while gesturing for the MCs who brought the ten javelins to step out.

Malik, Dennis and sixteen other MCs stepped forward.

All sort of glances ranging from envy to astonishment to disappointment were shot at these eighteen MCs.

-"Why are they eighteen instead of twenty?"

-"Does this mean a group managed to bring two in?"

-"Damn I knew that 99% compatibility was going to help, I should have teamed up with noodle kneecaps,"

-"I heard Dennis was the first to arrive,"

All sorts of voices rang out as the bunch stood before the others.

"Dennis Slark, Malik Nonek... you two have successfully qualified for the one week special training. Receive your Fiscal solution from Lieutenant Colonel Derrick," General Gustav said with a tone of acknowledgement.

"Yes sir," Dennis and Malik responded together before moving to the side.

Lieutenant Colonel Derrick shook their hands and handed both of them a vial with purplish content.

"Consume before going to bed this night. You should wake up the next morning with the results," He instructed.

Dennis and Malik nodded in understanding.

This vial contained the Fiscal solution that was rumored to boost a Modified Combatant internal anatomy. It transformed them on a cellular level.

It would not only make them faster and stronger, it would also give them a edge above their peers who would have to work extremely hard if they wish to bridge the gap.

It happened to be very rare so it was really unexpected that they received this as consolation prizes for being eligible to partake in the one week special training.

-"I wish that was me,"

-"Such a precious vial will be wasted on noodle kneecaps,"

-"Wait does this mean that both of them brought back one Javelin each?"

There were both voices of scorn, envy and disbelief in the background as they watched Dennis and Malik receive the vial.

"The special training is to begin next week. Be prepared," General Gustav said to them before saying they were dismissed.

Everyone watched as Dennis and Malik walked away from the gathering.

It was just as they suspected, they both returned with a Javelin.

Malik had come back extremely late and nearly out of energy because he was fighting to acquire a Javelin he suddenly came across while trying to deter Lara.

It took a lot of beating, fights and running away for him to finally get back with it.

Due to this, they both progressed without having to engage in the final challenge.

"Cory Parsons

Darrin Chandler

Lara Petersons

Regory Simons

Suleiman Addlestone..."

General Gustav began announcing the names of the remaining sixteen MCs duos that managed to bring the other javelins.

After this he was going to mention the details of the next challenge and another task would be handed out.

Dennis and Malik were not going to be here to witness it. They both instantly headed to the gym to work out for the rest of the day.

Later at night, Dennis returned to his quarters and met Darrin sleeping within.

The moment Dennis stepped in, Darrin eyes sprang open.

'His environmental awareness is very creepy,' Dennis couldn't help but think this as he moved towards the shower.

"Hey Darrin," He waved before stepping into the bathroom.

"Quit spilling your liquids everywhere," Darrin said with droppy eyes before closing them back.

He was referring to the sweat that was dropping from Dennis when he stepped in.

Dennis took a quick shower and came back into the room to change his undies. His figure was still very lean but he could see small changes in different areas of his body.

He knew it was only a matter of time before more gains would be visible.

'It's been more than two weeks since I arrived on this earth. I reckon it would take at least two months before I am physically fit enough to challenge any of them to a figjt without equipping a UVS,' Dennis voiced internally while taking a quick glance at Darrin's physique.

'Oh that reminds me...' He reached for his other clothes and took out a purplish vial.

"To be taken before night sleep huh?" He muttered with a slightly suspicious look before pulling the lid off.


Dennis consumed the entire finger length vial in one go and proceeded to jump onto his bed.

'Today was a long day... time for a good shut eye,' Dennis became sleepy almost instantly.




The next day arrived very quickly and Dennis woke up feeling very rejuvenated.

'I feel... energetic,' Dennis was conscious of the current state of his body the moment he got up from the bed.

However, this was no time to dwell on that...

Drrriiunnnn~ Drrriiunnnn~ Drrriiunnnn~ Drrriiunnnn~

The sound of the morning drill alarms began blaring loudly.

He had woken up just a minute earlier. Dennis swiftly stepped out of his room in his combat boots, camo pants and tank top.

Darrin was still asleep but Dennis couldn't dare to wake him up. This was a usual routine for Darrin who would still make sure he completed all of his military exercises for the day.

The moment Dennis arrived at the grassy terrain they used for daily sprints, he drew the attention of the Modified Combatants gathered around the vicinity.

"Hey... Is it me or does noodle kneecaps look a little different than usual?"