What Even Is A Yellow Area?

'What a weird girl,' Dennis had all sorts of conflicting thoughts about her plaguing his mind.

"Will you tell me about overcoming the freezing roar?" Lara requested with pleading eyes.

"Sure..." Dennis responded and went on to narrate how he overcame his.

Both of them talked for hours, exchanging dialogues because Lara wanted to properly comprehend the process.

However, beyond this, a subtle bond was starting to form unbeknownst to them both.




Within the UVS testing facility, a man who looked to be around his forties stood before a holograph that displayed all sorts of atomic and scientific diagrams.

It was currently late at night, and he continuously mixed combinations that resulted in dissatisfaction until hours later.

"That is it!" He voiced loudly with a tone of triumph.

The holographic display showed a familiar disk and then an encrypted red display that made the scientist's eyes shimmer in excitement.

"Good goods. With this control, it can be achieved in the future," He voiced.


A voice suddenly called out to him from behind, causing him to swiftly deactivate the holograph.

"Yes?" He turned around while coughing twice to regain his natural look.

"What are you up to?" The middle-aged man who stood at the entrance had a blonde goatee that he caressed mischievously. 

"Nothing much, Hart," Scientist Belmos responded.

"Hmm... Sir Ansel wants us in the main testing room right now," Scientist Hart reported with a slightly suspicious look.

"Alright. I'll be there soon," After Scientist Belmos answered, Hart left the vicinity.

'Need to be careful about prying eyes,' Belmos eyes darted across the small lab as he searched for a secluded spot.

He grabbed a small cartridge attached to the monitor before him and moved to a corner to hide it.




In a flash, a week had gone by since the ten MCs began their special training.

It was currently late afternoon, and all ten of them were in a closed-off space, holding onto some powerful high-tech weaponry.

A couple of mutated hares, which were around two feet in height, with glowing eyes, could be spotted up ahead, hopping from place to place.

They didn't seem to have nefarious intents despite looking like spawns of the devil. Unfortunately, the creatures were their targets for the day.

"I know you feel that you do not need to understand the basics of using a V27 assault or any of the weapons powered by V99 crystals since you all will possess a UVS but you never know when you will find yourself in a position where the only weapon available that can save your life is this,"

A young soldier who seemed to be around sixteen years old voiced loudly as he aimed.

Before that, he had been teaching the ten how to hold and activate the weapon. He had also watched them fire a few times and given them more tips on how to be more accurate since a couple of them nearly blasted themselves.

After getting past all of that, he went on to demonstrate how to properly aim and fire.

Long, silver-stripped, three-foot arms could be seen in his grasp as glowing red lenses appeared before his right eye, and he fired.


A bright red line tore through the air at incredible speed, and in the next instant, they heard four loud thuds.

Up ahead, fist-sized holes appeared in the bodies of four mutated hares with mist evaporating from them.

Liquid blood couldn't even flow out of the holes because of the intensity of the temperature of the projectile that was shot from the V29 assault. Their blood had instantly cauterized, and the shot had left a burning hole in the ground behind the mutated hares.

The young soldier's timing had been so precise and well-calculated. A feat that not a lot of veteran soldiers could pull off.

'Very impressive... he reminds me of Old Eagle,' Dennis couldn't help but let out a smile as he recalled someone from his previous life.

"Isn't this dude like our age?"

"Even younger!"

"How is he able to do this?"

Some of the MCs voiced in bafflement. No doubt witnessing the whole exercise had left them completely astonished.

"Less talking and more aiming," the young military personnel instructed while pointing at the other mutated hares hopping around.

The group immediately stopped talking and began aiming.

As the V29 assaults lit up in readiness, a holographic lens appeared before their eyes, zooming in on the targets.


Rodrick was the first person to take down one of the mutated hares. He quickly fired at the next one but missed.

However, Lara soon took down two of them in one hit.

As time went on, it became more apparent that Lara's aim and quick fire were the best among all of the ten. While she wasn't the strongest, it seemed like she had a speciality in that particular category.

'I could ace this stage in just a few seconds but it's best to take it slow,' Dennis said internally while aiming at one of the hares that were hopping from place to place with incredible speed.

One would think that such high-tech weaponry would make things easier, but this was far from the case.

What made the young military personnel's feat impressive was the speed at which these creatures were moving.

Normal hares could travel at up to forty-four feet per second or even more. However, these mutated hares had triple the speed of normal hares.

It was precisely why it was such an amazing feat to hit them. The MCs had better reflexes and overall adapted to speed better since they weren't normal.

Dennis fell into the same category, and with his military skill, shooting down the mutated hares would have been an ace in the park for him, but he slowed himself down.


Close to the evening, the group had finished training for the day and were heading back to their shack. They repeatedly talked about the young soldier and how he was so skilled. It still didn't make sense to them.

While Dennis was moving with Malik and Lara, he suddenly recalled something.

"I'm supposed to head to the lab for a check-up today," He muttered while pausing his steps.

"Hmm? What's up with you?" Malik questioned with a tinge of worry in his voice.

"I'll catch up with you guys later. Gotta go," Dennis said while turning towards the east and storming off.

Lara and Malik stared in the direction he stormed off in for a bit with puzzled looks on their faces.

"He didn't even say a proper goodbye. Hmph!" Lara pouted while turning around and storming off in annoyance.

'Eh?' Malik had a look that displayed great confusion as he stood there.

"Women, right?" Hulukr, an MC from the second squad, voiced while patting Malik's shoulder.

"Hmm...That is sexist," Malik said with a tone of seriousness.

"You say it all the time," Hulukr blurted.

"You're right," Malik responded in defeat.

"You're sexist."



Dennis arrived at an area with multiple camp-like tents. More army personnel could be seen trooping around, and some seemed to be cobbled up in groups as well.

Dennis spotted the 5'7 "figure of a young lad with red hair up ahead and swiftly headed towards him.

"Luke," He called out, causing the lad to turn around.

"Dennis... what brings you here?" Luke inquired with a welcoming but intrigued tone.

"I need to head to the lab for my usual monthly checkups... Mr Ansel will be expecting me," Dennis briefly explained.

General Gustav and Lieutenant Colonel Derrick had left them in the hands of the young military personnel, Private Luke, earlier in the morning to attend some urgent meetings so he was the only person Dennis thought of taking permission from.

Dennis explained that it was mandatory due to his high compatibility rate. It was a miracle that the scientists even allowed him to be away from them for that long since they always needed him to further their research.

Although they agreed to settle for him coming in every month, sometimes they'd keep him in the lab for days before releasing him back to the Modified Combatant Training Facility.

"Oh, I'll need to ask the Lieutenant first. I don't know if I am supposed to let you," Private Luke responded before taking out a radio and moving away.

Dennis nodded and decided to wait. While he was waiting for feedback, he could hear some of the army personnel around conversing.

"The 7th platoon went missing after reaching the yellow area."

"Isn't that why Lieutenant Colonel Derrick sent a group to scout?"

"They never came back either."

"Damn those scientists! They always want a never-ending supply of V99 crystals."

"I don't think we can blame them. We won't have weapons to fight the beasts outside without them."

About two minutes into eavesdropping on their conversation, Private Luke returned.

"Dennis, the Lieutenant says information has been passed to the scientists about missing out on today. None of you are to leave the Baccuda until the special training is over," He announced.

"Understood," Dennis nodded and turned around to leave.

'Looks like the scientists agreed to wait a week longer,' He said internally while walking away.

While Dennis headed back to the shack, he couldn't help but wonder if the reason for Lieutenant Colonel Derrick and General Gustav's absence was due to the missing platoon.

'What even is a yellow area?'