Do You Know What The Yellow Area Is?

Anyone who witnessed the scene would have been left in awe since Malik was much larger than Dennis.

It was like watching a tortoise dominate an elephant.

"Hruh- gr-uss... hou... tuk..."

Malik responded with some incoherent words that made Dennis's eyes widen in realisation.

"Oh, sorry," He released his grip on the back of Malik's head.

"Dude... how can I speak when you have me eating grass," Malik complained.

"My bad," Dennis let go of his arm as well and stood upright.

"Oww," Malik groaned softly while rolling to the side.

His right shoulder had dislocated because of the position that Dennis had him locked in. Dennis squatted and placed his fingers on Malik's shoulder joint area.

With a little push, the bone popped back into its right location, causing Malik to moan in relief.

"How in the world are you able to move that way?" Malik voiced with a tone of disbelief.

Dennis displayed a wry smile, "You're a good teacher," He patted Malik's back twice before switching to his right leg.

Malik didn't believe him one bit. Although he had been showing Dennis a couple of moves during their workouts, he knew it would take a very long time to master the movements Dennis used.

Not to mention the jab he received on his inner right thigh that left him temporarily handicapped. It was a move Malik didn't know, nor had they been taught during their Modified Combatants training.

"How did you do that?" Malik questioned.

"Do what?" Dennis replied with another question while giving Malik's right leg a little massage.

"Don't play dumb... how were you able to leave me without the ability to use my right leg?" Malik decided to be specific this time.

"Oh, that... I just struck a particular nerve. It leaves anyone numb. I know a bit about the human body, that is why. It may not help since our fight is with the extraterrestrials and mutated beasts, but at the very least, if humans come looking for trouble, it tends to be useful," Dennis responded while standing upright.

Malik wanted to respond when he noticed that his right leg was functional again.

His eyes widened in astonishment as he twiddled his toes and raised his right leg slightly.

Dennis stretched his right hand out, "Come on, let's head back."

Malik received the hand and got pulled to his feet.

"You need to teach me that," He pleaded in anticipation while they walked away.

Far behind them, a figure watched them leave the scene with keen eyes.

"Quite fascinating, isn't he?"

The figure instantly turned around alarmed with palms outstretched. He seemed ready to strike the owner of the voice that had suddenly rang out.

"Relax... I am just watching, like you," the newly arrived person who was in full military outfit said to the figure.

The figure's eyebrows remained furrowed for a few seconds before he finally stood at ease.

"Isn't he the weakest in your squad? How did he defeat the buff guy?" The newly arrived military personnel inquired but got no response in return.

Soon, the place turned completely quiet after Dennis and Malik had already left. The silent one turned around to leave without saying a word.

'Another report for the General...' The military personnel said internally before leaving the environment as well.

Minutes later, Dennis and Malik arrived at the shack.

"Where the hell have you two been?" Lara questioned with her eyes knitted in suspicion.

"Was just having a little spar," Dennis answered, not wanting to give details.

"He whooped my ass," Malik voiced with a fatigued expression before moving to sit by the corner.

"That's impossible," Lara stated in disbelief.

"You let him right?" She added with a little sneer.

Dennis was a little offended by her remark, but he was level-headed enough to wave it off. It would have been impossible for the original Dennis to win after all.

Malik might be considered the ninth strongest, but he was still above two hundred and forty-one combatants in terms of strength and skill. It was no small feat.

Dennis took a spot beside the wall and sat, leaving no space between himself and Malik. Lara's face displayed a little conflict as she moved from side to side before sitting across from them.

She nagged Malik to narrate the events of what had occurred, and he succumbed. While he narrated, the look of disbelief on Lara's face further increased. She was having a hard time accepting that Dennis could do any of the things Malik had just stated.

Overall, she believed Dennis couldn't pull it off and was sure Malik didn't give it his all.

While they were speaking, Dennis's hearing caught wind of a discussion up ahead.

-"Luke says the reason Lieutenant Colonel Derrick hasn't been around in the last few days was because he gathered a unit and led them to a yellow area on the outside."

-"A yellow area?"

-"Yeah, they say two squads already went missing while heading there, so it's like a reconnaissance and rescue mission at the same time."

-"When did yellow areas become troublesome enough to have a whole Lieutenant Colonel handle the case personally?"

-"Apparently, they couldn't even send drones to scan the location since every one of them went static and lost feedback before capturing anything."

-"Must be why General Gustav is also more busy lately."

-"I've been hearing the military guys complain more and more about it lately."

Dennis's interest was piqued once more as he listened to the ongoing conversation between three MCs in the shack.

It wasn't the first time he was hearing something similar, but he was still at a loss as to what the yellow area was supposed to be.

He could faintly depict some things, but they were just assumptions unless someone explained it to him.

"Malik, do you know what the yellow area is?"

Dennis's question cut Malik off since he was currently in an argument with Lara.

"You didn't pay attention during lessons?" Lara blurted out but soon noticed the dumbfounded look on Dennis's face.

"There are categories of locations outside the shelter that have been mapped out. Each on different levels of danger..." Malik began explaining.

Dennis listened attentively as Malik proceeded to list out the other zones and how dangerous each of them were.




Amidst the eerie silence of a harsh-looking terrain cloaked in darkness, a convoy of military vehicles rumbled through the desolate streets, their engines echoing like distant thunder in the oppressive stillness.

Clad in protective gear and armed with high-grade weaponry, the military personnel within the convoy maintained a vigilant watch as they navigated the landscape shrouded in rectangular shadows and potholes.

A military personnel who didn't have their helmet on peered into the distance with a reminiscent look.

'So this is what became of the great LA city... such depressing view,' Lieutenant Colonel Derrick was lost in thought as their vehicles cruised through the darkness.

Searchlight beams pierced the darkness, cutting through the veil of shadows to illuminate the landscape.

The streets were littered with debris, stretched like desolate arteries through the heart of the city. Abandoned vehicles, heaps of trash, decayed traffic signs, and shattered storefronts were reoccurring sights, each bearing the scars of a city besieged by chaos and neglect.

"Sir, we're approaching yellow zone D,"

The call of another military personnel pulled him out of his thoughts.

Lieutenant Colonel Derrick grabbed his walkie-talkie and responded.

"All troops are to be on high alert. Activate the scanning beam and prepare to engage any potential threat," He instructed.

"Copied," the personnel on the other end responded as the transmission ended.

At that moment, an ominous atmosphere permeated the air, thick with the scent of decay and desolation.

Tension and anticipation hung heavy in the air as the convoy pressed forward, each soldier keenly aware of the potential dangers lurking in the darkness.

Dhin~ Dhin~ Dhin~ Dhin~

A loud beeping sound suddenly began blaring.

"Sir, the scanning beam has detected movement..."




"Huff! Huff! Huff! Huff!" Dennis suddenly jolted awake while breathing in and out profusely.

Perspiration dabbled down his face and neck as he tried to catch his breath.

"Are you okay?" Lara, who seemed to have been awakened by his heavy breathing, questioned with a tone of concern from his side.

"... Just a nightmare. I'm fine," Dennis answered after a few seconds.

"Do you wanna..."

"Nah, it's all good. Thanks," Dennis cut her off before she could complete her sentence.

"Alright. You should still get a little rest. We don't leave until daybreak," Lara reminded him before laying back on the floor.

Dennis sat in place briefly before silently getting to his feet and leaving the shack.

He decided to go for a jog around the Bacuda extraterrestrial training centre to clear his head.

It was currently midnight, so the activities in the vicinity had simmered down.

Only military personnel on night duty could be seen loitering about.

Dennis thought about his nightmare while running.

'The original Dennis suffered the same fate as I... maybe I am just scared of losing my entire family again. Even though John is the only one left...'