Suspicious Visitation

"Hmm?" The female researcher seemed a bit surprised by his remark.

"Analysis from the previous months to his current state. No matter how little the change, report the status to me," Mr Ansel iterated while passing the tab back to her.

"Understood," She responded before turning around to leave.

'His body may have become strong enough to finally handle the high compatibility, but I suspected something else might come up and I wasn't wrong.

The only problem now is figuring out what exactly we're dealing with here. Hopefully, before he leaves for Tryhibi Island,' Mr Ansel said internally before turning to face the computer before him.




Amidst the remote wilderness, where the dense canopy of towering trees obscured the magenta sky, a secluded military base lay hidden from prying eyes.

Suddenly, the tranquil silence was shattered by the distant rumble of engines as a convoy of foreign military operatives arrived at the base.

The vehicles, sleek and formidable, navigated the winding dirt roads with precision.

The operatives disembarked from their vehicles, their boots crunching on the gravel as they approached the entrance to the secluded base.

A middle-aged man with dirty blonde hair and an eye patch covering the right corner of his face, stepped forward to welcome them. A group of military personnel crowded him as they moved uniformly as though they were protecting him.

"General Gustav," one of the foreign military operatives with shades on his face and a green buzz cut, stepped forward with outstretched hands.

"Major General Hancock... you seem to have arrived with quite the crowd," General Gustav accepted his handshake with a bit of scepticism.

"The routes are treacherous. Dealing with mutated beasts has become cumbersome. Having enough company is just for the sake of protection," Major General Hancock displayed a wry smile after responding.

"Understandable... welcome," General Gustav stated.

"Thanks for having us," Major General Hancock voiced with a respectful smile.

The group then headed for the interior of the base together while Major General Hancock and General Gustav engaged in small talk.


Unbeknownst to everyone, a figure from the foreign military operatives flickered into obscurity, fading into the environment and vanishing from the group.


{ 30 minutes later }

"Thank you for agreeing to lend us some aircraft, but we won't be needing pilots as we already have ours," General Gustav said to Major General Hancock, who was seated from across him.

"Our shelter just decided to help all the way," Major General Hancock displayed a friendly smile while speaking.

"And once again, we appreciate the gesture, but the aircraft are enough," General Gustav remained unflinching.

He was still having a hard time believing that they were unable to communicate their acceptance to him because of bad reception, forcing them to come all the way to their shelter to do so.

"No problem then. They will be ready for use when the time comes. By the way, General, good sightseeing wouldn't be bad hospitality, don't you think?" Major General Hancock suggested with a keen expression while referencing his men behind.

"Of course. Afterwards, we shall also send you back with gifts from our shelter to yours," General Gustav responded with a forced smile while making a hand gesture for one of his men to approach.

A young military personnel with red hair, who looked no older than sixteen, stepped up.

"Show them around the shelter. Make sure they enjoy their time here," General Gustav instructed but displayed a certain hint.

The young military personnel, who was none other than Private Luke, seemed to have gotten the memo and saluted, "Yes sir!"

"Come with me," He turned to the foreign military operatives while heading towards the exit.

They all followed after him, Major General Hancock included. Afterwards, General Gustav stood alone in the office.

His fake smile dropped, returning his facial expression to its usual unwelcoming look.

"Piercy," He called out.

"Sir! Yes, sir!" A voice responded from outside.

"Get in here," General Gustav commanded.

A tall, slender man walked in and stood before the General with his arms behind his back.

"Scoot around... make sure they don't visit any unauthorised area," General Gustav instructed.

"Yes, sir!" Piercy turned around to leave immediately after.

'The existence of the UVS and the Modified Combatants must remain a secret until d-day,' General Gustav could tell that they suspected something and were trying to pry, which was why extra care was being taken.

The number of Modified Combatants, being two hundred and forty-nine, made it a difficult task to transport every single one of them to the selection location. The aircraft situated within shelter 301 wasn't enough, so they decided to ask for assistance from other shelters.

Shelter 304's decision to help took care of the problem, but General Gustav couldn't wait for the Major and his men to leave.




On a grassland terrain of faded colours, a figure stood in place, staring at what looked like an endless expanse.

'I've been here for about six months already, but the journey is only just about to begin,' Dennis had a reminiscent look as he folded his arms.

Everything still felt surreal to him, especially when he stared at the sky, which displayed outlines of multiple planets. However, he knew well that all of it was very real.

He still had loads of questions running through his mind like, 'Where did the torrent of energy that swallowed the entire earth come from? Where exactly did Earth end up in outer space? How many more extraterrestrial species were out there?

How can what is left of humanity contend against species that might have existed for millions of years?'

While he knew the last one might become a possibility due to the creation of the UVS, it was no doubt going to be a long road.


The sound of crunching pulled him out of his reverie. Dennis slightly turned around to spot an approaching figure.

"Rodrick?" He voiced after recognising the person.

Rodrick silently kept stepping forward till he arrived on Dennis's right. He peered into the distance like Dennis was doing a while ago, and silence ensued between them.

Dennis was well aware of Rodrick's personality, so he remained in place silently as well. They both gazed into the distance for a couple of minutes.

"I didn't agree to fight with you because my fight is with the aliens... I have no interest in throwing hands with other humans," A soft masculine voice caused Dennis to turn to the side in astonishment.

'He spoke...'

"I hate them with everything in me. I only exist to rid them from the face of this planet and then head to theirs up there and erase the others as well," Rodrick kept speaking while looking up.

"I have no interest in perpetuating violence on anyone else except for them," At that point, Rodrick turned around and began walking away.

'Oh, so that's why...' Dennis wasn't too surprised.

"See you after the selection ends," Rodrick's voice trailed off as he walked away.

Dennis waved in response, wondering if anyone would believe that Rodrick spoke that day.

'Selection begins tomorrow. Hmm, this should be fun... if we survive,' Dennis thought while resuming his sky-gazing.

Towards the east, a figure flickered in and out of existence behind a small pile of bush. Dennis didn't notice the figure because they were completely transparent at the moment.

'Selection? What selection? What is shelter 301 up to?' The figure wondered while lying on the ground with their eyes focused on Dennis.




"The time has arrived!"

Within a desolate and half-crumbled building, more than a hundred people had gathered before an obese man with a bald head.

"The time to save our loved ones. The time to be strong and perform our duties to humanity. The time to gain control of what is rightfully ours... The time to rid this shelter of bad governance!" Elvis Preston spoke with a tone that gave everyone in the vicinity morale.

"YES!" A loud chant rang out.

"Tomorrow by dawn, we begin!" He added, causing loud cheers to reverberate across the vicinity.

Minutes later, almost everyone except for four people had left.

"Is everything set?" Elvis Preston asked one of them who was wearing a face mask.

"The military operatives escorting the Modified Combatants to Tryhibi Island won't be able to return immediately, so we have around thirteen hours to deal with the others here. All of the Modified Combatants won't be in the picture because the selection lasts for two weeks, so another less issue to worry about," The man wearing a face mask analysed.

"What about the weapons?" Elvis Preston questioned.

"I had them stacked in the crippled warehouse ninety-seven degrees east," He answered once more.

"Good good, by the time those MCs return, the shelter will already be ours," Elvis Priston grinned ambitiously.




{ The Next Morning }

"The selection has finally arrived..." Dennis stood to his feet while voicing out loud.

"Lower your excitement noodle kneecaps, you might die," a masculine voice that sounded fatigued resounded from behind.

"You're awake..." Dennis turned around with a solemn expression.