First Battle On The Island

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

In the blistering darkness, multiple ape-like creatures dropped from the trees in the surroundings.

Through the digitalised imagery feedback, Suleiman could see how they were similar to chimpanzees but had purplishly jacked bodies and massive head-sized holes in the middle of their chests.


Their long, canine teeth and massive claws appeared like they could rip through anything.

Swwhiii~ Swwhii~

The group of mutated beasts charged at unit one with intensity.

[ Incoming Hostiles ]

Their UVS informed them, highlighting the number of beasts from the screen before them.

[ Closest Hostile Will Make Contact In 1.9 Seconds ]

Suleiman's UVS singled out the one that had already leapt into the air. It was descending with incredible speed towards the middle where the teammates without an equipped UVS were situated.

Suleiman turned to the side quickly and pointed his fist at the beast.