Knocked Unconscious

"You mean, best for you. Pfft," Dennis's tone made it evident that there was no room for discussion on the matter.

"Lara, you good over there?" Dennis suddenly called out, causing Cory's eyes to widen underneath the helm.

He turned to the side and noticed a feminine structured UVS with circular glowing designs standing before Hawk and Rivard.

The UVS operator had her hands wrapped around Hawk and Rivard's wrists holding them in place. It then dawned on them that she had been responsible for their incapability to move the entire time.

"Yeah, I'm good," Lara voiced in response before raising both figures and flinging them in the opposite direction.



They both screamed in terror as their bodies traveled across the air.

"Where are you looking?"

Cory, who had gotten distracted by everything going on, suddenly noticed Dennis appear before him with an outstretched fist.
