An Unexpected Twist

Rising swiftly, he delivered an elbow strike to the thug's gut, followed by a swift uppercut that sent a bunch of teeth flying out of his mouth.

The fight was over as quickly as it had begun.

The office was now silent except for Rivard, who slowly got up from the corner he had hidden.

"Tie them up."

Without a moment's hesitation, Dennis sprinted towards the door that Elvis had escaped through.

The chase was on. However, his speed gave him a ledge over the bald obese figure sprinting ahead of him.

Dennis was closing in on him quickly, but other men in the surroundings got alarmed by the ruckus and sounds of gunshots.

It didn't take rocket science to understand who the danger was as they watched Elvis flee with perspiration dripping from his face.

In the shadowed corridors of the military base, thugs, armed to the teeth with bladed weapons and state-of-the-art technological guns, charged at Dennis.