Dennis Vs The Telktrops

As he fought for leverage against his unseen assailant, his eyes focused on the scene unfolding before him.

Emerging from the same thicket that had launched the tendrils were two figures, unmistakably alien in their appearance.

They were tall, easily over six feet, with elongated limbs that ended in dexterous, three-fingered hands. Their skin was a dark, mottled green that seemed to shift in hue and pattern as they moved, a natural camouflage that made them blend eerily with the jungle surroundings. Meanwhile, their heads bore semblance with that of an insect as two antennas protruded from them.

They had three large, black eyes that radiated with intelligence. No visible mouth or nose disrupted the smooth contour of their faces, which were expressionless yet somehow conveyed a chilling degree of focus and intent.

Dennis, despite the dire situation, found himself fascinated and confused at the same time.

'Telktrops? What are Telktrops doing here?'