Absorption And Victory

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


"First swallowed by a mutated beast and now a plant," Dennis muttered, pushing against the crushing pressure. His sensors pinged rapidly, detecting a significant energy source nearby.

'Could it be?' Dennis wondered while following the suit's scan.

Navigating through the internal maze, Dennis found a core... a glowing organ pulsating with a vibrant energy that seemed to power the entire beast.

"It has a core... Like the mutated beasts?" Dennis was pleasantly surprised.

[ Mutated Lifeform Core Detected ]

[ Does Operator Wish To Harvest This Core?]

[ Yes × No ]

"Yes," Dennis responded softly.

[ Operator Has Chosen To Harvest Core ]

The AI's voice suddenly rang out as the suit opened up to swallow the core.

As the suit absorbed the core's energy, the vine creature's movements grew sluggish, its internal defenses weakening.

[ Core Successfully Harvested ]