Mysterious Ability

As Dennis watched the floating disk from a distance, a sense of foreboding tightened his chest.

The device, hovering over a hundred feet above ground level, was a clear indicator that Telktrops were nearby.

He turned to Mia while speaking in a low and urgent tone. "Find a place to hide and stay there until I come back," he instructed, scanning the area for any immediate threats.

Mia nodded, her face pale but determined, and quickly ducked behind a dense thicket of bushes. Satisfied that she was out of sight, Dennis deactivated his suit and reactivated it.

This time he picked reconnaissance mode.

"Activate camouflage," Dennis muttered underneath the helm.

[ Activating Camouflage ]

A shimmer passed over him, and within moments, he blended seamlessly into the surrounding environment, making his way forward invisibly.

His suit's digital visuals scanned the terrain as he advanced, processing every detail with high precision.