Finding More Survivors

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


As the last of the injured and survivors were securely loaded into the choppers and aircraft, the buzz of engines filled the air.

Dennis watched as the medical teams made final checks before sealing the hatches. Sergeant Braun approached him, his face etched with concern and fatigue.

"Is that everyone, Dennis?" Braun asked, his voice barely audible over the roar of the engines.

Dennis scanned the clearing once more, his eyes narrowing as he activated his UVS suit's enhanced visual sensors. "I'm not sure," he replied after a pause. "There might be others deeper into the forest. I'm going to stay behind and look around, see if I can find anyone else."

Braun nodded, understanding the weight of the decision. "Alright, I'll make sure this data gets to General Gustav," he said, taking the encrypted drive Dennis handed him. "And we'll look after Mia and Marlene, don't worry."