I lost everything 008: chosen by the universe 4

Alice gazed at the distant mountains, their peaks shrouded in a soft haze. She noticed that the delicate pink flower petals were drifting from that direction, and her curiosity was piqued. With a sense of wonder, she began walking towards the mountains, drawn to the source of the gentle, fluttering petals.

'I need to get up there to get a good view of where I am,' she thought to herself, her eyes fixed on the mountains. She felt an overwhelming desire to ascend to a higher vantage point, to gain a clearer understanding of her surroundings.

Alice ascended the mountain with graceful steps, petals danced around her, their gentle caress unnoticed by the entranced climber. Her humble attire had transformed into a majestic hanfu, its flowing silhouette and round collar evoking a sense of elegance. The rich black fabric was adorned with intricate patterns, while a delicate pink petal rested on the chest or sleeve, as if placed there by the whispers of the wind. This whimsical touch infused the outfit with a serene beauty, the striking contrast between black and pink conjuring an image of refinement, poise, and harmony with nature.

Alice climbed higher up the mountain, she was enchanted by the sweet, gentle sound of a flute playing in the distance. The soothing melody seemed to carry her closer to the top, where the music grew louder and more vibrant, filling her heart with wonder and curiosity.


At the mountain's crest, Alice's eyes met those of a majestic white-clad lord, adorned in a white hanfu embroidered with intricate gold patterns that complemented his golden flute. He stood gracefully beside a stunning pink flower petal tree, its delicate petals gently falling around him. As soon as Alice approached, he ceased playing the flute and extended it to the side, his eyes seemed to be fixed on something in the distance , his expression a poignant blend of serenity and longing.

Alice approached the midpoint, the lord's gaze shifted to meet hers, his smile unfurling like a sunrise. His eyes sparkled with warmth, and his lips curved into a gentle, inviting smile. The flute, still held effortlessly in his hand, seemed to vibrate with a silent, sweet melody, as if reflecting the harmony of their encounter.

"I'm fortunate to have finally found the one I've been seeking," he said, his hands clasped behind his back as he approached her with a measured pace. She looked lost in thought, her eyes clouded with confusion, as if trying to decipher the meaning behind his words.

"You're curious about my words, aren't you? Well, allow me to introduce myself properly. I'm Ethan Lucian, the future's most trusted ally. My friends call me Lucian, and I'm offering you the same privilege, Alice. I've been waiting for this moment for what feels like an eternity the moment when our paths finally cross."

Alice nodded graciously, her eyes softening as she accepted his apologies. "It's quite all right, Lord Lucian," she said, her voice gentle. "I understand that circumstances can be...unforeseen." She paused, her gaze curious. "But tell me, what did you mean by 'the one I've been seeking'? What is it that you want from me."

Lucian's gaze fell upon her, and he smiled. "The flowers' petals have already embraced you, Alice," he said, his eyes still adoring her beauty. The black hanfu, with pink flower petals delicately embroidered on the neck and sleeve, gracefully hugged her slender figure. Her brown hair, packed in a bun, cascaded down her back like a soft, gentle wave on a serene ocean, its long tresses reaching her hips.

Alice wondered what Lucian meant until her eyes followed his gaze, and she looked down at the stunning outfit she hadn't noticed before. She reached up to touch her hair, amazed by the new style and the soft, gentle touch of the flowers that had been woven into her tresses, cascading down to her hips like a fragrant waterfall. The delicate petals had been expertly arranged to showcase her favorite blooms, and she couldn't help but fall in love with the place already.

"This means they're like family to you, and they're ready to accept you as their guardian," Lucian said, his voice laced with a serious tone. "They've entrusted you with their care, and it's a responsibility you must honor."

Alice looked like she'd been asked to jump off a cliff. "What do you mean? Like...I appreciate what the flowers have done, but I can't accept this responsibility without my consent. My answer is no, and I'm too young for this," she said, turning to leave when Lucian grasped her wrist, holding her back. She looked him straight in the eye, and Lucian met her gaze with a calm and steady voice. "I know this may seem sudden, but we can't change the course of events. You've been chosen as the new guardian, Alice. You must promise to protect this place and its inhabitants, no matter what dangers or challenges may come."

"At first, I didn't understand what you we're talking about," Alice said, her frustration evident. "Why didn't they choose you as the new guardian instead of me? You're the perfect match, not me! So, please, let me go. I need to find a way out of here before things get any worse."

"I can't be the guardian, Alice. You were chosen. I've been waiting my whole life to see you, just once, before I leave this place. I don't know if I'll ever see it again," he said in a low, sorrowful tone, his voice barely above a whisper. He let go of her hand, turned around, and walked towards the trees, his back to her, his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"When I first saw you, I started to like you, because of your soft and calm nature has shown me that the universe didn't make a wrong choice in picking you. I was wrong thinking the universe made a mistake by choosing you as the next guardian. I'm at a loss for words now. You can leave if you want to; as the guardian, it will be easy for you to go." He said, his voice heavy with disappointed and anger toward his himself wishing everyday of his life to see the choosen one.

Alice gazed out at the breathtaking view from the cliff, then shifted her glance to the lord standing beside the tree. She felt an inexplicable sense of tranquility wash over her, as if the universe was whispering that this was where she belonged. Though she tried to leave, a gentle voice within her urged her to stay, assuring her that this was the one place where she could truly relax and find peace.

Lucian's eyes narrowed, suspecting that Alice had already departed. But his annoyance was swiftly replaced with surprise as he felt a soft, cold touch on his hand. He turned to face her, his voice tinged with disbelief. "What are you still doing here? I thought you'd left earlier. Or have you not yet discovered the way to escape this place?" Alice replied with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling as if nothing had ever troubled her. "I was about to leave, but I need to resolve something before I go," she said, her voice light and carefree, betraying no hint of the tension that had just passed between them.

Lucian pulled his hand free, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, his expression unreadable. Alice's words hung in the air, her voice laced with a mix of determination and vulnerability. "I know you're angry, but trust me, I can be the best guardian you'll ever have. I won't let you down. But if that's not enough, I'll leave this place forever," she said, her footsteps echoing off the cliff as she walked to the other side, her eyes fixed on Lucian, waiting for him to say the words she longed to hear: " wait."

Alice waited for Lucian's response, a gentle breeze stirred the flowers nearby, and their petals began to flutter towards him. To Alice's surprise, the petals seemed to carry a whispered message, their delicate edges brushing against Lucian's ear as if sharing a secret. Though she couldn't hear the words, she watched in wonder as the flowers danced around him, their petals weaving a subtle spell. Lucian's expression remained unreadable, but his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he were listening to a voice only the flowers could hear.

"What do you mean, give her another chance?" Lucian thought to himself, his mind communicating with the flower petals still whispering secrets in his ear. "She's broken every rule we've set before her, and she doesn't deserve the honor of being the chosen one. Her reckless behavior will only bring destruction to our world." The flowers seemed to rustle in response, their delicate petals fluttering with an otherworldly energy, as if urging Lucian to reconsider his stance.

"I know she has broken our trust, Lucian," the flower petals whispered back, their gentle voice carrying a wise and ancient tone. "But that doesn't mean she shouldn't be given another chance. Remember, even the most fragile of petals can weather the storm and bloom again, stronger and wiser for it. Alice has the potential to do the same."

"If you insist on giving her another chance, I'll relent," Lucian said, his voice laced with a mix of warning and resignation, as he turned to stop Alice from leaving. "But if anything goes awry, don't say I didn't warn you," he added, his eyes narrowing slightly as he called out to her, "Wait, Alice."

Alice's feet halted mid-stride as she turned around, her eyes locking onto Lucian's with a radiant joy that seemed to illuminate the very air around her. Her gaze shone with a mix of hope and gratitude, her face alight with a soft smile that spoke volumes of her longing for a second chance. "Yes, Lucian?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, as if she dared not break the spell of the moment.

Lucian's calm voice offered a reassuring promise. "I'm giving you another chance, Alice. Take all the time you need to think it through. When you're ready, come back to me. I'll be here, waiting for your decision." With a gentle gesture, he raised his hand, indicating she was free to leave and return at her own pace. His gaze drifted back to the cliff's edge, his eyes lost in thought as he stood beneath the tree's shade.

Alicia's voice rang out, filled with heartfelt gratitude. "Lucian, thank you for entrusting me with another chance to lead. I promise to uphold your trust and the trust of everyone else. You're not just a mentor, but a guiding light, an elder brother I cherish. Please, don't leave. Stay here, where you belong." With a radiant smile, she sprinted towards him, her arms opening wide to envelop him in a warm, tight embrace.

Lucian was caught off guard by Alicia's unexpected embrace, but he quickly turned around to face the little princess, who welcomed him with a radiant, warm smile. Her eyes sparkled with gratitude, and her expression was a perfect blend of joy and affection.

Alicia wished she could linger in this moment, teasing Lucian a little longer. But, with a friend waiting for her, she asked, "Lucian, how do I get out of here? I need to meet up with my friend. Can you show me the way?"

Lucian's smile never wavered as he nodded, his eyes gleaming with a knowing intensity. "The path to your friend lies beyond the cliff's edge," he said, his voice low and mysterious. Alicia's eyes widened in disbelief, her mind racing with the absurdity of his suggestion. She wondered if Lucian was playing a cruel joke on her, or if he actually expected her to risk her life. But before she could voice her doubts, Lucian's soft chuckle filled the air, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're the chosen one, Alicia," he said, his tone dripping with confidence. "This leap of faith will be a mere formality, a test of your courage and devotion. And let me assure you, if I wanted to harm you, I'd choose a far more... creative method. This is merely a stepping stone to your destiny."

"'Okay, this must be some kind of test the universe has laid out for me," Alicia said, her voice steady as she turned to leave Lucian's side. She approached the cliff's edge, her heart racing as she gazed out at the daunting drop before her. The height was even more intimidating up close, and for a moment, her resolve wavered. But then she squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and steeled herself for the leap of faith.

Before Alicia could jump, Lucian teleported to her side. "Wait! Let me give you some good advice before you jump," he said calmly and reassuringly. "Trust me, it'll make it easier and take away the fear. Just fall backward, like a dead man. You'll find yourself home before you even realize it."

Alicia stared at him, then turned and crossed her hands over her chest. "Okay, Alicia, this is going to be fine," she whispered reassuringly to herself. Taking a deep breath, she let her body relax and then tossed herself backward into the air. She felt a rush of breeze against her skin, fearing she would get hurt badly. Forcing her eyes open, she was greeted by the sight of beautiful, golden-red flamed eyes filled with worry, belonging to Jake.

Jake's face lit up with a warm smile. He hugged her tight, his embrace enveloping her like a shield. "I thought I'd lost you for a second, Alicia," he said, his voice filled with relief and tenderness. "You got me worried." Alicia felt her heart melt at his words, and she returned his hug, feeling safe and cherished in his arms.

"The good part is I'm back with you," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

Jake's hug tightened, and he buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply as if savoring the scent of her. "I'm not letting you go again," he murmured, his words sending shivers down her spine.

"What happened to you?" Jake asked, his voice laced with concern. "We were supposed to enter the traps together, but then you just passed out. I was so worried I'd lost you."

Alicia took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "I...I don't know," she admitted. "I felt a strange sensation, like my body was being pulled apart and put back together again. And then...then I was here, in your arms."

"I think this place isn't good for you. I don't want what happened to you before to happen again," Jake said.

Alicia's eyes locked onto Jake's, her voice filled with determination. "I promise, Jake, that won't happen again. Let's face this together, as a team. We'll overcome the trap, side by side. I won't let anything come between us or put us in harm's way again."

Jake's gaze held hers, searching for any hint of uncertainty. But Alicia's resolve was unwavering, her conviction evident. He nodded, a small smile spreading across his face. "Together, then. We'll face whatever comes next, as one."

Jake's hand supported her, Alicia stepped forward, and a poignant memory flashed before her eyes. She saw herself as a young princess, feeling suffocated by royal duties and yearning for the freedom to be herself. But amidst the constraints, one person had understood her deepest desires - Jake. With creative excuses and a compassionate heart, he had helped her escape the castle walls, granting her fleeting moments of joy and liberation. Alicia's eyes misted as she recalled the thrill of those secret adventures, and the depth of Jake's kindness and understanding. His support had been a lifeline in a life dictated by protocol and expectation.