A new allies

"When we were little ponies, we spent our days playing and having fun. But then, without warning, a mysterious portal opened, and all the ponies stopped playing and prepared for battle, thinking an enemy might emerge to destroy them," he said, gazing wistfully at the waterfall as memories flooded back.

The portal, wide open and ominous, prompted the ponies to prepare for a strong defense. Suddenly, a pair of white boots with gold trim emerged from the portal. Luna, fixated on the leg protruding from the portal, was interrupted by telepathic messages from the other ponies. "Luna, should we attack now?" they asked. Luna didn't respond, instead moving forward, but Zephyr and Sparkle blocked her path.

"Are you crazy, Luna? Do you want to get killed by an unknown creature?" Sparkle asked, concern etched in her voice. "Yeah, Luna, Sparkle's right," Zephyr agreed. "But I'm the leader; it's my duty to protect you guys," Luna replied. "No, Luna, we can't risk losing you," Zephyr exclaimed. "I'll go and check it out for you." Sparkle added, "I'll come with you, Zephyr."

Before Luna could respond, they had already headed towards the portal. At the portal's edge, Zephyr and Sparkle gazed at the boots in wonder.

"Do you think this is another type of unicorn?" Sparkle asked.

"I don't think so," Zephyr replied.

"This can't be a unicorn; we have hooves, but it doesn't," He said.

"So, what do you think it is?" Sparkle asked.

"I don't know yet, but the only way to find out is to investigate," Zephyr replied.

Zephyr's curiosity propelled him forward, leaving Sparkle behind, as he cautiously approached the shimmering portal. A hand suddenly emerged, clad in a white sleeve with golden accents, making Zephyr's eyes dart back in surprise. His heart racing, he took a step back, his mind struggling to process the unexpected sight. As the moments passed, a body slowly materialized from the portal, followed by another boot, and then a head, each new reveal heightening the ponies' terror. The creature's appearance was unlike anything they had ever seen, filling their hearts with fear and uncertainty.

"What in the world is that, Zephyr?" Luna asked, linking with him from 30 meters away, where she and the other unicorns were keeping a safe distance to protect her.

"I don't know yet," Zephyr replied, his gaze fixed on the creature before him.

Before Zephyr stood a breathtakingly handsome being with hair as white as snow, cascading down to his neck. His face was a masterpiece, with a small nose, lips that shone like pink gemstones, and eyes as black as the night sky. His tall, athletic build and chiseled physique made him appear almost angelic. He wore a white and gold ancient attire, reminiscent of a hanfu, which accentuated his ethereal beauty.

The creatures approached, he extended his hand in greeting. "Hello, I'm Lord Ethan Lucian, the future's most trusted ally. My friends call me Lucian, and I offer you the same privilege." He smiled, then withdrew his hand, realizing the ponies lacked hands to shake.

One ponies whispered, "He's incredibly eloquent!" Another added, "And breathtakingly handsome, with warm words that captivate my heart." A third ponies asked, "How can you tell his voice is warm from a distance?" The lovestruck unicorn replied, "I long to be with him, to have him all to myself. He's mine."

Luna rolled her eyes, skeptical of their sudden infatuation. She wondered, "What connection could this creature possibly have to us? And can we trust him?" As she watched, Lord Lucian attempted to interact with Zephyr.

"I mean no harm," Lord Lucian said. "I come in peace, unlike our enemies. I seek to make peace with all of you, including your leaders." Zephyr regarded him warily, lost for words as he thought, "What kind of peace could he possibly want with us?"

"Can you hear what he's saying? I'm not picking up on anything," Sparkle asked, linking with Zephyr to stay informed.

"I'll tell you about it later, Sparkle," Zephyr said, ending the telepathic connection.

"May I know your name?" Lucian asked.

"I'm Zephyr," he replied.

"Nice to meet you, Zephyr," Lucian said. "Could you please escort me to your leaders? I'd appreciate the opportunity to speak with them."

Zephyr gazed at Lucian before linking with Luna. "The creature wishes to meet with you. Should I permit him to approach?" he asked.

"Allow him to come," Luna replied. "I'll inform the others to remain vigilant and keep their guard strong."

Then, they disconnected the link.

"Follow me," Zephyr said, guiding Lucian through the terrain.

Sparkle observed from a distance, waiting for them to approach her before joining the procession, trailing behind Zephyr and Lucian as they made their way to Luna's location.


Upon arriving at the gathering place, Luna, the leader, walked forward to greet Lucian, her presence commanding attention. Zephyr and Sparkle positioned themselves behind her, a united front.

"Greetings, I am Luna, guardian and protector of the ponies," she said, her voice clear and strong. "You asked to speak with me. Please, share your purpose."

"Nice to meet you, Luna. I am Lord Ethan Lucian, the future's most trusted ally. My friends call me Lucian, and I extend the same privilege to you. I come in peace, seeking mutual understanding and cooperation, just as a good ally should."

"I have been assigned to protect Lacdon, a hidden place that remains undiscovered and untouched until the chosen one returns. In the meantime, I would like to stay here for a while before proceeding to Lacdon," he continued, his words sincere and genuine.

Luna sensed that he was speaking the truth. "You are welcome to Unicorn Glade, a sanctuary of peace and harmony," she said with a warm smile. "Come, Lucian, let me show you around," as she turned to signal the others to stand down and drop their guard.

"Thank you, Luna. Your kindness and understanding mean a great deal to me," Lucian said, inclining his head in respect as he fell into step behind her, following her lead.

'The end,' Zephyr announced to Alicia.

"I expected more," Alicia said with a hint of surprise. "I thought it would be a longer story, not so brief."