[ oi you idiot. Wake up? ]

[ What are you there in the illusion.]

[ Come back here.]

[ rio come back to reality! ]

[ you guys are in trouble. ]

[ come back idiot rio! ]

[ master! ]

" haaa…"


"where am i?"

"why is everything here is white and foggy?"

" who was calling me?"

" master? Who was that?"

"someone was calling me master ! right?"

[ master! ]

" again?"

[ it is me. Boss. Your system. I called you cause you are in danger. ]

"hum? System?"

" what is going on?"

[ the restaurant you guys went in and eat! ]

[They cast a curse a spell on you guys.]

[ That's why you guys were in the illusion,]

 [the moment you guys entered this station again! ]

" you are telling me that all that I saw till now was all illusion ????"

[ although not all of them but minority like killing the tiger and getting the rewards or everything about grim rudransh.]

[ you and all of your friends watched the same thing.]

" what is going on? "

[this is all your fault.]

[ you forgot to retrieve the rainbow fruit.]

[ in the past 7 friends eat 7 pieces of them. ]

[ and then one of them lost control and burned down all his surroundings and his friends. ]

[ then he became a hungry ghost. And he ate all his friend's souls. Becoming more and more powerful.]

[ he didn't stop there.]

[ he ate all the souls in that jungle. ]

[ but then a dark sorcerer seal him in that forest. ]

[ he knew that he can go out again. ]

[ so he waited in that seal state.]

[ obviously he knew he can't go on like this. So he targeted a human. ]

[ he make a deal of sacrifice.]

[ he make it like this if the human can sacrifice something that can satisfy him, he will give him a power.]

[ that human agreed. ]

[ every moonless night that human would come and sacrifice his village people.]

[one day those villagers came to know of that man.]

[ so they killed that man in that place.]

[ that man was a dark sorcerer from the beginning.]

[ when they kill him that hungry ghost get the chance and eat that soul. ]

[ and he evolved into a hungry demon.]

[ but after that no one ever come back here. ]

[ but that didn't stop that demon.]

[ he was gaining his food from the village. ]

[ he was slowly sucking away their lifeforces. ]

[ after that another sorcerer came and put him into sleep seal. ]

[ time passed. ]

[ but one day a organization came to know about it. ]

[ they came here and wake it up. ]

[ they sacrificed many people.]

[but that demon wanted more.]

[so they put a small base here.]

[ they didn't even let the world know about this place.]

[ and all of this happened because of your fault.]

[ as a result you gained a big amount of f. p.]

[ total f. p. = 50,00,000.]

" and I need to kill it?"

[ yes! ]

" but why is demon? Isn't it supposed to be ghost?"

[ the world you are in is a mega high dimensional world.]

[ there is too many things that you don't know right now. ]

[ but fear not. ]

[ power talks for people!]

[ as long as you use me fully you can become a overpowered character.]

" now what should I do? "

[ spin the wheel.]

[ right now it is only the option that can give you the unreachable power.]

" you talk like a salesman!"


" okay spin."

[ choose the wheel. ]

[ 1. Low grade one; 2. Mid grade one; 3. High grade one; 4. Super one; 5. Hell ]

" hell."

[ you choose hell.]

[ you will sent to exam arena.]

[here the more match you win, the powerful items and skills you can get.]

" what!!! Wait!! I choose super one."

[ super one is chosen.]

[ 1 spin = 100,000. ]

" wow. That's mean I can 50 of them. but let's just do ten. Shall we? Spin!"

[ spinning…!]

[you get the grim reaper weapon box.]...1


[ you get the skill energy blacksmithing.]….2


[ you get super agility.]….3


[ you get super energy absorber.]…..4


[ you get edition card 'holy flash']…..5


[you get the white and death fruit.]…6


[ you get manifest skill.]..7


[ you get the outfit box of cosmos.]..8


[ you get the skill abstract and absorb.]..9


[ you get the book of wishes.]…10

[ now you will be taking the exam in a minute.]

" what? But I choose the…"

Before rio could end his words, he was sent to a dessert.

In front of him was a sand golem. Before he can react to it, A punch sent him flying. 

" cough..cough.. activate. Whatever I get."

A golden sword with blue circles on it cam in his hand. The sword's dull side is golden and the sharp side is white. 

Rio make a grip on it and jumped in the sky. Unknowingly his speed increased and he goes quite high on the sky. When he fall his sword cut the golem in half and broke in pieces. 

[ exam have completed.]

[you get one tap mastery of all.]

Then he comes back to that white place. 

"Now what?"

" yeah let's first eat the fruit."

'white & death fruit' says in his ind.

 A half white and half black appears on his hand. And he ate that without any hesitation.

[ you have eaten a supreme fruit.]

[ energies of that fruit has entered in your body cells.]

" evolve."

[evolution have begin.]