
Where am I?

Why everything is dark?

Did I become blind?

Why I can't see a thing?

Anybody here?

"Brother Blaze wake up! Please wake up! Blaze! Come on bro wake up!"

Greg, is that you? Why I can't see you?

"Brother Blaze, can you hear us? Please wake up!"

I can hear you Vince what's going on?

Why are you guys shouting? Huh? You guys were crying? Where are you? I can't see you! What's going on?

Oh, finally someone opened the light I got nervous thinking that I might become blind 'cause everything is dark.

Blood? Why my hands are covered in blood? What's going on? Ahhhhhhhh!

The rich couple? The man from earlier? Why are they lying on the ground with stab wounds on their bodies? Why am I holding the knife covered by their blood? Did... did I kill them?

No! This can't be!

No! It can't be me!


My voice why doesn't come out?

My body why it is not listening to me?

Why it is moving on its own?

"Hahahaha, amazing amazing! Finally, my perfect creation is here!"

Dr. Klein? You! What have you done to me?

"Brother Blaze! Wake up!"

"Brother Blaze please get a hold of yourself!"

"You two kids shut up! He won't listen to you. From now on he will only follow my orders. My human puppet! Hahahaha."

Greg, Vince what's going on?

Damn it! I can't even talk! What the heck is wrong? You damn body! You are mine why aren't you following me?

"I knew it! The moment I saw the results of your body stats and your brain cell algorithms it was simply perfectly fitted to what I needed. You truly amaze me!

I will give you rewards for getting rid of those bastards. They irritate me! Been so long since I wanted to kill them. Especially when they questioned the success of my experiment. How dare they!

I knew there was nothing wrong with my experiment it's just that the kids they brought me simply didn't match up my requirements."

What is he talking about? So I-I really killed them? No! It can't be me!

"Oh glad you bring yourself to me on your own accord. I can't simply ask for more. Your handsome appearance makes the success of my experiment more perfect. Hahahaha."

I wouldn't come here if you hadn't kidnapped Vince!

"That two kids keep calling you Blaze since earlier. As a reward for getting rid of those bastards that keep leeching me off of money, I will allow you to use your name, Blaze. I won't change it for you. Are you happy?"

No! Don't answer it! You! You can't smile. The heck! Why are you smiling? You are supposed to listen to me and not him!

"Thank you, Master Klein, that makes me happy."

Damn you mouth! Why did you answer him? I'm not happy at all!

"I still have one more test to make sure you are really under my control. Now, for the finale... get rid of those two kids."

No! You can't! Please stop! Stop walking towards them.

Greg, Vince you must run now! Please escape this place.

Damn! They are being held up by those two men. How can they run?

"Brother Blaze, don't worry I won't be mad at you. I won't blame you. I know you didn't mean it."

Greg, why are you looking at me that way? Why are you even smiling? I thought you wanna live long. You still want to become a celebrity. Aren't you scared of death?

No! My hand! Stop it! Don't you dare stab him!

Please stop stabbing! Why? Why don't you stop?



"Brother Blaze?"

"Greg? Are you okay? My voice? I can speak now. Oh, I can feel my body it's in my control now."

"Bro you're finally back! Save us!"

So what I stabbed earlier was the two men holding them.

"No! This can't be! Things are going smoothly a while ago. Maybe it was on the dosage. I should have injected you more. Or is there a time's up of the effect of the drugs?"

While Dr. Klein was rummaging around trying to figure out what was wrong with his experiment. Vince, Greg, and I managed to get out of that room.

But before we managed to get out of the secret passage we heard a loud sound of explosion. When we looked back the room was now engulfed by flames.

Luckily we are already at the entrance of the secret passage. We managed to go home safe and sound.

But the effect of that incident forever changed our lives.

Though we still live together, eat together and do the usual things we used to do before. The apartment is no longer lively unlike when they just started living with me.

The usual theatrical acts of Greg were now gone. He just often sits and stares in the distance. Seems lost in thought.

Vince who became quite talkative last month now becomes quiet. He stops talking again.

I still go to school and do things as usual. But it is different when the night comes. Aside from the nightmare I'm already experiencing since the death of my family. Another nightmare added to it.

Every night when I fall asleep. I can see the faces of those people I killed because of Dr. Klein. They are begging me to not kill them. Their desperate plea and cries of agony keep reverberating in my ears. To the point that I felt like my ears were bleeding.

I know I would eventually experience it the moment I chose revenge. But I never thought it would be this hard when I'm already experiencing it. My guilty conscience is killing me. As if I'm about to go insane.

Cause damn! I killed humans! Even if I didn't mean that to happen I still did it with my own hands!

I know I badly wanted to kill those people who killed my family. But.. but now that I indeed killed humans my conscience can't seem to take it! It's eating me up!

I know I would suffer consequences if I took revenge. But... But this one alone is so hard to take. How come those people can still manage to smile and live happily after killing my family? But here I am, about to go crazy of what I did!

Mom, Bro, Sis, Dad what am I going to do now? Those people are living happily while I'm suffering right now. This is unfair!

The happier they are the more I need to make them pay! The more I need to get my revenge! I won't let this conscience stop me from my revenge.

Yeah, that's right! I'm no longer Angelo Santos. I'm Blaze Castro now. I'm no longer the child my family wants to be a good Emperor.

I'm now Blaze Castro and I'm living for revenge!


I'm laughing, but tears keep coming. It's like my heart is a mix of happy and sad. I'm trying to smile, but inside, there's this heavy feeling of guilt that won't go away.

Two weeks passed since that incident.

"Brother Blaze you're going to teach me with the computer right?" Vince asked me with a worried look in his eyes. It's the first time I heard him speak again after the incident.

"Do you still want to learn it?"

"Yes, Bro I want to! Can I go to school too? I want to become so rich and buy an island and build a mansion on that private island. I will enhance the security and won't allow any outsiders. We are going to live there peacefully. I'll make sure to protect your safety."

"Then I would be looking forward to it. When do you want to start going to school?"

"I want it to be soon."

"Okay, no prob. Let me handle it."

"Brother Blaze, can you teach me how to fight?" Greg suddenly asked me in a serious tone. His theatrical antics are now gone. Replaced by that serious face that I'm not used to.

"Do you want to learn it? I can only teach you the martial art movements that I learned before."

"Yes, Bro. I-I want to get stronger. Only if I am stronger I can protect you and Vince. At that time only if... Only if I am stronger at that time. I could have saved you. I already saw those two men before they attacked you. But because I'm too weak I can't beat them up.

I know you're suffering nightmares every night because of that incident. I'm sorry Bro I didn't able to protect you. I will make sure to get stronger and protect you guys."

Greg's eyes are glinting with unwavering resolve. I didn't know that he was blaming himself. Though it was not his fault it was because of my carelessness.


6 years later

Kill them! Everyone who doesn't want to obey me must be killed.

From now on Sparks Country's Black Market is under my control.