C-Rank Quest

The morning sun crept over the stone walls of Yoshiha, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets. Hayden was already up and dressed, eager to begin his day. After a quick breakfast, he headed out into the brisk morning air for his usual jog through the Narra district.

The residential area was just beginning to stir. Shutters opened, releasing wisps of cooking smoke. Children emerged sleepy-eyed from front doors, satchels in hand as they trudged off to school. Hayden nodded in greeting to the guards sweeping their stoops as he passed.

His feet carried him down familiar side streets to the training grounds. The packed dirt of the fighting ring was empty yet, the morning too early even for the most devoted scouts. Hayden began his solo training regime - lifting sandbags, push ups, sit ups - working up a good sweat as the sun climbed higher overhead. His mind drifted to the quest ahead and the need for new equipment.

Satisfied with his workout, Hayden headed for the armory district. The smells of coal smoke and hot metal drifted from the blacksmith stalls. Armorers displayed their wares proudly. Hayden browsed the bullet steal vests and tactical gear, fingering the expertly woven fiber until he found a set in dark grey that was both protective and lightweight.

As Hayden paid the armorer, his thoughts turned inward. His old navy and olive green vest kit was woefully outdated. If he was going to succeed in this vital mission, he needed to be properly equipped. The new gear would give him an edge, proving his worth as an ace scout.

Heyden's boots kicked up dust as he walked along the dry dirt road leading south from Yoshiha. The morning sun beat down relentlessly, and he could feel sweat beading on his brow. Green valleys and farm fields stretched out on either side of him as he made his way towards the port village of Nayomi.

Even from here he could see the docks were bustling with activity as traders from Azurai unloaded cargo from their wooden ships.

As he entered the village, the sounds of gulls crying and merchants hawking their wares washed over him. He weaved his way through the crowded streets, focused on his mission objective. Up ahead, a gleaming white building caught his eye. It seemed out of place among the older, weather-beaten structures.

Heyden stepped inside the white building, escaping the heat. A man greeted him enthusiastically, "Welcome to the Quicksilver Guild, newly established here in Nayomi!"

Heyden's eyes narrowed slightly. It was strange for a new guild to be set up so swiftly, with no rumors circulating beforehand. Someone with significant resources must be backing this Organization.

As he continued crisscrossed through the bustling harborvillage, Hayden picked up whispers here and there, gradually piecing together the puzzle. A rumor reached his ears about a decoy trading ship carrying black market goods - this could be his ticket to a criminal island.

Eager to uncover solid intel, Hayden made his way to the dock, pulling up a dark brown hood to obscure his face. He spent half the day blending in with local traders, munching on dry fish and listening intently to their conversations. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the ship in question finally arrived, its worn sails flapping like the wings of a giant bird.

He slipped on board under cover of nightfall

Hayden crouched in the dark hold of the ship, hidden behind crates of wine. The creaking of the ship and the shouts of the crew filtered down through the boards above him.

Rough looking men with leather armor and sinister tattoos worked the deck. Gato's men perhaps?

Footsteps thumped overhead. Hayden slowed his breathing, listening intently. A latch clicked open and a man descended into the hold carrying an oil lamp. Hayden sank deeper into the shadows behind the crates.

The man shuffled around, checking on the cargo. After a few tense moments, he turned and climbed back above deck.

Hayden let out a quiet breath. The ship was headed southeast, towards a island according his map. He just had to stay hidden a little longer.

The decoy trading ship glided silently through the moonlit waters, finally dropping anchor in a secluded cove on the far side of the island. Hayden peered over the railing, scanning the tree line. There was no sign of life on the shore.

He slipped over the side of the ship and into the cool water, letting it close over his head before surfacing. With quiet, powerful strokes he swam toward land, emerging from the waves without a sound. Crouching low, he darted between the shadows, making his way up the sandy beach.

Hayden paused behind a palm tree, listening intently. In the distance he could hear the thud of boots and creak of wooden crates as the crew began unloading the cargo. Now was his chance. Moving swiftly, he infiltrated the tree line, disappearing into the island's dense interior.

Hayden moved stealthily through the tropical forest, using the moonlight filtering down through the canopy to navigate. In the distance, he could see the flickering glow of lamps and hear the occasional shout or laugh from the workers.

As he drew nearer, the grand facade of a stately mansion came into view, its windows ablaze with light. Hayden paused, considering his options. Moving from one hiding spot to another, he managed to reach the perimeter of the mansion without being seen. It was then that he noticed two guards patrolling the grounds, their lanterns casting eerie circles of light onto the damp grass. Hayden observed them intently, memorizing their patrol routes and calculating the ideal window of opportunity for infiltration.

"Remember, stay vigilant. The boss doesn't take kindly to intruders," one guard warned the other as they passed by each other.

"Got it," the other guard responded, gripping his weapon tightly.

Circling around to the side, he spotted a drainage pipe running up the exterior wall. Testing it with a tug, he nodded with satisfaction and began to climb.

Reaching an open second-story window, Hayden peered inside. The rooms appeared unoccupied, the furnishings draped in white sheets. He hoisted himself over the sill and rolled smoothly onto the floor, pausing to listen - only silence. Keeping low, he crept into the hall and made his way toward the front of the house.

Approaching a balcony overlooking the drive, Hayden flattened himself against the wall and risked a glance outside. A stream of men carrying crates ascended the front steps, greeted at the door by a tall, thin man in a suit. Hayden studied the patterns of their movements, gathering intel. Satisfied, he melted back into the shadows, intent on his mission.

From the balcony, Hayden crept into the room, his eyes scanning the desk for any scrolls or letters. He found only one, from a man named Adrian Lufrich. It scheduled a meeting for the tenth day of the second month.

Footsteps sounded on the stairs. Hayden slid behind the curtains just as the door opened. Two guards entered, speaking in hushed voices.

"The shipment comes in tomorrow at dawn," one said. "We'll need extra security."

"Understood," said the other. "I'll arrange it."

Their voices faded as they exited. Hayden let out a breath. A shipment. More illegal goods, no doubt. This Mysterious man must be another of Gato's shady associates.

Hayden slipped out to the balcony and leapt nimbly into the garden below. He found a hidden nook between two sculpted hedges that gave him a view of the mansion's side entrance. Settling in, he prepared for a long night of observation.

Patrols walked the perimeter every twenty minutes. Servants came and went on various errands. As the sky darkened, lamps flickered on in the windows. Gato's study remained lit late into the evening it .

The following day.

The sun beat down on the mansion's white stone walls as three men approached. One had skin the color of darkened bronze and eyes like chips of lapis - clearly Azurian. Another wore small circular glasses that caught the light, a silver chain with a Quicksilver guild crest dangling at his collar.

Between them strode the enigmatic Adrian Lufrich. His sharp, hawk-like features were partially obscured by an inky black cloak that rippled slightly in the breeze. Cold silvery eyes darted about, taking in every detail.

Heyden wasted no time. With a swift blow, he knocked out a passing guard, dragging the limp body into the shadows. Donning the uniform as disguise, he slipped along the mansion's side wall and entered through a small door left propped open.

Voices echoed down the hall ahead. Heyden crept forward and peeked around the corner.

There stood Gato, dressed in gaudy silks of crimson and gold, fingers glittering with jeweled rings. "With my weapons sales, I'll be the richest man in the Region!" he boasted loudly. "No more petty thievery for me!"

Adrian said nothing, face impassive.

Gato tried to strike a deal, but Adrian calmly drew an exotic sword from beneath his cloak. It shone like liquid metal, its hue a deep ocean blue.

"Mined from the hidden uncharted corners of the world," Adrian said, his quiet voice nonetheless commanding full attention. "Stronger and lighter than iron."

Gato's eyes gleamed greedily at the sight of the strange blue steal. His lips curled into a sly grin.

As Gato and Adrian shook hands, finalizing their deal, Heyden hesitated in the shadows. He knew better than to act recklessly, so he smoothly walked ahead, blending in with the other patrolling guards. His silvery-white hair seemed to disappear into the island, his navy-dark eyes scanning his surroundings with practiced precision.

"Never thought I'd see a deal like that," he muttered under his breath, making sure no one could hear him. Once he was far enough away, he ducked behind some bushes where he had hidden his normal gear earlier. Disguising himself after knocking out a guard, he changed quickly and continued towards the island docks.

The sight of Adrian's ship loomed before him, an enormous pirate vessel brimming with heavily-armored mercenaries. Heyden couldn't help but marvel at its grandeur as he approached the deck. "Quite a crew they've got there," he mused, adjusting his own armor.

"Ahoy there!" Heyden called out, confidence masking any uncertainty he felt. "I'm one of Gato's elite men. Mind if I join you fine folks on this voyage?"

"Another one of Gato's men, huh?" One of the mercenaries eyed Heyden suspiciously before shrugging. "Fine by me. Go on up."

Heyden's boots thudded against the wooden planks as he strode up the gangplank onto the enormous pirate ship. The vessel creaked and swayed gently in the waves, ropes straining and sails billowing. He kept his face neutral, hiding his unease at being surrounded by so many armed mercenaries.

"Much obliged," Heyden replied, trying to maintain his composure. As though to himself, he couldn't help but think,

These guys must be stupid to fall for my lies so easily... But it worked in his favor, allowing him to maintain his cover.

"Captain Greybeard," Heyden greeted, saluting the grizzled old man who commanded the ship. "I'm here to join your crew."

"Ah, well, welcome aboard, lad!" Captain Greybeard grinned, revealing several missing teeth. "We're just escorting these fine mercenaries to their next destination. Can't say more, but you're welcome to tag along."

"Thank you, sir," Heyden replied with a respectful nod. As he found a spot on the deck, he tried to blend in with the rest of the mercenaries, all the while keeping his eyes and ears open for any useful information.

"Hey, new guy!" A mercenary called out, interrupting Heyden's thoughts. "Why don't you join us for some grub? And tell us how you ended up working for Gato."

"Sounds good," Heyden answered, putting on a smile as he walked over to join them. As he sat down, he carefully crafted a believable story, knowing that one misstep could blow his cover.

Hayden stood at the bow of the ship, the salty sea spray stinging his eyes as the vessel cut through the dark waters. The past two days aboard the ship had been an education in the life of a wandering sellsword. He had taken up a hammock in the crowded berth deck, cheek by jowl with snoring, stinking men. During the day he worked the lines and sails alongside weathered sailors, callouses forming on his once-soft hands.

At night, the "mercenaries" told tall tales over games of dice and drank rum that burned like dragon fire. Hayden mostly kept quiet, listening and learning, speaking only when spoken to. He had to be careful not to break his cover, though at times he was sorely tempted to put some of the rowdier men in their place. For now, he was just another sword for hire.

Looking across, he saw the enigmatic man named Adrian speaking to the Azurian and Quicksilver Guild members often. However, he was curious about why this man had not yet been heard of by the scout division. Heyden, thinking to himself, reflected on our reputation across the lands of Katan for diffusing criminal activities and engaging in high-level espionage. Could Adrian be from Indonia, where the city has been confined for generations, as it is so big and self-reliant that it doesn't need to engage in business with other nations?

As Heyden pondered, Adrian disappeared from sight and reappeared behind Heyden, saying, "Have you come to scout us out?"

Heyden replied, "I am only here to neutralize Gato's illegal operation. On the other hand, you could register with the lords of this country to be a weapons dealer."

Adrian responded, "Sure, that is an option, but I have not come to these lands to trade. Instead, I venture forth to challenge this land's establishment. I only seek to combat the ways, not render them obsolete."

Heyden then suggested, "Become a lord, own land, and do as you please legally. Why engage in illegal activities?"

Adrian replied, "I am the master of my own destiny. If I decide to take action, no one but I can sway my mind. I bear the responsibility for the consequences, and individuals like yourself are free to pursue their missions. I welcome the challenge, scout."

Heyden concluded, saying, "I'll not interfere with your operation but will take a detour to see where you are headed in your operation."

Adrian Lufrich replies, "Most certainly sounds good. But let's say we duel with our fists, like these mercenaries always do. If I win, you join the crew for one week, and if I lose, you can scout the operation within a brief timeframe and disappear without being involved."

They both agree.

They collided in a flurry of fists and feet, blocking and striking in a graceful but brutal dance. Adrian landed a punishing body blow, only to take a knee to the ribs in return. He grit his teeth against the pain, narrowly avoiding a hook aimed for his jaw.

The fight was a chess match of counters and anticipations, each trying to out-think the other. Adrian feinted left, then swept the Heyden's leg when he shifted his balance. Heyden rolled away and sprang up, wiping blood from his mouth. His grin was gone, a look of focus in his eyes now.

They exchanged a rapid series of blows almost too fast to see, the smack of flesh on flesh echoing across the deck.

Heyden's body twisted in the air, executing a flawless front flip as his foot shot out aiming for Adrian's face. Adrian jerked his head back just in time, the tip of Heyden's boot narrowly missing his nose.

Heyden landed in a crouch as Adrian rushed forward, driving his shoulder into Heyden's chest. The impact sent Heyden flying backwards. He hit the ground hard, the air forced from his lungs, and rolled several times before coming to a stop on his back.

Heyden lay there for a moment, staring up at the blue sky as he struggled to catch his breath. The back of his head throbbed where it had bounced off the ground.

With a groan, Heyden slowly climbed to his feet, brushing dirt from his clothes. He settled into a fighting stance as Adrian strode towards him. Heyden bounced lightly on the balls of his feet, arms raised and ready.

"Alright, round two," Heyden muttered under his breath. "

Heyden's eyes narrowed as Adrian approached. There was something different about him now.

Adrian came at him in a blur. Heyden barely had time to react before a fist hammered into his stomach. He doubled over with a gasp. An elbow crashed down between his shoulder blades, driving him to his knees.

Heyden rolled to the side as a boot sailed past his head. He sprang up and launched a flurry of punches and kicks. Adrian effortlessly blocked them all, his forearms like iron as Heyden's blows glanced off.

A brutal straight punch smashed into Heyden's chest, lifting him off his feet. He hit the ground flat on his back, the wind completely knocked out of him. For a moment all he could do was lay there, mouth gaping like a fish, desperately trying to suck in air.

Adrian loomed over him, fists clenched. "Had enough yet, scout?" His voice was calm, almost bored.

Heyden's lungs finally unlocked. He wheezed in a painful breath. "Not...not yet," he managed to gasp out.

Planting his hands, Heyden kicked upwards, pivoting his body. His boots hammered Adrian's chest in a scissor kick. Adrian stumbled back with a grunt.

Heyden leapt to his feet, chest heaving. He raised his fists, circling warily.

"You're no ordinary man," he panted. "Our scouts are the best trained in the land. But you...you're something else. I've never seen moves like that."

Adrian smiled slightly.

Adrian took a deep breath, his muscles becoming more defined

He came at Heyden again in a blur of motion. Heyden met him head on, unleashing his most devastating moves. But Adrian handled them with ease, effortlessly blocking Heyden's punches and kicks no matter how fast or skilled.

The battle raged on, the two men trading blows at blinding speed. But despite his best efforts, Heyden couldn't seem to land a clean hit. Adrian was just too quick, too smooth. He ducked and dodged with minimal movement, then struck with piston-like power.

Heyden flipped and spun, using his agility against Adrian's visual prowess. But Adrian matched him move for move. No matter what Heyden tried, Adrian had an answer.

As the fight wore on, Heyden started to slow, his reactions dulled by exhaustion.

Heyden knew he couldn't keep this up much longer. Adrian was on a whole other level. But Heyden would be damned if he went down without giving it everything he had.

With a defiant yell, Heyden launched into another series of spinning kicks, putting his last reserves of strength into one final assault...