Duel Scouts

Haruna was on her hands and knees in the courtyard, the smell of blood and death thick in the air. Bodies of her fellow guild members lay strewn about, their limbs bent at unnatural angles. She choked back tears as she dug grave after grave, the dirt staining her hands.

A groan caught her attention. She rushed into the wrecked dojo, eyes scanning the debris. Heyden was crumpled in the corner, blood soaking through the bandages on his chest. Haruna ripped strips of cloth from her robe and pressed them to his wounds. He needed medicine.

Leaving him with reluctance, she scrambled into the woods, rifling through leaves and branches until she found the herbs she needed. She ground them into a poultice and raced back to Heyden's side. His face was pale, but he was still breathing.

Gently removing the blood-soaked bandages, she applied the poultice and wrapped him with fresh bindings. He stirred, eyes blinking open.

"We're the only survivors," she said, voice raw with grief.

Heyden's jaw tightened as he took in the destruction around them. Haruna could see the anger simmering beneath his stoic expression. She knew that soon it would ignite into a raging fire, bent on vengeance. But for now, he simply nodded, allowing her to continue tending to his wounds.

Heyden winced as he sat up, leaning against a broken beam. "Was it fate that brought Lufrich here to derail my path?" he said through gritted teeth. "I was utterly defeated."

Haruna wiped her blood-stained hands on her robe. "I know the taste of defeat is bitter," she said softly. "But we have a chance to grow stronger."

She met his eyes, seeing her own anger and pain reflected there. "Why don't I travel with you? We can find a way to track down the killer of my guild. My father Hiroshi was part of it too."

Heyden studied her for a long moment before giving a single nod. "Thanks, Haruna," he said finally. "If you travel with me, we share the same frustration. We need to take control of our path if we're going to make things right...by avenging tenfold."

His voice hardened on the last words, cold determination settling on his features. Haruna felt the same icy resolve filling her chest. Together they would have their revenge, no matter what it took. For now they would recover their strength. And then...Lufrich would pay.

They spent the next few days recovering in the ruins of the dojo. Haruna foraged in the surrounding woods for herbs and plants to use as medicine, while Heyden focused on rebuilding his strength through meditation and training.

On the third morning, Heyden deemed himself fit for travel.

"It's time," he said simply, sheathing his blade at his hip.

Haruna finished rolling up her bedroll and stood, brushing off her hands. She too had a sword belted around her waist. Her dark eyes were hard with determination.

Without another word, the pair set off down the wooded path leading away from the ravaged region of kenju back to Yoshida.

Heyden walked briskly through the stone archway entrance of Scout Headquarters, his boots clicking on the polished marble floors. The main hall was bustling with activity, scouts coming and going on various assignments. He nodded curtly to a few familiar faces but did not stop to chat, focused on the task at hand.

As he approached the large oak door to Sosen's office, he took a deep breath to steady his nerves. . How things had changed. He rapped his knuckles sharply three times and entered.

Sosen sat behind his massive desk, scribbling notes on a piece of parchment. He glanced up as Heyden entered.

"Ah, Kage. I've been expecting you. Please, sit."

Heyden settled into the chair opposite Sosen, adjusting his twin blades at his waist. As he did, he noticed a familiar blond head leaning casually against the bookshelf along the wall.

"Johan," Heyden said tersely with a nod of acknowledgement. Inside, his thoughts swirled. What was Johan doing here?

"Hey buddy!" Johan replied with an easy smile. "Seems we have some catching up to do."

Heyden turned his attention back to Sosen, pushing down the questions threatening to burst forth. He would find out soon enough.

"Report," Sosen said simply.

Heyden recounted the events in Kenju region in an objective, factual manner, being careful not to embellish or exaggerate.

Sosen listened intently, his face impassive. He interrupted only occasionally to ask pointed questions or clarify details. Johan leaned against the bookshelf, arms crossed, taking it all in.

After summarizing the aftermath and his journey back, Heyden fell silent. He had given a full report, holding nothing back. Now it was up to Sosen to decide the next steps.

Sosen was quiet for a long moment, contemplating. Finally he spoke.

"You've done well, Kage. Your actions showed courage and quick thinking under pressure. I'm promoting you to B-Rank, effective immediately."

Heyden's eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly composed himself and gave a small nod of acknowledgment.

"Thank you, sir. I'm ready for the responsibility."

"I know you are," Sosen replied. "Which is why I'm also implementing a new structure for all B-Rank missions. From now on, any Scout at a lower rank must accompany you on assignments."

Heyden's gaze flicked over to Johan. So that explained his presence here.

"The security of the land is at stake," Sosen continued gravely. "We need our best Scouts working together."

Johan grinned and clapped Heyden on the back. "Looks like we'll be traveling partners for a while! Try not to slow me down too much, buddy."

Heyden smirked at Johan's bravado. "Fare you well, drunkard. If you knew the hells I've been through, you'd be dead."

He turned back to Sosen, expression serious once more. "I'm sworn to faithfully carry out these high-rank quests to the best of my ability."

Johan scoffed lightheartedly. "You may have beaten me to B-Rank, but I won't let you surpass me again."

There was a competitive edge to his voice, but also a thread of genuine camaraderie. They were rivals, but still brothers-in-arms.

Sosen nodded in approval. "I have faith in both of you. But be vigilant - the road ahead is treacherous."

His grave tone conveyed the severity of their new mission. Lives depended on their success.

"We'll leave at first light," Heyden stated. "I need to gather supplies and make preparations. Meet at the town gates?"

"Bright and early," Johan confirmed. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

Finally, he visited the briefing board to gather any information available on the misty highlands and the criminal syndicates said to dwell there. Knowledge of the terrain and potential enemies would prove invaluable.

First things first - he needed to prepare. His equipment and supplies had taken a beating during the harrowing trials in Kenju. He headed straight for the local armory and blacksmith to repair and upgrade his gear. Sturdy vest, a freshly sharpened Fuijin steel short blade, and other essentials were in order.

Next stop was the apothecary to replenish his stock of potions, salves, and bandages. Healing draughts and antidotes could mean the difference between life and death in the untamed wilds.

By the time Heyden arrived back at his apartment, the sun was setting. He found Haruna waiting there, looking concerned. No doubt she had already heard about his new high-stakes assignment. He gave her a reassuring smile.

Night came with a cool breeze rustling through the trees, casting eerie shadows on the ground as the full moon loomed overhead. Heyden Kage stood by the window of his small apartment, his white silvery hair reflecting the moonlight and his navy dark eyes scanning the quiet streets of Town Yoshiha.

"Hey my man! Let's go bar hopping tonight! It's a weekend!" The sudden slurred voice of Johan cut through the silence like a knife. Heyden frowned as he turned away from the window, spotting his partner leaning against the doorframe, grasping a half-empty bottle of alcohol in his hand. Johan swayed slightly, the bottle clinking against the wooden door as he tried to steady himself.

"Johan," Heyden sighed, shaking his head. "You know that we have important work to do tomorrow. Now is not the time for frivolities."

"Come on, Heyden!" Johan urged, hiccuping slightly as he waved the bottle in the air. "Loosen up a little! You're always so serious!"

Heyden felt a flicker of irritation at Johan's persistence, but he quickly brushed it aside.With a resigned sigh, he approached Johan, careful not to step too close to avoid the strong smell of alcohol emanating from him.

"Look," Heyden began, speaking in a calm and measured tone. "I know you want to have fun and enjoy the night, but vigilance comes first. I have things to plan , and that involves working with someone new. Someone who's been through a lot lately."

"Someone new?" Johan's eyes widened in surprise, and he seemed to sober up slightly. "Who could that be? And what kind of plan?"

"Her name is Haruna," Heyden explained, his voice taking on an investigative tone. "She's a ronin from the Kenju region. Her clan was slaughtered by Lufrich, and she wants Justice. We're going to work together to bring him down and make sure he pays for his crimes."

Johan whistled low, impressed despite his inebriated state. "Wow, man. That's intense. I didn't mean to intrude or anything. I just thought you could use some fun after all the hard work you've been doing."

"Apology accepted," Heyden replied with a small smile, clapping Johan on the shoulder. "Now, go home and sleep this off.

We'll talk more about this when you're sober, alright?"

"Alright, alright," Johan mumbled, taking a step back and almost losing his balance in the process. "I'll leave you to your big, important plans. Just promise me you'll make time for some fun later, okay? Can't have you turning into a total workaholic."

Heyden nodded, appreciating his friend's concern despite the awkward timing. "I promise, Johan. Now go get some rest."

Johan waved his bottle of alcohol in a mock salute before stumbling away from Heyden's apartment, leaving him standing.

He turned back towards his apartment, As he crossed the threshold, he found Haruna waiting inside, her expression unreadable.