Chapter 1

"Bang bang——"

"Bang bang!"

Fu Jia opened his eyes, and the darkness in front of him made him suffocate.

It took him a long time to identify it before he realized that it was his door that rang, and it could only be Mrs. Chen who knocked on the door: "How long are you going to sleep? You're going to be late for school."

Mrs. Chen's voice was blocked by the door, and it wasn't very muffled. clear. Fu Jia opened the door, and Aunt Chen pushed the cleaning station outside the door. She has a bad face, drooping eyebrows and eyes, and even when she smiles, she is sad.

Looking at her, Fu Jia often thinks of her mother.

He hated the fate behind the face.

Mrs. Chen put on the latex gloves, indicating that the day's work had begun: "Are you up? Help me get a sponge brush from the tool room. I forgot to bring it out."

Fu Jia nodded and walked towards the tool room. It is the most remote and the smallest room in the entire row of servants' rooms, and it is also the only dark room without windows in the entire villa.

When taking away the sponge brush, Fu Jia's eyes scanned the utility knives of different sizes on the shelf, and finally took off the one with the sharpest and smallest head, and put it in his pocket.

When she gave the sponge to Mrs. Chen, she told her: "You go to school today by the back door and don't pass by the living room .


Doctors come and go, don't bother you."

She said cryptically, but Fu Jia knew what it meant: the youngest son of this family is not feeling well, and the host and hostess are unhappy, so don't get in their way eyes.

Fu Jia nodded, without any ups and downs in her heart.

The Feng Feng that Mrs. Chen mentioned was his half-brother Lin Fengxun by blood. Lin Fengxun has been weak and sick since he was a child, and has never left home. He always invites tutors to his home when he goes to school.

The difference between him and Fu Jia is as big as black and white, except for their looks – they look alike, they are brothers at first sight.

Fu Jia bought buns and soy milk in the alley near the school. The buns were greasy, the meat filling was sour and salty, and the soy milk was tasteless and watery. But Fu Jia all ate it with relish.

As soon as he entered the classroom, Fu Jia felt a gaze sticking to his back. That person was sitting in the corner, named Liu Cheng, who was the worst and most disobedient student in the class. Fu Jia can be sure that he will not take the college entrance examination, and he will not finish high school. He is staying here now just to be able to say "I went to high school" in the future.

His hobby is collecting protection money. The selection criteria for "objects of protection" are very simple, whether they are solitary or withdrawn, Fu Jia has both.

Fu Jia straightened her back, and after touching something in her pocket, she turned her head and looked directly at Liu Cheng.

Liu Cheng was stunned for a moment, the anger of being offended welled up in his heart.

He went to Fu Jia and kicked his table leg hard.

"Look what, the money is ready?"