Chapter 17

Fu Jia didn't take two steps, but the big head came to his senses, and grabbed him quickly: "Why are you going?" "

I…" Fu Jia stopped, and hurriedly explained: "I'm going to find a friend."

Confidence: "Friend? Those seniors over there are your friends?"

Fu Jia was stunned by what he said. He and Lu Qi'an really couldn't be called friends. Just now, Datou asked anxiously, and he answered eagerly, so he made nonsense. But even if he is not a friend, he is still someone who has spoken a few words. If he went to look for him, wouldn't he be breaking the law?

"It's not considered a friend, but it's a kind of friendship… No, it's not considered a friendship…" Fu Jiayue said that something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more impulsive he felt. Lu Qi'an just glanced at him, and he ran towards him with blood on his face, what's the matter?

The big head was amused by his tangled look: "What is it? Okay, okay, I understand, you don't have friendship with others, but you want to cultivate friendship, don't you?" He patted Fu Jia on the shoulder and comforted, "It's okay, I'll match you up next time. Tell me, which senior do you want to know?"

Fu Jia didn't say anything, but turned to look at Lu Qi'an, and found that he not only didn't look this way anymore, but even turned to Lu Qi'an. Turned to another direction, as if the staring just now was just Fu Jia's illusion.

Since the end of May, when Lu Qi'an came to No. 16 Middle School to look for him, he hadn't seen Lu Qi'an again.

He consciously didn't go to look for him again, because he couldn't help but think about the way Lu Qi'an scolded him at the end, "Why are you crazy", and then slammed the door to leave, which made him feel dazed.

Fu Jia thought for a while and said to Datou: "Do you know Senior Lu Qi'an? I want to know him."

"Huh?" Hearing this name, Datou was stunned.

Fu Jia was afraid that he might not be able to hear clearly, so he repeated, "Lu Qi'an." He didn't realize that he pronounced these three words extremely heavily, almost to the point of gnashing his teeth.

The big head laughed dryly: "This is a bit difficult…"

Fu Jia noticed his embarrassment, but he was not disappointed: "It's okay, thank you big head, I can find a way by myself."

"Wait," the big head said with a serious expression, "I'll try this time, Fu Jia. To be honest You said, I don't say that the whole school takes everything in school, I can be regarded as the leader of communication, the only gap is Senior Lu, this time you ask me for help, I will try."

The friend of the big head heard him say this, His complexion also became serious: "Big head, this is not just for fun."

Big head lowered his head, his expression a little lonely: "If I provoke him, I won't be able to get along in school in the future, so don't abandon me."

Friends said to After a glance, they all said that they would definitely run away.

The big head was furious, and when he grabbed someone, he beat him up. The boys made a fuss in an instant, and played lively as before.

Before joining them, Fu Jia once again looked in the direction where Lu Qi'an was.

Lu Qi'an was no longer there.

Fu Jia was indescribably disappointed. He looked around, looked around the entire stadium, his eyes penetrated the crowded crowd, and saw from one end to the other. He repeated this process, but there was no result.

"What are you still looking at, come here!" Datou called him.

Only then did Fu Jia come back to his senses.

He played with Datou until the sunset, and almost all the people on the basketball court dispersed. The group that played with Lu Qi'an before left at some unknown time, taking away a large number of onlookers at the same time, and the entire stadium seemed empty.

Fu Jia's thoughts did not detour from the word "Lu Qi'an" for a long time, and then came back, and couldn't help asking the big head: "From your description, Lu Qi'an seems scary?" The

big head asked his friend to leave first, and stayed on the court by himself Chat with Fu Jia online. He nodded vigorously: "It's terrible, can you imagine, the teacher often asks him to help out the papers for the lower grades, the difficulty is simply ecstasy."

Fu Jia recalled the questions Lu Qi'an had asked him, and it seemed that there was nothing terrible about it.

"That's all?"

"Isn't that enough? He's even scarier than the teachers in No. 6 Middle School, how scary do you want him to be?" Datou said, "Let me tell you, making friends is a must. It's not okay to have a hot head, Senior Lu has made it clear that he doesn't bother to be friends with us, so who else would dare to approach him?"

Fu Jia smiled.

This is really the case.

He is the only one who is so courageous as to run up to pull out the tiger's beard again and again.

After the chat, Datou left the school and went home, while Fu Jia went back to the dormitory.

On the way, he tried hard to recall whether Lu Qi'an was as scary as the big head described, and the answer he got was no.

Although Lu Qi'an has been talking coldly to him and ignoring him, Fu Jia never thinks he is scary. The reason is probably because he has seen too many scenes of Lu Qi'an treating Lin Fengxun gently.

It was too much, too much, so that when he closed his eyes, he always accidentally brought himself into it.

A big head promised to help, so Fu Jia held back his temper for the time being and concentrated on his studies. It happened that there was one thing that made him very anxious.

There is actually a weekly exam in No. 6 Middle School.

When I heard about this for the first time, Fu Jia's blank attitude surprised the big head: "Why, it's not like you didn't pass the exam in the freshman year of high school." It was only then

that Fu Jia remembered to hide her identity as a transfer student, so she made a fool of herself Said: "I thought it would be different in the second year of high school."

"You think too much," Datou smiled wryly, "It would be good if there is no daily exam in Sixth Middle School."

Fu Jia scratched her hair irritably: "Usually the first week , what will be tested?"

The big head recalled: "It should be similar to the first year of high school. At that time, the knowledge of junior high school was combined with the first week of the test. This time it should be the same. The knowledge of the first year of high school will be tested together."

Fu Jia's head was getting bigger: "Can you highlight the key points?" The

big head looked at him with the wrong eyes: "It's only been a week of learning, what are the key points? It's all the key points."

Fu Jia had to shut up.

So this week, Fu Jia not only had to struggle to keep up with the fast, precise and ruthless rhythm of the teachers of the sixth middle school, but also took time to review the knowledge of the first year of high school, and the lamps were kept on until two o'clock in the middle of the night every night.

If the big head hadn't said at the right time that he had found an opportunity to help Fu Jia get to know Lu Qi'an, Fu Jia would have been unable to hold on.

Fu Jiafu was doing the questions on the table, and the big head sat next to him and kept nagging: "Do you remember what I told you last time, the teacher often asks Lu Qi'an to help out the papers for the lower grades? In fact, this teacher is our teacher. Director Liu, she seems to be very familiar with Lu Qi'an, and every time Lu Qi'an helps her with papers, she will leave him to eat in the staff cafeteria." Datou said, "According to reliable information, tomorrow the teaching director will ask Senior Lu for help. Make a question."

Then, the big head approached Fu Jia, and subconsciously lowered his voice: "When senior Lu and the teaching director are sitting together for dinner, we will pretend to meet by chance…" The

big head said his plan again , and then proudly waited for Fu Jia to praise him.

But Fu Jia just nodded and said, "That's it." The

two looked at each other, pretending to be at a loss, but Fu Jia was really at a loss.

This made Datou feel strange.

Fu Jia's reaction was different from what he expected. He always thought that Fu Jia and his goal were the same: to develop a relationship with Lu Qi'an.

There are many people in the school who want to make friends with Lu Qi'an, and the big head especially wants to. He tried many times before, but to no avail. One time, he did it too obviously, and was taught a lesson by Li Qinhe, who suffered a lot.

He kept a respectful distance from Lu Qi'an, and was always in a state of wanting to get close but not daring to get close. This time, Fu Jia was at the front, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

But Fu Jia… doesn't seem to know what she's doing.

At noon the next day, Datou took Fu Jia into the staff cafeteria. The staff canteen is small and there are few seats, but it is still not full. In order not to be conspicuous, Datou and Fu Jia sat in the corner with the dinner plate, waiting for the dean and Lu Qi'an.

More than ten minutes later, a lady in business attire walked in, and Lu Qi'an followed her.

Fu Jia watched them take their seats and suddenly felt a little nervous.

The dean stayed in his seat, while Lu Qi'an got up and went to the window to order food. Datou seized this opportunity, picked up the dinner plate and walked over.

Fu Jia quickly followed.

"Teacher Liu, what a coincidence!" Da Tou said exaggeratedly.

Teacher Liu was puzzled when he saw Datou. She thought for a few seconds before realizing that the big head was her student, and said with a smile: "I don't think it's such a coincidence, how did you get into the staff canteen?" The

big head scratched her head: "It's not delicious Some, I just want to come in and give it a try. It's rare to meet, teacher, let's sit and eat together."

Teacher Liu glanced at Lu Qi'an, and bluntly refused: "We can just say hello. I'll bring Don't make trouble for me." The

big head pretended not to understand: "Teacher, you can't favor this one." He pushed Fu Jia and said, "He admires this classmate very much. Teacher Liu, I really want to have a meal with the teacher, so you can give him face."

Fu Jia, who was used as a gun for no reason, showed a stiff smile and nodded in agreement.

Teacher Liu looked embarrassed, she looked at Lu Qi'an, and Lu Qi'an, who had finished ordering, also noticed the movement here.

He glanced at the big head, and made the big head choke back the "Senior Lu" that had reached his throat.

Lu Qi'an picked up the dinner plate and walked over, his gaze skipped over the big head, and put it on Fu Jia's face.

At this moment, Fu Jia really realized the word "near hometown feeling timid".

What should he say? Who said that Lu Qi'an would be angry, what who said that he would not be angry?

"Sorry, Qi An, how about we change places?" Teacher Liu said.

"It's okay." Lu Qi'an put down the plate and sat beside Teacher Liu, "Let's eat together."

Teacher Liu was a little surprised, but as long as Lu Qi'an said that, she had no objection.

Datou grinned, and sat down happily. Seeing Fu Jia dawdling, he grabbed the plate from his hand and placed it in front of the chair opposite Lu Qi'an.

Fu Jia's cooking is his usual habit. Whether it is in No. 16 Middle School or No. 6 Middle School, no matter whether it is in the student canteen or the staff canteen, there are three elements. This is because the cafeteria stipulates that three dishes must be ordered, otherwise Fu Jia will only order one vegetarian.

Among the meals for the four of them, only Fu Jia's dishes were green. But Teacher Liu and Datou were not surprised, they thought it was Fu Jia's personal eating habits, but after Lu Qi'an saw Fu Jia's dinner plate clearly, he asked, "Why are they all vegetarian dishes?"

"Huh?" Fu Jia didn't dare Confirmed that Lu Qi'an was talking to himself.

Lu Qi'an stopped talking, and pushed the untouched plate in front of him towards Fu Jia, and stood up: "I'll order another one, wait a moment."

This was a weird moment.

Teacher Liu and Datou, who had no friendship at all, looked at each other like comrades-in-arms at this moment, with the same question marks in their eyes.