Chapter 22

"You…" Li Qinhe said painfully, "You want to help Fu Jia?"

Lu Qi'an hummed.

Seeing him so calm, Li Qinhe lowered his head in frustration, without any momentum. He understood that with Lu Qi'an's character, it was very rare for him to be comforted by "You are my friend" after he did something that Lu Qi'an disliked.

He said: "You want me to understand you, but you don't want to explain anything, how can I understand?"

Lu Qi'an didn't speak.

Li Qinhe knew he couldn't get an answer. Not explaining anything is really bad. But explaining everything is unrealistic. He paused, carefully looking for an appropriate description, "Actually, if you don't say it, I can guess a little bit. I felt a long time ago that you are different from Fu Jia, from sister Wanqing, and from Fengfeng." Same."

"Of course." Lu Qi'an acknowledged, "Different people will have different opinions."

"You know what I'm talking about is different." Li Qinhe's tone was serious, "Sister Wanqing and Fengfeng , They all know that this is wrong to Fu Jia, Fu Jia has done nothing wrong, we are venting his anger on him. We try to control ourselves, but we can only stop hating Fu Jia, and still reject him , This is the mood that a person who is on Sister Wanqing's side should have, but you are completely different. It's okay that you don't hate Fu Jia, but you just don't hate him? Do you… like him a little?"

This The question has lingered in Li Qinhe's heart for many years, and it was only a vague feeling before that. When he asked this sentence, he finally confirmed his doubt.

He and Lu Qi'an grew up together, and they are the closest peers around him. Because of Lu Qi'an's cold personality, Li Qinhe would keep a certain distance from Lu Qi'an when they got along, which gave him the opportunity to observe Lu Qi'an and notice many unusual details.

Since Qi Bing's death, Lu Qi'an's originally quiet personality was pushed to the extreme and became withdrawn. He didn't even want to talk to his father and aunt, so why would he visit Lin Fengxun at Lin's house with a certain frequency within ten years?

In the past, Li Qinhe felt that it was because Lu Qi'an felt sorry for Lin Fengxun that he often went to accompany him. But now, a guess made Li Qinhe's heart aroused.

Li Qinhe's "like" has no other meaning, he refers to his liking for Fengfeng, and Fengfeng's liking for him is based on the friendship between relatives and friends.

But in Lu Qi'an's heart, is there really no other meaning to this liking?

He has never thought about it in that direction, he never thought about it before, he dare not think about it now, and he doesn't want to think about it in the future.

Lu Qi'an lowered his eyes and said, "Like it? If it's just such superficial feelings, it's easy to handle."

His tone was flat, as if it had nothing to do with him, but Li Qinhe's eyes widened, feeling panicked.

Seeing Li Qinhe's expression gradually changed from puzzlement to panic, a faint smile appeared in Lu Qi'an's eyes, which was not real, as if it was intentionally expressed to comfort others: "I will deal with my own affairs, If you have nothing else to do, just go, haven't you been arguing that your girlfriend has been waiting for you for a long time?"

After persuading Li Qinhe to leave, Lu Qi'an stood in place for more than ten seconds before heading to the classroom.

The three of them quarreled for a while before, and he chatted with Li Qinhe for a while. The busy third-year students in the classroom had already left in a hurry. In the empty classroom, Fu Jia didn't sit down, but stood stiffly by the desk, staring at the book in his hand.

When he was waiting in front of Lu Qi'an's apartment yesterday, he leaned against the wall to read a book. If someone who didn't know Fu Jia's past judged him, he would definitely think that Fu Jia was a rare good student in the school.

Lu Qi'an approached him, even though he didn't call out to him, Fu Jia quickly noticed it. His shoulders moved, he closed the book abruptly, turned the cover to himself, and hugged it in his arms.

Lu Qi'an noticed the book in Fu Jia's arms. No matter how high school textbooks are hidden, it is useless. Each subject has its own characteristics, and you can tell them apart by looking at the corner of the book.

He didn't care, but asked, "Why don't you sit?"

Fu Jia hugged the book tightly, saying that she would feel more comfortable standing up.

But in an unfamiliar environment, how can standing be more comfortable than sitting down?

Lu Qi'an said: "I seldom take notes in physics class. The physics book is almost blank, and there is nothing to see. If you want to read my notes, you can read Chinese."

Fu Jia let go of his hand awkwardly. He was indeed holding a physics book Book. He put the book back on Lu Qi'an's desk, and said, "I don't want to read your notes, I'm just bored waiting here, and I want to look through the textbooks of the third year of high school to see how difficult it is…"

Lu Qi'an nodded, along the way Following his words, he asked, "What's the difficulty?"

Fu Jia was stopped by the question. How hard is it to not understand anything? He thought for a while and said, "It's okay… I will work hard."

He was not sure about his studies, so he could only speak nice words.

Lu Qi'an nodded, the expression on his face didn't change, he didn't know if he was satisfied with Fu Jia's answer.

Before Fu Jia came to him, Lu Qi'an had been clearing the table. Although the school did not mandate that seats be rearranged during the weekly exams, Lu Qi'an's head teacher had strict requirements, and the weekly exams had to disrupt the seats. The person sitting in Lu Qi'an's seat disturbed the things on the table, so the physics books were randomly placed on the table.

He put the book in and asked, "Why did you come to me today?"

Hearing his question, Fu Jia realized that he had been holding back for a long time. Now without anyone interrupting, he said excitedly: "Because the weekly exam is over, I want to tell you that I passed the question you circled for me in mathematics, and I answered it. I should have done well in the exam."

Lu Qi'an looked at him, "So what" is clearly written in his eyes.

The fire in Fu Jia's heart was instantly extinguished by this look. He didn't think too much about it, but it took a lot of effort to pass the whole day's exam, and he felt a little sense of accomplishment.

He's desperate to tell someone, desperate to get…

a compliment.

"That's all?" Lu Qi'an asked.

Fu Jia nodded hesitantly: "That's all."

He nodded too slowly, it seemed more like shaking his head.

Lu Qi'an held back his temper: "Say what you want to say."

Fu Jia looked around, but said nothing. Almost all the people in the classroom have left, only a few people are still sitting in their seats. Although he didn't look this way, he might be silently watching the movement here.

Fu Jia said: "Do you want to go back to the apartment to rest now? I'll take you out of the school, let's talk as we walk."

Lu Qi'an agreed: "Okay."

They walked out of the classroom one after the other, and then went downstairs one after the other . The stairs are wide and there are no other people, so the two of them can walk side by side, but Fu Jia deliberately took a step behind and followed behind Lu Qi'an.

He was still thinking about what to say, or whether to say it.

The state of walking in separate rows lasted until the two walked out of the teaching building. Lu Qi'an slowed down and waited for Fu Jia to walk forward by himself, but Fu Jia slowed down before he could think clearly.

On both sides of the long road leading to the school gate, there are two rows of camphor trees. They walked in the shade, slower and slower, and finally stopped.

Lu Qi'an turned around and said, "Let's talk about it here."

Fu Jia almost bumped into him. He wasn't ready yet, so he said, "Let's talk as you walk."

Lu Qi'an looked at him, "It only takes three minutes to walk out of the school gate from here, can you finish?"

"But… will I delay your going home to rest ?" " It

's okay."

Fu Jia breathed a sigh of relief, lowered his head, and summoned up his courage to say, "Actually… I want to ask you for a reward."

His voice trembled a little.

"What I mean is, although you circled a question for me, it's not easy for me to get a ranking in the weekly exam, so I want to ask you for a reward." He paused, and added: "You Isn't that how Lin Fengxun was encouraged to take medicine in the past?"

Fu Jia hated mentioning Lin Fengxun, especially when he and Lu Qian were alone.

He spoke vaguely, but Lu Qi'an understood.

He once let Fu Jia see him coaxing Lin Feng to take medicine with a box of gifts. That time Lin Fengxun vomited because of the bitterness of the medicine, which made Lu Wanqing angry, and then Lin Fengxun refused to take the medicine.

Fu Jia saw the whole process from the window, and ran to the courtyard to ask him, "How can a person persevere without being encouraged or praised?"

At that time, he gave a decent answer and told Fu Jia has to rely on self-esteem to motivate herself. But now it seems that he did a cruel thing. He showed Fu Jia the beauty, which attracted his eyes, but finally threw him the bitter fruit.

Lu Qi'an didn't agree or refuse: "Speak clearly."

Fu Jia didn't say it right away, he looked at Lu Qi'an, his face slowly turned red.

"Just treat it as me asking you for help, okay?" Fu Jia said, "If I can rank in the top 20 in the class in the weekly exam, you… just let me hug you…"

Fu Jia's voice gradually lowered , the last word even just made a mouth shape.

He lowered his head so low that it was almost buried in his chest.

This allowed Lu Qi'an to see his clean nape – Fu Jia had his hair neatly trimmed, never leaving any unwanted hair.

For no reason, Lu Qi'an suddenly had an impulse: he wanted to touch the back of Fu Jia's neck, just a light touch with his fingertips was enough, he wanted to know whether that piece of skin was cool or warm, wanted to Knowing whether the transparent fine hair is as soft as he thought.

However, Lu Qi'an is good at suppressing his impulses, which is almost his habit.

"Why hug?" Lu Qi'an said, "No."

His tone was decisive and unquestionable. Fu Jia's blood was half cold, but he still said: "Let's be in the top ten. If I get into the top ten in the class, you can let me hug you. It's just an ordinary hug. I promise I won't be like sixteen. It's the same as that time in the middle, and rubbed against your neck…"

As he spoke, Fu Jia's face turned red.

Even if he knew that his condition of "entering the top ten" was no different from giving up. Even if Lu Qi'an assigns Fu Jia all the questions in the math test, there is little hope of getting into the top ten.

Lu Qi'an looked into Fu Jia's eyes, his eyes were full of penetrating power, as if he could see through Fu Jia's heart.

"Why do you have to hug me? You can ask for other things."

In an instant, Fu Jia's heart almost jumped out of his chest.

Why does Fu Jia need a hug, doesn't Lu Qi'an understand?

Can he not understand?

"I want this." Fu Jia said, "I want this."