Chapter 26

Lu Qi'an just held the milk box like this, with his hands hanging in the air, unable to get up or down.

Li Qinhe, who was sitting near him, was the first to notice his strangeness. After seeing the milk carton and the pink envelope clearly, he sneered and said, "Which class is this girl from? I didn't understand the situation at all. You are lactose intolerant and still give you milk."

He reached out and wanted to take the milk carton away. Withdrawing it from Lu Qi'an's hand: "I'll drink it for you."

He twitched, but didn't twitch.

Pull it again, still nothing.

When he wanted to smoke again in disbelief, Lu Qi'an raised his head and opened his hand coldly: "Don't touch it."

Lu Qi'an's actions were merciless, which made Li Qinhe very wronged. He covered the place where he was beaten and said, "Aren't you lactose intolerant… why don't you give me a drink."

It was common for girls to send gifts to Lu Qi'an, and Lu Qi'an would throw away things without exception. Among them, there were very few milk deliverers, and most of them happened when the first-year high school students entered school, because girls only need to know a little bit about Lu Qi'an's lactose intolerance.

Lu Qi'an stared at the milk and the envelope in his hand, with an uncertain expression on his face.

Li Qinhe looked at him, not daring to provoke him anymore, and quietly sat back in his seat, not even daring to cast his eyes randomly.

No one bothered, Lu Qi'an gradually calmed down. He opened the envelope calmly and read it in his hand.

This is what was written in the letter:

Lu Qi'an:

How are you?

Sincerely regards you.

After weighing it several times, I choose to express my heart to you by letter. When I wrote these words, my heart was like being set on fire. My love for you has made me unbearable. It tortured me like torture, but it made me intoxicated like I was in heaven.

How lucky I am to meet such a wonderful you in my life.

Please accept me and let me treat you well.

Miss you, miss you, miss you.

wish you happy.

Fu Jia

and Li Qinhe sat down in frustration, complaining coquettishly to their girlfriend through text messages on their mobile phone, when they suddenly heard an extremely suppressed laughter coming from beside them.

Very short, just one syllable.

He looked at Lu Qi'an as if he had seen a ghost, and saw that his head was tilted to the other side, his fist was pressed against his lips, and the corner of his mouth had a slight curvature.

Lu Qi'an is laughing?

Next, he saw Lu Qi'an let go of his hand and regained his cold face, but carefully folded the letter paper and put it back in the envelope. Judging by the act of cherishing, it seems that he wants to keep this letter.

Li Qinhe was confused.

"Qian, are you okay?" He asked carefully.

Lu Qi'an didn't answer. It's not that he didn't want to answer and deliberately ignored Li Qinhe, but that he didn't hear it.

His attention was completely attracted by the pink love letter in his hand.

Looking at his expression, Li Qinhe suddenly realized that with Lu Qi'an's temper, why would he rush to open the love letter given by others in the classroom? He also looked like he couldn't wait.

Li Qinhe's heart skipped a beat.

It's over.

For the next week, every morning, Lu Qi'an would take out a carton of milk and a love letter from the table, and Lu Qi'an would take it out to read at the first time every day.

Li Qinhe seized this opportunity and sat beside him staring at Lu Qi'an. He didn't have the courage to snatch the love letter over to read it, and he didn't dare to peek at it, so he could only observe Lu Qi'an's expression now, trying to see some clues. It's a pity that, except for Lu Qi'an who smiled on the first day, he remained expressionless and read love letters for the next week.

From opening the letter to reading it, to putting it back in again, the whole set of actions was flawless and flawless.

The accident happened on Monday of the new week.

The milk and the love letter were cut off at the same time.

That morning, Lu Qi'an looked normal, but Li Qinhe, who knew him well, knew there was something wrong with him.

Lu Qi'an was more indifferent than usual, and he was in a state of low pressure for a long time, making people afraid to approach or talk to him. Not only that, Lu Qi'an would wander off from time to time, his eyes would stay motionless on a certain point.

Seeing him like this, Li Qinhe completely admired him.

A master, whoever writes a love letter must be a master!

Who else can play with Lu Qi'an's emotions so freely? This trick of playing hard to get and retreating to advance is really beautiful. First use the continuous love letters and milk for a week to launch a fierce offensive, and when Lu Qi'an gets used to it, let all this stop abruptly.

This method must be a master!

Li Qinhe was very itchy in his heart, eager to know who this "master" was. He took out his mobile phone and asked his female friends one by one to see if there was any news.

What Li Qin and his next life never expected was that the so-called master in his heart would be Fu Jia. What he would never have imagined in his next life was that the reason why Fu Jia suddenly stopped delivering milk and love letters was that

he had no money.

Following Cen Mengke's teachings, Fu Jia began to pursue Lu Qi'an from delivering milk and writing love letters. In fact, Cen Mengke never came up with the bad idea of "sending milk and love letters together". She just gave two examples, saying that milk delivery and love letters are both good ways to keep flowing. If you persist for a long time, it is easy to move people.

In Fu Jia's view, since both methods are effective, why not use both methods?

Because it was for Lu Qi'an, Fu Jia was not sloppy. The milk I chose was the most expensive in the on-campus store, as was the envelope and letter paper for writing love letters.

Fu Jia was full of confidence at the beginning, and planned to live frugally for a long time, and made up her mind to give it away for a full year. But last weekend, the school had to pay a teaching material fee, which made Fu Jia almost vomit blood.

He couldn't afford to deliver milk anymore, and even if he could deliver it for a day or two, he would definitely not be able to deliver it for a whole year in the future.

The night before Monday morning, Fu Jia tossed and turned, and almost stayed up all night.

After dawn, he got up early, wandered around the door of the store, and finally bought a bottle of water.

A bottle of regular mineral water.

He squeezed the bottle tightly, cheering himself up.

Monday is a rare opportunity, because Fu Jia's class and Lu Qi'an's class will have physical education at the same time.

The injury on the foot was not fully healed. During class, Fu Jia asked the teacher for leave and sat by the flower bed to rest. Fu Jia took the water she bought in the morning and stared at the basketball court in front of her from a distance.

As expected, Lu Qi'an was playing basketball with his classmates.

Fu Jia stood up and walked firmly to the basketball court.

A stranger approached suddenly, but did not attract the attention of Lu Qi'an's classmates, because when Lu Qi'an, Li Qinhe and others were playing basketball together, unrelated people often came to watch, so whether it was the students standing on the side, or Those who played on the basketball court, such as Li Qinhe, did not notice Fu Jia immediately.

It wasn't until the intermission, when everyone went to the sidelines to drink water and wipe sweat, that Li Qinhe felt a little weird.

Just now, did Lu Qi'an lose his mind? I also made a few low-level mistakes, and I don't know where my eyes went.

Li Qinhe felt a sense of déjà vu, because it was not the first time that Lu Qi'an suddenly lost his mind on the basketball court.

Li Qinhe wanted to ask, but just as he was taking a step forward, he caught sight of Fu Jia's figure, saw him pass through the crowd, and squeezed to Lu Qi'an's side.

Fu Jia stretched his arms straight, held up the water bottle, and said loudly: "Lu, Senior Lu, are you thirsty? Do you want to drink Sui?" It's

over, he stuttered, and he mispronounced the word for water!

The water bottle in Fu Jia's hand began to shake as his arm trembled.

Fu Jia's plan today is to deliver water to Lu Qi'an.

This was not taught by Cen Mengke, but a method he came up with himself. The source of inspiration was that during the last physical education class, he saw a girl hand Lu Qi'an a bottle of water, and Lu Qi'an took it. At that time, he felt very uncomfortable.

Others will give it, but he won't?

Now, he gave it away, but the entire basketball court fell silent because of his words.

The students were frightened, Li Qinhe couldn't breathe, and even Lu Qi'an was very surprised.

Who taught Fu Jia all this?

If it wasn't him who was being chased, Fu Jia would be scared away if he let Fu Jia behave like this.

Just after exercising, Lu Qi'an's breathing was still a little short. He took a deep breath, exhaled again, and took the water bottle from Fu Jia's hand steadily.

Fu Jia was very excited, and his face turned red: "I… I'm here to bring you water."

"I know, let's talk in another place." His voice was also very steady.

Fu Jia's heart became hot, and she asked, "Why change places?"


He grabbed Fu Jia's wrist and led him away. During this period, they went one after the other, and Fu Jia followed Lu Qi'an's steps very obediently.

They eventually stopped in the shade of a tree out of sight of a basketball court.

The two haven't seen each other for a week. It's okay if I don't see you, only after I met Fu Jia did I realize how barren the "missing you" I wrote three times in my love letter.

It's not as simple as "missing you" three times, it's thinking so much, like crazy.

Ignoring Fu Jia looking into his shining eyes, Lu Qi'an raised the water bottle in his hand and asked him: "Who taught you this?"

Fu Jia replied truthfully: "I thought of it myself."

Lu Qi'an frowned slightly, obviously not believing: "What about the milk and the love letter?"

Hearing him directly say the word "love letter", Fu Jia's face became a little hot, and said, "I… I learned it from reading."

He did not confess to Cen Mengke.

When Lu Qi'an thought of those love letters, after excluding the beginning and the end, there were only sour lyrical sentences left, which gave him a headache.

"Stop all of this," he affirmed.

"I don't stop." Fu Jia also affirmed.

He absolutely cannot accept stopping. He had done enough psychological construction before he started, and he was encouraged even more after consulting Cen Mengke.

He never gives up.

Lu Qi'an's tone became more indifferent: "I don't like these."

Fu Jia insisted on not giving in, and asked him, "Then what do you like?"

Lu Qi'an pursed his lips and fell silent.

Fu Jia did not speak, waiting for his reply.

Fu Jia's eyes were always stubborn, Lu Qi'an knew it. From the first time Fu Jia ran from the servant's room to the courtyard of Lin's villa and asked him questions confidently, he has been so stubborn.

After a long time, Lu Qi'an said: "I don't like anything." The

rejection in his words couldn't be more obvious. Fu Jia opened his mouth and said, "It's impossible. It's impossible for a person to not have something he likes. You said before that you like to study well."

Lu Qi'an's original words were not like that, but it didn't prevent him from explaining it that way.

He said: "The results of the weekly exam came out last week. This time I didn't have you to circle the questions for me, but I still improved. I was fourteenth. If I work harder, I can enter the top ten. You will like it."

Fu Man looked at him expectantly, and Lu Qi'an saw the request from it.

Lu Qi'an clenched his hands tightly, his fingers numb. Whenever he tried to force himself to be calm and couldn't, his fingers would tingle, as if the blood had frozen and couldn't reach the fingertips.

He told himself: No, no.

"I don't like you,"

he said.

It was like swallowing a piece of ice in my stomach in the cold winter.