Chapter 37

The first person to see Lu Qi'an was the big head facing the door. He said hello, "Senior Lu!"

Fu Jia shook his shoulders, quickly covered the U disk and the small notebook that big head gave him, and turned his head to look past.

The moment he and Lu Qi'an looked at each other, Lu Qi'an looked away, turned and left without saying a word.

Fu Jia only had time to see his tense profile.

The big head was stunned: "Oh, why…".

Fu Jia was also a little stunned. He immediately put the USB flash drive and notebook into his pocket, got up and chased after him, but because he was too hasty, he accidentally bumped into the table in the back seat.

He hurried out the door, only to find that Lu Qi'an hadn't gone far, but was waiting for him in the corridor.

Fu Jia stopped in front of him, wanted to pull him but didn't dare, wanted to call his name but didn't dare. He was sure that Lu Qi'an was angry, but he couldn't think of the reason for the time being.

"Let's go." Lu Qi'an said flatly.

Fu Jia didn't move, and asked him in a low voice, "Are you angry?"

"No." Lu Qi'an said, walking towards the stairs.

Fu Jia hurriedly followed him, walking behind him in small steps, and asked: "Is it because I was too late today and kept you waiting for a long time, I'm sorry, I won't do it again next time."

Lu Qi'an's face remained normal, and he said: "I'm not angry."

Hearing what he said, Fu Jia was even more sure that he was angry. Fu Jia claimed to be an expert on the question of "Is Lu Qi'an angry?" Lu Qi'an is different from others. He has a restrained personality, and he is also very restrained when he is angry. Except for special circumstances where he will directly express it, most of the time he will be the same as usual, reticent and expressionless.

However, if he usually says five words to people, suddenly he only says two words or not at all; , that means he has a high chance of sulking.

Fu Jia stretched out her hand tentatively, and touched the back of Lu Qi'an's hand with her fingers.

It is cold to the touch.

Fu Jia was startled and withdrew her hand.

"Is it too cold, let me cover it for you?" Fu Jia raised his hand like offering a treasure, and said, "Touch it, my hand is very hot."

Lu Qi'an didn't even look at it, and said, "No need. "

Fu Jia put down his hands, completely at a loss as to what to do.

…he seemed very angry this time.

For the next whole day, Lu Qi'an was in this state. No matter what Fu Jia told him, the answers he got were: no, no, no need, no need.

Or just keep silent.

Fu Jia tried his best to coax him, and after a while he asked "Are you hungry", "Are you cold", "Did I do something wrong", but he just asked, not rashly Touch him with a finger.

In Lu Qi'an's class, everyone can see that he is in a state of icebergs and fire, no one dares to touch him, and Li Qinhe is very keen to back away from him, not even looking at him side aim.

After returning home in the evening, Fu Jia went to the study to do his homework, but Lu Qi'an didn't sit beside him to accompany him. Instead, he washed up early and went to the master bedroom to rest!

Fu Jia held his forehead, his mind was so confused that he couldn't solve a single problem.

He carefully recalled his words and deeds today, and found that there was nothing special. The only difference from usual is that he didn't go to Lu Qi'an after class, but stayed to talk to the big head, and made Lu Qi'an wait for a long time. Lu Qi'an is not a stingy person, waiting a little longer is nothing, the problem can only be with the big head.

But… what happened to the big head?

Does Lu Qi'an hate people like Datou? Or is it that the big head is acting too doggy, calling the senior hello as soon as he sees him, which makes him feel disgusted?

Otherwise, it is…

Fu Jia put away her homework and was in no mood to continue writing.

He walked out of the study room, made some mental preparations in front of the master bedroom door, and opened the door to enter after typing out his apology.

Lu Qi'an was sitting on the small sofa in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the master bedroom. He didn't hold a book in his hand, and seemed to be just looking at the night outside.

He looked at Fu Jia, and Fu Jia looked at him carefully, and said, "I'm sorry, you are so angry today… Is it because of my classmate? I will never talk to him for so long again, And let him bother you. I'm sorry, please forgive me."

He said sincerely and sincerely. Datou is the first friend he made in No. 6 Middle School, and also his deskmate and class monitor. But the big head is nothing compared to Lu Qi'an, if Lu Qi'an doesn't like it, he can stop being with the big head.

Seeing Fu Jia standing at the door and not daring to come in, Lu Qi'an looked into his eyes eagerly, and his heart sank a little more. He said: "I'm not angry." Fu Jia

breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good…"

He relaxed his stiff back, and heard Lu Qi'an continue to say: "But, what are you talking about with your classmates today?"

Embarrassed, I was embarrassed to talk about the U disk, so I made an excuse: "I don't understand a question, he is the class monitor, or the top three in the class, so I asked him."

He thought he was right . Perfect, he smiled after he finished speaking, but couldn't think of what his words meant.

He was telling Lu Qi'an that he didn't come to ask him any questions about his studies, but instead asked the monitor first.

Lu Qi'an lowered his eyes and fell silent.

After receiving no response for a long time, Fu Jia began to realize that something was wrong. The silence in the room made him feel depressed, and he didn't even dare to take a big breath for no reason. He thought for a while, walked into the room, and closed the door behind his back.

It is better not to say more than to say more mistakes. What did he rely on to catch up with Lu Qi'an, wasn't it to express his sincerity with actions?

He boldly walked towards Lu Qi'an, the carpet next to the small sofa sucked away the sound of his footsteps. He half-kneeled on the carpet, leaning on the armrest of the small sofa, looking up at Lu Qi'an, like a puppy begging for mercy from its owner.

"Forgive me," he said.

No matter whether it was his fault or not, no matter whether it was worth apologizing or not, as long as Lu Qi'an was angry, he would apologize.

He's just so clueless.

Lu Qi'an looked down at him, his throat was parched by an inexplicable fire, he endured it, but he couldn't hold back the dark emotions in his heart.

Fu Jia just communicated with his classmates in an ordinary way, and he was so angry that he couldn't control himself. He didn't want to see Fu Jia have close communication with others, he didn't want him to listen to others seriously, and he didn't want him to look at others with bright eyes. He wanted to tell Fu Jia sternly that you can't associate with anyone except me.

this is too scary.

Fu Jia is studying in No. 6 Middle School, and will have to go to university in the future and enter the society. His personality is getting brighter and the world is getting wider and wider. People who are friendly to him appear one after another around him. There is no doubt that Lu Qi'an is no longer the only bright light in his world. But when this fact was presented to Lu Qi'an, he didn't want to accept it.

He didn't want to accept it, but he couldn't stop it from becoming a reality, because he was leading Fu Jia to such a future with his own hands.

He can't imprison Fu Jia at home, nor can he create boundless darkness and mud for Fu Jia, and then become the only driftwood he can cling to in his life.

Even if it's wonderful.

Have to admit, it's wonderful.

The more he realizes that there is such a desire in his heart, the stronger the desire is, and it always affects his behavior and judgment.

He can suppress it, but the more he suppresses it, the harder it is to suppress himself. He wanted to punish Fu Jia, make him cry, and force him to promise that he would never associate with others again.

As if possessed.

"No need to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong." Lu Qi'an said hoarsely, "Sorry, can we sleep separately today?"

Fu Jia was stunned and couldn't recover.

What is he saying?

"I'll go to the guest room tonight." Lu Qi'an continued.

Only then did Fu Jia realize that he was kicked away by Lu Qi'an.

He fell at his feet begging for mercy, but was kicked away.

Fu Jia opened his mouth, and heard that he said as if nothing happened, "I'd better go to the guest room. If I sleep alone, I'm more used to sleeping in the guest room."

He stood up from the sofa, and his eyes turned white for a moment.

After Fu Jia left the master bedroom, she stayed alone in the guest room for a long time.

After an unknown amount of time, he took out the USB flash drive and notes that Datou gave him from the pocket of his coat. He didn't have a computer, but there was a laptop in the study. Fu Jia saw that Lu Qi'an had used it a few times, but he didn't set a password. He went to carry the computer into the guest room and locked the door behind him.

Fu Jia plugged in the USB flash drive and opened a movie recommended by the big head five.

This is Fu Jia's first time watching porn. On the screen, the white and clean actress is wearing the uniform of a high school student, entangled with the actor like a water snake. She didn't take off her clothes, and she was always wearing black knee-high stockings, hooking the male actor's waist and not letting go.

Fu Jia looked at the heavy thing on her chest, and it became more and more dazzling, so she simply turned off the video.

There was an unknown fire in his heart, but he didn't know where it came from, and who to point the finger at. He huddled under the blanket, shivering from the cold, and couldn't help curling his body into a ball.

It's just that there is no one around, but Fu Jia feels too cold to sleep.

He closed his eyes and put his hands into his pants. When his fingers touched his penis, he instantly remembered the feeling when Lu Qi'an helped him get it out with his hands that day.

It was as clear as if he could still recall every circle of fingerprints on his fingers.

Fu Jia's breathing gradually became short of breath, and her face turned red.

This time it was his own hand, the pleasure was not strong, but there was real pleasure, and the whole process was lengthened continuously. Fu Jia arched her back, becoming more and more impatient, and her fingers were tightly closed, which brought pain.

Fu Jia clenched her teeth, trembling all over.

In this way, accumulating pleasure little by little, Fu Jia finally ejaculated.

He took out his hand and saw the viscous liquid sticking between his fingers. I don't know if it was his illusion, but there was a faint stench.

He thought uncontrollably, would Lu Qi'an dislike him?

Surely it will.

He was really delirious, after seeing the seductive attitude of porn actresses, he was unwilling to mobilize the lust in his body, trying to prove that he was no worse than a woman when he was emotional.

Fu Jia closed her eyes, and the heat in her body gradually dissipated, even colder than before. This magnified his shame and made his hands, feet and face go numb.

He covered his head with the quilt and punched himself.

The next day, everything seemed to be back to normal. Fu Jia and Lu Qi'an sat together for breakfast, neither of them spoke.

Today, Auntie Miao made porridge with preserved egg and lean meat. Fu Jia took a spoonful and brought it to her mouth, but she couldn't eat it anyway.

Such a viscous, slippery, and steaming thing reminded him of last night.

He just held the spoon in a daze.

Lu Qi'an waited for nearly a minute, but Fu Jia did not recover. He asked aloud, "Isn't it to your liking?"

Fu Jia didn't expect that he would strike up a conversation first, and he couldn't get over it in both face and heart. He shook his head, put the spoon into his mouth, and swallowed it whole.

"I'm full." He put down his spoon and got up to leave the table.

Lu Qi'an also put down the spoon and asked him, "Is one spoon full?"

Fu Jiaquan pretended not to hear.

After he left the dining table, he wanted to hide in the bathroom for a while, but he turned into the study as he walked. He tore off a blank page from his homework book, took a pen in his hand, and began to write eloquently.

This is the highest hand speed in his history.

Ten seconds later, Fu Jia finished writing. He folded the paper in half, held it in the palm of his hand, carried his schoolbag and walked out of the room.

Lu Qi'an was still sitting at the dining table, saw him come out, and said: "If you don't like it, tell me, I can ask Auntie Miao to come over and make you something else."

Fu Jia said stubbornly: "No need." He will write The completed piece of paper was placed in front of Lu Qi'an, pressed against the table and said, "I'm going to school first, and the steamed buns in the cafeteria are also quite delicious. This is for you, take a look when you have time."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and left , squatted in front of the door, put on his shoes, and left without looking back.

The door was closed, and Lu Qi'an was the only one left in the room.

It was so still that I couldn't hear my breathing.

He picked up the piece of paper Fu Jia gave him, and unfolded it to read.

The handwriting on the paper was extremely scribbled, presumably because the person who wrote it was emotional and could not control the font well—

Fu Jiaru wrote:


I want to sue, Lu Qi'an gets angry for no reason, ignores me, ignores me even if he says good things, is stubborn, has a bad attitude, I hope to be severely punished.

Plaintiff – Fu Jia.