Chapter 50

Fu Jia gritted his teeth and said, "I don't have an uncle, and I'm not interested in the Lin family. If you just come to me for this kind of thing, there's no need for us to meet again." He helped the table up, overturned the hot coffee with trembling hands, and the dark water splashed wantonly on his light-colored school uniform.

Fu Xiaoli smiled, and stretched out her hand to help him wipe it off: "Look at you, what a child."

Fu Jia opened her hand.

Fu Xiaoli wasn't angry, she was still smiling, she seemed to enjoy seeing Fu Jia in a panic.

"Mom will come to school to look for you tomorrow, Jiajia." She said, "The day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow."

Fu Jia fled the coffee shop.

He kept running, as if he was being chased by something, and ran forward with all his strength, even if he tripped over the steps and fell to the ground, he immediately stood up and continued to run. It was already dark, and it was time for the sixth middle school to study in the evening, but he did not run to the school, nor did he return to the home in the family area of the sixth middle school.

He was sweating and his face was pale. There are large dark marks of coffee on the school uniform, as well as dust from when it fell to the ground. Passers-by looked at him with strange eyes and pointed at him.

Fu Jia never cared what other people think of him before, but now he feels like a light on his back and is uneasy.

Running and running, he finally reached a small road with no pedestrians, so he dared to stop on the side of the road, and squatted down against the street lamp in a collapsed state.


Fu Jia thought unwillingly. Why did Fu Xiaoli come to him suddenly? Why can she still find him after ten years of separation?

Is it because of Lin Heng? If so, does it have anything to do with the Lin family and the Lu family? Does it have anything to do with Lu Qi'an?

Fu Jia had a splitting headache and couldn't help but put her hands on her head. He has never been so afraid, not only because he learned the truth back then, but also because he has a premonition that his current life is about to be overturned.

If he had nothing in his arms, he wouldn't be afraid, but now he has got everything that is the best in the world, and if he loses it, he can't live anymore.

Fu Jia was surrounded by the night, and he relied on the dim street lamp behind him. He didn't know how long he had to find some courage, stood up straight, and walked home step by step.

During class the next day, the head teacher called him into the office alone.

Because he was absent from evening self-study for no reason last night, the homeroom teacher was very disappointed with him: "I know that you are a little bit weak in the entrance examination of A University, but you have been working hard, so I also believe that your hard work will be rewarded, but if you slacken, A Why would the university open the door to you? If you feel that taking the A university exam is too hard, you'd better change your goal as soon as possible. There are still many good universities in China to choose from."

Fu Jia bowed her head and apologized without defending herself.

The class teacher sighed deeply and let him go.

After returning to the classroom, the big head came up to him and asked him, "You don't seem like someone who would skip class. Why did you go yesterday?"

"Suddenly there is something urgent." Fu Jia replied vaguely.

The big head thought about his words carefully, and seeing his tired face, he said: "I guess…you are too tired to hold on, right? I think it is. No one studies like you, it is completely in the Have you heard of overdrawing your life, combining work and rest, and hearing that the body is the capital of the revolution?"

"I'm not very tired." Fu Jia said, "After all, I have to take the A university." The

big head clicked dissatisfiedly: "The A university exam You need to rest properly, aren't the students of University A not human? Listen to me, with my years of study experience, I can assure you that you will definitely be admitted to University A. Who else can't you? Can you pass the exam? God rewards hard work."

Fu Jia couldn't help laughing, and said, "Thank you." In the

evening, Fu Xiaoli came again as expected. The thin woman was dressed more decently than on the first day, wearing a brightly colored dress and heavy makeup, but no amount of makeup could hide her drug-damaged face.

Fu Jiabi was much calmer yesterday. He asked the class teacher for a leave of evening self-study in advance, stood on the teaching building next to the school gate and observed Fu Xiaoli, and noticed that no one was watching her, so he went out and went straight to her.

"I have something to tell you, go to a nearby restaurant, the coffee shop is free, I can't afford that kind of place." Fu Jia said.

Seeing him come over, Fu Xiaoli was very happy: "It's okay, mom has money, and it was all given to me by your uncle. After I met you yesterday, he gave me a lot of money, that's why mom looks so good today …" As she spoke, she touched the hem of her skirt lovingly.

"I won't spend a penny from the Lin family." Fu Jia insisted on what she said yesterday, "I don't have an uncle either."

"You…" Fu Xiaoli slowly withdrew her smile and stared at him. Her eye sockets were sunken, and the white foundation couldn't cover the blue eye circles, but instead revealed a lifeless gray.

"You still don't understand, you will understand when your mother explains it to you." She didn't know whether she was persuading Fu Jia or comforting herself, "Let's go, if you want to go to a restaurant, go to the restaurant, you look so Big, mom hasn't taken you out to have a good meal yet. When you were young, you were good at taking care of yourself. Other mothers envied me, saying that you were better than other children, and never asked me to worry…"

She Chattering and talking, "Mom hasn't been by your side for so many years, failed to fulfill the responsibility of a mother, failed to protect you and educate you, but you still grew up, so tall, so healthy, and still studying. That's great. You must be very good at studying in No. 6 Middle School. If other mothers know about this, they will envy me. You don't need anyone to teach you, but you can study hard on your own… Fortunately, there is no such thing as this. Follow me and your father, I have never been able to study since I was a child, and so is your father. He only knows how to play art. Fortunately, he has power and power at home, so he can get a diploma from a prestigious school…"

Fu Jia walked forward silently, as if she didn't hear Same.

After walking for ten minutes, Fu Jia took Fu Xiaoli to a restaurant in an alley. The price here is cheap, cheap to the point of cheap, so the sanitary conditions are not very good. Fu Xiaoli frowned in disgust as soon as she entered the door, and before she sat down, she put a paper towel on the stool and sat down.

Fu Jia hadn't eaten in an unhygienic environment for a long time, but he didn't feel any discomfort, and even masochistically thought that he only deserved to stay in this kind of place when he was with Fu Xiaoli.

Yesterday's high-end coffee shop, he felt nauseous just thinking about it.

Before Fu Xiaoli complained, Fu Jia first asked, "Besides my school, how much do you know about me?"

Fu Xiaoli kept wiping the table with a tissue and said absently, "I know everything…"

"Tell me specifically." Fu Jia bit the words hard.

"If you know everything, you know everything." Fu Xiaoli said, "Your uncle told me everything about you. You don't know how much he cares about you. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't think of me, and he wouldn't treat me like that. Rescued from Lu Wanqing."

Fu Jia did not speak.

He didn't have a deep impression of Lin Heng. He was probably the same as Lin Qing, half of whom were strangers and half were hatred. I have only met two or three times in the past ten years, and each time I looked at each other from a distance without saying a word.

But Fu Jia knew that since Lin Qing handed over the Lin family to Lu Wanqing, Lin Heng had been eyeing their mother and son. He coveted the Lin family for ten years, and also fought with Lu Wanqing for ten years. He never thought that there was a nephew who could be used, but today, ten years later, he suddenly remembered to "bring him home" and took a lot of trouble to get him back. Fu Xiaoli found out.

too weird.

Fu Jia vaguely had a terrible conjecture in his mind. He pinched his palms, trying to keep calm, but his knuckles were weak and he couldn't use his strength.

He forced himself to ask, "When did Lin Heng find you?"

"It's been several months. But I… When I first came out, my health was not very good. I was in the hospital for a long time before I got better… Sigh, I don't remember very clearly what happened when I first came out. At that time, my spirit was not good. That's great…" When talking about the experience of being imprisoned, Fu Xiaoli became abnormal and frequently touched her hair with her hands, "But I still remember a lot of things. At that time, your uncle said that you are indeed my child, you know You have to fight for me, even though you are a man, you are just like me…"

She smiled, and said word by word: "I can seduce men."

With a click, Fu Jia heard the sound of the ice breaking. The bottomless ice cellar caught him, and he didn't even have time to wave his hands and struggle.

Fu Xiaoli looked at his bloodless face, laughed loudly and said, "Look at you, I'm just teasing you. If you want to ask, just ask me directly. Why bother to test me? The matter between you and Young Master Lu, mother." How could you not know? Mom is so happy. Lu Wanqing never imagined that if she could rob my man, my son could abduct her nephew. If she found out, she would be so angry, would she arrest you and lock her up too? ?"

Fu Xiaoli bent over with a smile, lay low on the table she had disliked before, and said playfully, "You are very capable, much more capable than your mother. Back then, I tried my best for Lin Qing. I became despicable and dissolute, and the result? He threw me to Lu Wanqing, and let her torture me to death. Mom is really curious, what method did you use to make Young Master Lu fall out with the family because of you? I don't want homework or studies anymore, and I just hang around you all day?"

The knife hanging above his head finally fell, happily and neatly.

Sure enough, Lin Heng and Fu Xiaoli came for Lu Qi'an.

Fu Jia held back her trembling, stared at Fu Xiaoli closely, and asked defensively, "So, what do you and Lin Heng want to use my relationship with him for?

" I also know that Lu Wanqing was able to act recklessly in the Lin family because she was protected by the Lu family. In the past few years, your uncle has been continuously suppressed by the Lu family and has completely lost control of the Lin family's property. If you don't do anything, the Lin family There will be no place for you and your uncle anymore."

She smiled and said in a low voice, "The Lu family is very strong and has no flaws. It is impossible to attack Lu Wanqing and her brother, but a man of Young Master Lu's age… is easy to catch. You should know You know everything, you must know how to tie a man so tightly. You have to take advantage of him still liking you, find an opportunity to trick him into playing tricks, take his nude photos, or sex videos…"

There was a clang , Fu Jia kicked the table hard, and the loud sound exploded in the ears of the two, covering Fu Xiaoli's voice. He stood up from his seat, his eyes were scarlet, and he said fiercely: "If you dare to say one more word, I will cut off your tongue."

He looked like a crazy beast, Fu Xiaoli was frightened, she clutched her chest and leaned Sitting on the back of the chair, he said aggrievedly, "Why are you so fierce… I am your mother."

"Ten years ago, I wished that my mother would die." Fu Jia's forehead bulged, and said, "It is the same now, I hope Go to hell."

His words were like a knife, piercing straight into Fu Xiaoli's heart. She grabbed the clothes on her chest and repeated in a low voice: "Jiajia, I am your mother…"

Fu Jia was almost driven crazy by her. He had expected Fu Xiaoli's shamelessness, but he never expected that she would break through the bottom line of morality and come up with such a dirty trick. That's not someone else, it's Lu Qi'an, it's Lu Qi'an who he can't wait to praise to the altar.

The blood in his body churned upwards, irritating his vision blurred. He wanted to wipe his eyes, but he didn't want to show weakness at this moment, so he tried his best to look fierce. "I warn you, don't come to me again. If you dare to come again, I will call the police and tell the police all the illegal business you did back then. Also, let Lin Heng behind you be careful, if he dares to call the police from me Lu Qi'an's idea, I will fight him desperately." As

he said that, he kicked the table again, and the cheap plastic table in the restaurant was kicked from its original position by him, making a harsh sound on the floor.

This was the second time he had kicked the table. The restaurant owner heard the movement and cursed twice from a distance. Fu Jia ignored him, took out all the cash on his body, squeezed it into a ball a few times, and threw it on Fu Xiaoli's face, as naturally as throwing garbage.

He left the restaurant.

Fu Xiaoli stayed where she was. She touched the place where the money was dropped, with a smile uglier than crying, and stroked her hair over and over again.