Chapter 55

Fu Jia was expelled from No. 6 Middle School.

He just went to the police station once, and when he came back, he was no longer a student of No. 6 Middle School.

What is misfortune never comes singly, this is it.

Teacher Liu reacted fiercely and disagreed with everything: "Why does the school do this?" The

vice principal refused to say anything, so she rushed to the principal's office to ask for a reason. The principal gave her face, and his words were tactful and tortuous, but it can be summed up in four words: no comment.

Teacher Liu was trembling with anger, took Fu Jia back to his office, held his hand tightly and said, "It's okay, the teacher will definitely find justice for you, I will contact your parents now and ask them to come to the school to settle this matter. Ask clearly, it's too ridiculous, you didn't make a mistake, how can the school expel you?"

Fu Jia looked at Teacher Liu, and the light in his eyes went out little by little.

No, he was wrong. His birth was the beginning of all mistakes.

He was expelled from No. 6 High School because of the Lu family, right? It could only be the Lu family. This was the punishment given to him by the Lu family. Since it was a punishment, he couldn't resist it. He should not only be rejected by the middle school of No. 6 Middle School, it is very likely that… no middle school is willing to accept him anymore.

"Ms. Liu, I don't have parents. I'm sorry to make you worry about me." Fu Jia said numbly, "Now I'm not a student in No. 6 Middle School, and you have no obligation to take care of me. Thank you for coming to the police station to pick me up. Thank you "

Mr. Liu has been busy all day, hitting a wall continuously, just to help Fu Jia. Seeing that Fu Jia's face was numb and unwilling to fight, she was terribly angry: "Without parents, what do you mean without parents? I really don't understand you. Why are you two so secretive? What happened? Big things, can they be more important than studies? Fu Jia, expulsion from a student is not a trivial matter, if you just admit it, there will be an unclean stain on the file!"

Stain, yes, his life is a blob of stain.

Fu Jia didn't speak, but bowed deeply to Teacher Liu.

He is also indignant, this is his studies, his life, how can he not be angry? But he knew that Fu Xiaoli hurt Lu Wanqing, and the Lu family was no less angry than him. If… If Lu Qi'an gave him this punishment, what would he do?

Fu Jia didn't dare to think deeply, he was waiting for the final judgment. Before Lu Qi'an personally convicts him, he still has a glimmer of hope, he can deceive himself as if nothing happened.

He was going home, if Lu Qi'an went home to look for him, he had to see him immediately.

Fu Jia acquiesced in the decision to expel him from No. 6 Middle School and insisted on going home. Teacher Liu couldn't stop him and was sweating profusely. She went back to the office to look through Fu Jia's files, and wanted to contact Fu Jia's parents by herself, only to remember that it was because of Lu Qi'an that Fu Jia was able to transfer in.

Many of the doubts that she ignored and puzzled before now have vague answers. She called Lu Qi'an, trying to clarify the matter, but she couldn't get through.

Teacher Liu didn't have any basis, but she had a strong premonition that if Fu Jia was destroyed, Lu Qi'an would be destroyed too.

Fu Jia returned to the family area of the No. 6 Middle School in a daze, and the next three days became a nightmare of his life.

He remembered that on the first day, he sat withered all night. Because there is nothing to do, there is no place for his thoughts to diverge. He thinks a lot, and every thought hurts him like it wants to kill him.

He couldn't bear it, so he went to the room and took out his mobile phone, thinking that no matter the result was good or bad, he would contact Lu Qi'an. When the screen of the phone was turned on, an unread text message rushed into view –

"Jiajia, if you don't make mom feel better, mom won't make you feel better either."

This was sent to him by Fu Xiaoli the night before the murder.

Fu Jia dropped the phone to the ground as if it had been burned.

Hatred, anger, unwillingness, any single emotion can overwhelm a person, and now, they are oppressing Fu Jia together, making him breathless.

He slumped to the ground, hugging himself tightly.

The next day, around ten o'clock in the morning, someone rang the doorbell.

Fu Jia stayed up all night again. When he heard the doorbell, his dead eyes regained light. He quickly ran to the door. He wanted to open the door directly, but hesitated the moment he touched the doorknob.

Lu Qi'an has the key, if it was him, why did he knock on the door?

Fu Jia looked out through the door. The person who came was a strange young man, and he showed his ID to the door: "I am the police, please open the door and cooperate with the investigation."

Fu Jia was very disappointed, and pursed her dry lips, thinking that the police told him that they would contact him later, Just opened the door.

The moment the door lock was unlocked, someone outside kicked the door and broke in. Only then did Fu Jia realize that there was not just one person, but three! He realized something was wrong, and took two steps back, but the person had already been let in, and he had no way to retreat. The three of them worked together to restrain him, picked up a baseball bat and hit him hard!

Fu Jia's knees softened, and he knelt down on the ground, coughing out a mouthful of blood. The three moved swiftly, sealed his mouth with tape, dragged him to the bathroom, and handcuffed him by the sink. Fu Jia couldn't use his strength, so he could only watch helplessly as they took out the sackcloth and covered his head.

"Mmm!" His cries were all muffled by the duct tape, and he couldn't see where the enemy was, so he kicked and kicked indiscriminately, without any effect. The baseball bat hit him again, he shrank his body reflexively, his head was dizzy, and he almost lost consciousness.

"Someone paid us to teach you a lesson." The young man said, "Don't worry, it's just a lesson, we won't let you die."

They only said this sentence, and did not say a word afterward. The beating started silently. This process lasted for more than three hours, and the three of them took turns to rest in the middle. Because Fu Jia had lost the ability to resist, they only sent one person to beat him. Once Fu Jia lost consciousness, they removed the sackcloth, woke him up with cold water, made sure he was not dead, and put the sackcloth back on.

When they left, Fu Jia didn't know. A lot of blood came out of his mouth and nose, covering his eyes.

In his blurred vision, he saw that there was no one else in the bathroom, and the handcuffs on his wrists were also untied, because he resisted fiercely, and the place was rubbed bloody.

He can move, but he can't. Just stretching his arm, his eyes went dark in pain, and his whole body convulsed.

He lay there, caught in a cycle of comatose, conscious, and comatose again. His memory was chaotic, and when he woke up several times, he wondered why he didn't go to school. He had to go to class. He couldn't miss a class or a question. Otherwise, how could he get into A University?

Sometimes, he would also think that he woke up in the Lin family's villa, because it was very dark, only the servant's room could be so dark. His and Lu Qi'an's house is always very bright, even when the lights are turned off, he doesn't feel dark because Lu Qi'an will hug him.

His breathing was fading, and blood was still oozing from his mouth and nose.

On the third day, someone came again. This time, the person who came was finally Lu Qi'an whom Fu Jia was thinking of.

Lu Qi'an has promised his father that he will be separated from Fu Jia. In the past two days, he has been following his father to handle matters for him and Lu Wanqing's mother and son to go abroad. Soon, he will leave the country.

He begged his father to let him see Fu Jia again.

Lu Zhiyuan agreed to his request, and kindly withdrew his subordinates who were watching him, and called Li Qinhe to go with him.

Although Li Qin wanted to monitor him as well, Lu Qi'an was going to bid farewell to Fu Jia. Lu Zhiyuan did not let his cold subordinates follow him, but let his friends from childhood to accompany him, which was already a rare kindness.

The driver took them to the family area of No. 6 Middle School and parked them downstairs. Li Qinhe stopped Lu Qi'an from getting him out of the car, and said, "I'll let him go downstairs to meet you, you can just say a few words outside, Uncle Lu said, you have to go back early."

Lu Qi'an looked at him, Sharp eyes: "Why did you ask the driver to come to the community directly? Today is not a day off, Fu Jia should be in school."

Li Qinhe shook off his hand, drumming in his heart, but pretended not to know on his face: "He wants to ask for leave, I don't know, if this happened, he would be embarrassed to go to school, right?"

Lu Qi'an's face was ugly, knowing He was hiding something, but he couldn't find out the truth. Lu Zhiyuan kept him under strict supervision, and for two whole days, he did not get any news about Fu Jia.

He desperately wanted to confirm whether Fu Jia was doing well. Would Fu Jia be sad if he wasn't around? What if Fu Jia had a nightmare at night, got scared, and wanted to find him? If the police keep looking for Fu Jia to investigate, will he be frightened?

He's not by Fu Jia's side, and he won't be around in the future. But Fu Jia needed him so much, how could he let go?

Li Qinhe avoided Lu Qi'an's eyes, locked him in the car without any explanation, and went upstairs alone. He had never been to this house, but he was strangely aware of the floor and house number where Fu Jia was.

Li Qinhe stood in front of the door and opened it with a slight push. Obviously, the person who beat Fu Jia yesterday left without locking the door. Li Qinhe cursed secretly, and muttered: "Damn, I told them to do a good job in dealing with the aftermath."

He entered the room, followed the messy traces on the floor into the bathroom, saw the tragic situation inside, and gasped. gas.

He clearly told those three people not to inflict any conspicuous scars on Fu Jia's body, but Fu Jia in front of him was covered in blood, and his bare hands, feet and neck were covered with dense bruises. He lay motionless on the ground, as if not breathing.

Li Qinhe turned pale with fright, squatted down and pushed him: "Hey, you're not dead, are you?"

Fu Jia was pushed by him, shook slightly, but did not respond.

Li Qinhe was completely panicked. While shaking Fu Jia vigorously, he took out his mobile phone to contact the three men he had hired to beat Fu Jia.

"How do you do it?" After connecting, Li Qinhe scolded, "Why did he bleed so much, and he didn't respond when I shook him!"

The other end of the phone was not in a hurry at all: "You are too gentle, it's okay, blood, just wipe it off, you can splash him with cold water, kick his feet, he will definitely wake up."

Li Qinhe cursed again, hung up After disconnecting the phone, he boldly poured a basin of cold water on Fu Jia, and kicked him with his feet.

Fu Jia dodged reflexively, groaned, and finally responded.

Li Qinhe breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that he was not dead, his attitude became bad again: "You are still pretending to be dead, get up quickly, Qi An is waiting for you downstairs."

Fu Jia opened his eyes with difficulty, a little dazed.

what did he say?

Did he say… Qi An?

Suddenly, Fu Jia's body gave birth to another force, and he stretched out his hand to hold Li Qinhe tightly.

"Does Lu Qi'an want to see me?" Fu Jia was speaking, trying very hard to speak, but he couldn't make a sound, only made mouth shapes.

Fearful and angry, Li Qinhe roughly pulled his arm, trying to pull him up from the ground: "Don't pretend to be dead, stand up quickly, Qi An won't wait for you downstairs, if you don't Click on it, and I will take him back."

Fu Jia shook his head, and grabbed Li Qinhe hard, trying to get up from the ground.

Li Qinhe saw that he was really in a mess, even if he had a hundred reluctances in his heart, he had to help him up with his hands.

He pulled a towel, helped Fu Jia to stand in front of the sink, stuffed the towel to him, and said, "Look at you, can you go see Qi An?" I can take a rough look. He was frightened by his appearance, and frantically wiped the blood from his face with a towel.

His hands were trembling non-stop, and it didn't work for a long time. Li Qinhe grabbed the towel back, dipped it in water under the faucet, and wiped the visible blood on his body vigorously.

It's okay if you don't wipe it with your own hands, but once you wipe it, it will be endless. Li Qinhe found that the bruises on his body could not be wiped off by rubbing alone, so he hurriedly dragged him out of the bathroom, found a coat with a collar in the bedroom, put it on him and wrapped him tightly .

Now, Fu Jia finally looked like a human being, Li Qinhe didn't dare to delay any longer, and half-supported and half-dragged Fu Jia out of the door.

The old low-rise houses do not have elevators, they can only go downstairs by stairs. Fu Jia was almost hanging on Li Qinhe's body, falling an inch every time she went down a step. Li Qinhe was terribly annoyed, afraid that he would faint when he walked in front of Lu Qi'an, so he scolded him: "If you act like this again, I won't let you see Qi'an."

Fu Jia was trembling all over, Obviously it hurts badly. He gritted his teeth and endured, speeding up his descent.

I don't know how long it took before the two finally reached the first floor. Li Qin and Tired were sweating, afraid that Lu Qi'an would see the clue, so they let go of Fu Jia when they went outside.

Fu Jia swayed, barely standing on his own. He squinted his eyes that hadn't seen light for a long time, and vaguely saw the car in front of him.

Lu Qi'an also saw him in the car, quickly opened the door and walked out. When he saw Fu Jia's appearance clearly, his pupils constricted instantly.

Why…why is there no trace of blood on Fu Jia's face, why is his body shaking? What happened to that winter coat, who approved it for him? What was he covering up, did he hurt, would there be a wound under his clothes, would there be a fucking wound?

These thoughts almost drove Lu Qi'an crazy.

Seeing him get out of the car, Fu Jia looked at him eagerly, his eyes were almost crazy. For the past three days, he has been looking forward to Lu Qi'an every second, and he misses him so much.

"Lu Qi'an…" Fu Jia's voice was very low, but he tried his best. "Are you, your aunt okay? I'm sorry. I didn't know that Fu Xiaoli would hurt her. I will atone. I can atone for her. You can punish me however you want, but I beg you, don't want me…"

Fu Jiaqiu He, "Don't want me".

Lu Qi'an subconsciously stretched his fingers forward, wanting to touch Fu Jia. However, before he raised his hand, he held it back abruptly, his fingers were convulsively withdrawn by him, bringing out severe pain that spread all over his body.

He seems to have died a little.

Fu Jia hunched slightly, frowning painfully from time to time. But the way he looked at Lu Qi'an didn't change, still with indelible dependence and nostalgia, as if to say: You hug me.

Lu Qi'an really wanted to hug him and become his fulcrum, but he just couldn't.

He pinned himself in place, as if he had become the same boy he had stood outside his mother's door. The mother also looked at him eagerly, expecting him to come into the room and talk to her, but he never approached, just stood at the door, drawing a clear boundary between the two.

He heard himself say: "I'm going abroad, and I'll be leaving soon."

Fu Jia looked at him inexplicably, as if he couldn't understand what he was talking about.

Lu Qi'an squeezed his palms and said word by word: "I'm sorry."

I'm sorry. sorry? Is he standing here just because of this sorry? Fu Jia shivered and shook his head desperately: "No… no…"

His body suddenly split open, through which all his strength and vitality flowed out crazily. He grasped the last hope and said: "It's okay, you want to go abroad, I can go with you, you go first, I will follow right away, I can live abroad by myself, you don't have to worry about me, as long as you don't refuse me Alright…"

Lu Qi'an's eyes were bloodshot, he closed his eyes, and said firmly, "Fu Jia, we will never meet again."


Fu Jia laughed absurdly, laughing at himself.

Lu Qi'an didn't want him anymore, he knew that one day Lu Qi'an would abandon him, he was the one who had been deceiving himself for too long, so he took it seriously.

He frowned and thought puzzledly: Since Lu Qi'an didn't want him, why did he take care of him in the first place? Why did you abandon him after giving him a taste of the sweetness? Is he a pet that Lu Qi'an raised on a whim, just like people can't ignore stray cats and dogs on the roadside?

He wanted to ask Lu Qi'an, but there was a mouthful of sweet blood in his throat, and he couldn't make a sound.

Having said all that needs to be said, Lu Qi'an didn't stay any longer, forcing himself to turn around and walk in the direction away from Fu Jia.

Looking at his back, Fu Jia's face became sickly red, and he felt that when Lu Qi'an left, the bones in his body were also taken away by him.

Fu Jia cannot do without him, he is the bone that supports Fu Jia. Who can be without bones? he will die.

"Lu Qi'an." He swallowed the blood from his throat, and finally let out a voice, "If you leave, I will hate you to death."

Fu Jia hated many people, but he didn't hate Lu Qi'an, and never would. It was just too sad to hold back the words.

Lu Qi'an didn't stop, and went straight back into the car.

Fu Jia did not chase, because Lu Qi'an would not allow him to chase. He doesn't do what Lu Qi'an doesn't allow him to do.

He stayed where he was, with hatred in his eyes, staring at Lu Qi'an's back. Tears rolled down from his crimson eyes, at first glance, it looked like weeping blood.

Seeing Lu Qi'an return to the car, Li Qinhe also hurried into the car, urging the driver to leave immediately. The car started, and he was soon able to stay away from the No. 6 Middle School family area, but the palpitations in his chest lingered for a long time.

He couldn't help but look back at Fu Jia. The distance was far away, and his figure shrunk into a small dot, standing upright on the spot, motionless.

"Li Qinhe." Lu Qi'an suddenly called him.

He panicked for no reason, and asked guiltily, "What's wrong?"

"You found someone to do it." Lu Qi'an didn't have a trace of human warmth in his eyes, "You know that Fu Jia is not at school, and you can still go upstairs to find him alone, you must have checked beforehand. You stayed upstairs For a long time, I kept covering him with a coat. Is it because he was injured? Not many people would attack Fu Jia. Lin Heng could no longer do it. My dad also promised that I would let Fu Jia go, even if he wanted to. , and wouldn't do it so obviously, so you are the one who did it."

He stared at Li Qinhe with hatred in his eyes, "When my dad relaxes his vigilance against me, I will pull out my hand to find out what is going on with you. What did you do, if my guess is right, I won't let you go."

Li Qinhe felt cold all over his body, he was too scared to say anything: "Qi'an, I…"

Lu Qi'an stopped looking at him, Turn around and look out the window.

Silence was far more terrifying than scolding. Li Qinhe knew that he had really angered Lu Qi'an, and besides guilt, he was more frightened.

"Qian, I'm sorry…" He wanted to beg for mercy, but he froze when he saw Lu Qian.

Lu Qi'an looked at the car window, Li Qinhe could only see half of his profile and a tear in the corner of his eye.

Li Qinhe had never seen Lu Qi'an cry, not even when Qi Bing passed away. He thought that Lu Qi'an would never cry in his life. He was naturally calm and would not be affected by sadness.

But now, Lu Qi'an was crying.

Li Qinhe was completely frightened, and followed him with red eyes: "Qi An, don't scare me…"

No one responded to him.

Lu Qi'an was Lu Qi'an after all, even if he was crying, he would cry with restraint and cry silently.

In the car, only Li Qin and one person were sobbing.