Chapter 62

Over the years, the memory has not faded, but is still engraved in the depths of my mind, and has been repeatedly modified and polished by Fu Jia to fill in all the details.

He remembered the day when Lu Qi'an separated from him, the weather was fine, but his body was in too much pain, and Li Qinhe pulled him so hard that he was in excruciating pain, so under the rare warm sun in late autumn, he wrapped himself in a thick blanket Winter clothes, but still sweating like holding an ice cube.

He really wanted to touch Lu Qi'an, he didn't expect Lu Qi'an to hug him, as long as he could draw some warmth from Lu Qi'an. But Lu Qi'an didn't get close, they were separated by one meter, or more than one meter away.

What was Lu Qi'an's expression and eyes at that time? In fact, Fu Jia didn't see it clearly back then, so in the past seven years, he has automatically filled in the blank parts in his memory.

In his imagination, Lu Qi'an looked at him coldly, rejecting him thousands of miles away. Just like when Lu Qi'an looked at the dark servant's room under the sunshine of the courtyard, he regarded him as dispensable air.

Now, Fu Jia really saw Lu Qi'an's expression and eyes clearly, but found that the reality was seriously inconsistent with his imagination.

Sitting across from him, Lu Qi'an said "I'm pursuing you" while looking at him with extremely gentle eyes. Fu Jia didn't touch Lu Qi'an, but felt a rush of heat, menacing and tender.


Does Lu Qi'an match this word?

Fu Jia suddenly stood up from his seat and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

He turned around and walked out the door without thinking.

"Fu Jia." Lu Qi'an stood up and moved his fingers, trying not to hold him back. "There is a bathroom on your right."

Fu Jia stopped the car, turned around hesitantly, and glanced up at Lu Qi'an.

In an instant, the blood all over Fu Jia's body rushed to his face, he quickly lowered his head, turned an awkward turn into the bathroom, and locked the door with his backhand.

Panting heavily, he looked up and saw in the mirror that his face, ears and neck were all red as if bleeding. He was startled, raised his hand to touch his face, and found that his arms were also red.

He turned on the faucet on the sink and scooped up cold water to cool his face, but it didn't help. Not to mention cold water, even ice cubes that touched his face would turn into lukewarm water.

He sat despondently on the toilet seat and pinched his arms, but it didn't help.

Lu Qi'an used to glance at him indifferently, and his soul could be taken away, but now not only his eyes are full of affection, but he also bluntly says that he wants to chase him and start over with him. Fu Jia can't do much in front of Lu Qi'an Stand for a second, because he can't stand.

He was about to be seen by Lu Qi'an.

The heat on his face did not subside for a long time, so Fu Jia refused to go out for a long time. Lu Qi'an waited for him outside the door for ten minutes, the anxiety in his heart was no less than any day in these seven years.

"Fu Jia." He knocked on the bathroom door and said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter if you accept it or reject it, I hope you don't hide from me."

Lu Qi'an still had reason.

He controlled himself, he didn't touch Fu Jia casually, and he didn't call him with double words casually.

He restrained his emotions as much as possible, because he clearly realized that Fu Jia might not love him anymore. He had promised Fu Jia, but disappeared for seven whole years. He was not arrogant enough to be sure that Fu Jia would love him forever. .

Once Fu Jia was trapped in a narrow deep well, isolated and helpless, because he was lucky to be the first to stand at the mouth of the well before everyone else, so Fu Jia was deeply attracted by him.

After seven years of not seeing each other, Fu Jia has left the abyss and met more people in a wider world. Fu Jia may find that his previous feelings for Lu Qi'an were just an illusion. He may not have Lu Qi'an, or he may not need Lu Qi'an, and he can cut Lu Qi'an from his life without pain.

Every time he thought of this, dark emotions would well up in Lu Qi'an's heart. He has come to this day because of Fu Jia's love for him. If Fu Jia can't return to him, he may not be able to control himself.

He will be crazy.

"Can you give me a few days?" Fu Jia's stuttering voice came from the bathroom.

Lu Qi'an put his hands on the door and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean…" Fu Jia's voice sounded muffled through a door, "You came back too suddenly, give me a few days Time to buffer, don't come to meet me, let me organize my thoughts, okay?"

Lu Qi'an gritted his teeth, resisting the urge to smash the door open.

He said: "Okay."

After dawdling for another ten minutes, Fu Jia was willing to come out of the bathroom. He tried his best, and finally let his face cool down to normal temperature.

In order to avoid talking to Lu Qi'an, he buried himself in his meal. But I don't know if he just expended too much energy, his body can't use his strength, his appetite is not high, and he can't eat after a few mouthfuls.

He put down his chopsticks and said, "I'm done eating. Thank you today, Mr. Lu. I… I'll go find my colleague and I'll be back to the company later."

Lu Qi'an also put down his chopsticks and said, "Your colleague has finished eating and left. Now, I'll take you back."

Fu Jia's heart sank, and she felt a sense of panic abandoned by the world, and said, "Don't bother you, I can drive back by myself."

Lu Qi'an stood up and said, "The waiter said that your company I'll see you off."

Fu Jia felt even colder, remembering that he came here by Gao Xing's hitchhiker, and stuttered again: "Then I'll take a taxi back…"

Lu Qi'an frowned slightly

Wrinkled , and quickly let go: "After I send you back, I won't see you again." He paused, and added, "Until you agree to me seeing you." If he could refuse him again, he had no choice but to lower his head and answer in a low voice.

He stood up and walked side by side with Lu Qi'an through the courtyard and bamboo forest path he passed by when he came, neither of them spoke.

He deliberately lagged behind Lu Qi'an by half a step, keeping him at a distance not too close or too far. This made his heart a lot more stable, and his emotions would not fluctuate repeatedly.

This state continued until the two got into Lu Qi'an's car. When the door is closed, the closed compartment provides a small and private space for Fu Jia and Lu Qi'an. Fu Jia looked at Lu Qi'an who was driving from the corner of his eye, and his heartbeat was out of control again.

He had never seen Lu Qi'an driving a car back then. In the past seven years, when did Lu Qi'an learn to drive? Has Lu Qi'an ever carried anyone other than him? Has anyone else been in this passenger seat?

Fu Jia was extremely depressed, and he didn't know why he was so obsessed with this problem.

"You don't dislike what I did today, do you?" Lu Qi'an asked suddenly.

Fu Jia quickly pulled her thoughts out of the strange question, and answered him: "Of course not, thank you, my…milk, coffee from my company colleagues, and today's lunch at noon. I am very grateful. Next time Let me treat you to dinner."

Lu Qi'an looked straight ahead and said, "How can you invite me to dinner if you don't let me see you?"

Fu Jia was choked by what he said, unable to answer.

Just at the red light, Lu Qi'an stopped the car and turned to look at Fu Jia.

"You should know the reason why I gave you milk." His tone was flat, "You gave me milk and love letters for a week back then, and I was very moved. Although I didn't say it, I look forward to the ones you gave me every day." A gift. Then you suddenly stopped giving it, and I was very disappointed."

Fu Jia lowered her head, her heart was numb, as if someone had pinched her.

"Don't do this, Fu Jia. If you have loved me, don't give up halfway." Lu Qi'an clenched the steering wheel, his voice was suppressed, "I have never changed to you."

For the next few days, Fu Jia did not see Lu Qi'an again. But he would receive a cup of hot milk every morning, and lunch from Mingyue Songjian at noon.

The whole company knew that someone was showing favor to him, but they didn't know the inside story, and they didn't expect that this person would be Lu Qi'an, so rumors gradually spread in the company that Fu Jia was being taken care of by a rich woman.

Absurdity is ridiculous, but they couldn't find a more reasonable answer.

The only one who knows the inside story is Gao Xing. One day at noon, he walked up to Fu Jia with his hands behind his back, showing an inscrutable smile, and asked him: "Mr. Lu chased you, why did you send milk? Don't you usually send flowers, cars, and houses? Mr. Lu also Not short of money."

Fu Jiahun was frightened away by him, and asked in horror: "Where did you hear… Lu, Mr. Lu is chasing me?"

Gao Xing looked innocent: "Sima Zhao's heart, passers-by are all I know."

From then on, Fu Jia took a detour when he saw Gao Xing.

Time passed day by day, Lele lived in Fu Jia's house for a full week, and it was time for Mr. Liu to return to China. During this period, Fu Jia returned the second-hand Santana assigned to him by the company to the company, and went to a car dealer to buy a new car. He has spent the past seven years in a perfunctory way. He has accumulated a relatively large amount of savings without spending any money. Although he can't afford a famous car, it is not a problem to change to a mid-to-high-end car.

In order to meet Mr. Liu, he took half a day off and drove a new car to the airport to pick him up. Teacher Liu brought him several boxes of gifts, plus her and Teacher Tang's luggage, which couldn't fit in the trunk, so he had to pile some of them on the back seat. In order to save space, Fu Jia removed the safety seat and let Lele sit in Teacher Liu's arms.

Teacher Liu hugged Lele and asked him, "Fu Jia, why did you suddenly change the car?" She looked at Fu Jia carefully, "And I feel that your outfit and hairstyle are also different. Are you looking for someone After styling, he is a handsome guy, so he will be even more handsome if he cleans up."

Fu Jia felt guilty after being told by her, and replied ambiguously: "No… I just want to change my mood."

Teacher Liu responded, no get to the bottom.

When she arrived at Teacher Liu's house, she stayed with Fu Jia for dinner, and deliberately asked him to go to a supermarket outside the community to help her buy ingredients.

When Fu Jia went out, Teacher Liu sat next to Lele, pretending to be an underground spy, and asked, "Is there something wrong with your Uncle Fu these days?"

Lele had already expressed this Desire, said loudly: "Yes, since Uncle Fu took Lele to the park, Uncle Fu has changed!"

Teacher Liu put his finger to his mouth and made a booing motion, and asked in a low voice: "What happened in the park?" What?"

Lele followed her in a low voice, with an aggrieved tone: "In the park, we met an uncle, and Uncle Fu called him Mr. Lu. He is so fierce, and he doesn't seem to like Lele."

Teacher Liu hugged Lele in his arms After coddling in his arms for a while, he said, "This Uncle Lu is not fierce, nor does he dislike Lele.

Lele will understand in the future. Don't be angry with him, okay?" Hmm.

"Then Lele told grandma, why has Uncle Fu changed?"

Lele said, "Uncle Fu is always in a daze. When he cooks for Lele, when he eats, when he plays with Lele with building blocks… Anyway, there are many Many times, he would suddenly stop moving, and then his face would turn red, as if he had a fever, and when Lele called him, he would go to the bathroom to wash his face."

It took Teacher Liu a long time to taste this passage.

She was dumbfounded.

The supermarket is just outside the community. Fu Jia returned to Mr. Liu's house after shopping.

Teacher Liu gave him a complicated look, took the ingredients and went to the kitchen to cook.

Fu Jia was a little puzzled, but she didn't take it to heart. She habitually sat beside Lele and played with him with building blocks.

More than ten minutes later, the doorbell of Teacher Liu's house was rang.

Teacher Liu didn't even have time to wipe her hands, so she rushed out of the kitchen and shouted excitedly: "Fu Jia, come quickly, you go and open the door and see who is coming."

She was like a parent who prepared a big gift for her child, her eyes full of expectation, waiting To the child's happy reaction.

Fu Jia's heart skipped a beat, he guessed something, and he was a little uncertain, so he hesitated and didn't stand up. Teacher Liu stretched his wet hands anxiously, walked over and pushed him with his elbow: "Go, if you open the door for him , he will definitely be happy."

Fu Jia was pushed out of a lot of courage by this blow. He couldn't tell why, maybe it was the presence of Mr. Liu that made him feel that there was someone behind him supporting him.

He walked to the door and opened it slowly.

Sure enough, it was Lu Qi'an who came.