Chapter 65

Fu Jia moved her fingers, looking at the sticky semen on her hands, feeling a little lost.

Lu Qi'an is different from seven years ago.

What exactly changed, Fu Jia couldn't say. He only had a vague feeling—the Lu Qi'an in the past was a rock that only got hot when Fu Jia held it, because Lu Qi'an always suppressed his emotions and thoughts, and he had to be ground slowly with his heart to relax a little. stretched strings. Now Lu Qi'an puts out a lot, it's not that he doesn't suppress it anymore, it's just that he can control his emotions more freely, do whatever he wants, in Fu Jia's hands, it's like a stone that can heat itself, making Fu Jia feel hot.

He couldn't adapt and couldn't stand it.

Lu Qi'an simply wiped off the semen on Fu Jia's hands with a tissue, and asked him, "Do you want to take a bath?" The

summer night was sweltering, and the two of them were tired of tossing and tossing on the sofa for nearly an hour. The pad was stained with sweat and semen, and it was crumpled and disfigured by them.

Fu Jia leaned on the back of the sofa and sat up, her arms were weak and trembled when she exerted herself: "You go first, I'll tidy up the living room, and I'll give you a change of laundry later.

" Bathroom." Lu Qi'an disagreed with his proposal, bent down and hugged him, and said, "You have to teach me how to use it."

Afraid that Lu Qi'an would not be able to hold him securely, Fu Jia put his arms around his neck and said, "We can't go together , My bathroom is very small, and two people can't squeeze together." In

a 40-square-meter single apartment, the area that can be allocated to the bathroom is already small, and Fu Jia has separated the dry and wet, and the shower room is even smaller.

Lu Qi'an didn't care about this problem, and carried him into the bathroom.

The shower room is really pitifully small, and only one person can stand in it and can't wave his hands at will. Lu Qi'an put his arms around Fu Jia and squeezed in together with him.

Their backs were leaning against the glass of the shower room, their chests were pressed against each other, and their limbs were intertwined, so it was inevitable that the place under their bodies would also rub against each other. Lu Qi'an, who had only shot once, was hard first, and then Fu Jia was also hard.

The hot water from the shower sprayed on the two of them, making the small shower room steamy. Lu Qi'an supported Fu Jia's waist, his breathing was hot, and all the muscles in his body were tense.

Fu Jia stretched out his numb and sore arm, and asked dizzily: "Do you want more…"

Lu Qi'an kissed Fu Jia's collarbone, his hoarse voice was mixed with the sound of splashing water, broken and ambiguous: " You don't need to move, just let me hold it."

He said he didn't want Fu Jia to move, so he really didn't let him move, he just kissed him repeatedly, rubbed him, and did many things that made Fu Jia more unbearable than penetration. Made it out by myself.

After taking a shower, Lu Qi'an found two sets of pajamas in Fu Jia's bedroom, one for himself and one for Fu Jia.

The cotton material was soft, and Lu Qi'an's movements were light, but when the clothes rubbed against his nipples, Fu Jia still let out a low cry of pain, and bowed his waist to hide.

Lu Qi'an grabbed his wrist and went to untie his clothes: "Let me take a look."

Fu Jia blushed, and raised her hand to cover it: "Don't look…"

"I'll just take a look." Lu Qi'an spoke softly, and gently pulled open his hand.

He untied the pajamas that Fu Jia had just put on, and saw that the two flesh granules on his chest were red and swollen, swollen a lot, showing a deep flesh pink color, as if they could ooze blood with just a light pinch .

Lu Qi'an looked away and helped him put on his clothes: "Sorry, I will pay attention next time."

Will there be a next time?

Fu Jia had mixed feelings in his heart, but he hummed on his face, hooked his back, and took care not to let his clothes touch his chest.

"Do you want to stay overnight?" Fu Jia saw that Lu Qi'an was wearing his pajamas, which obviously didn't fit well, "I have…you saw it too, there is only one room, if you want to stay, you can sleep in it, I will Sleep on the sofa."

Lu Qi'an frowned, and asked, "Have you ever thought about sleeping with me?"

"No." Fu Jia was somewhat helpless, not to Lu Qi'an, but to herself who was twisted. "My bed is a single bed. It would be uncomfortable to sleep two people. I don't want you to come to my house for the first time…"

His apartment was too small, and the furniture and appliances were not complete and old. Although Lu Qi'an didn't say anything, he was worried that Lu Qi'an would be uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

"It's very good here, Jiajia." Lu Qi'an said, "I feel very lucky to be able to stay where you have lived for the past seven years, do you understand?"

Fu Jia felt sore and didn't speak, but just nodded.

Lu Qi'an turned off the lights, and fell asleep with Fu Jia in his arms.

Fu Jia's mood was ups and downs this day, and he was tossed by Lu Qi'an for a long time. He was extremely exhausted both mentally and physically, and he fell asleep quickly by relying on Lu Qi'an.

Lu Qi'an was right beside him, truly existing.

But the sad thing is that Fu Jia can't experience the happiness of regaining the lost, he only feels the emptiness.

He can't forget.

He couldn't forget the first time he saw Lu Qi'an in the Lin's villa. Ever since Lu Qi'an was just a little boy, he was special in Fu Jia's eyes, and he couldn't forget the first thing Lu Qi'an gave him. It was a Band-Aid, and he was beaten by Mrs. Chen for it. He also couldn't forget that he hid in the gloomy servant's room, looked at Lu Qi'an and Lin Fengxun in the sunlight, and sinisterly imagined that the person standing beside Lu Qi'an was him.

What he can't forget is every detail of getting along with Lu Qi'an after he got him. He can't forget Lu Qi'an's care and care for him every time, their first kiss, their first night of physical and mental integration. He couldn't forget every look that Lu Qi'an looked at him, and every love word that Lu Qi'an said, or those words that were not really love words but moved his heart.

Lu Qi'an admitted that he likes Fu Jia.

He also admitted that he belonged to Fu Jia.

How could Fu Jia forget? He remembered every minute and every second, clearly and deeply.

He can't forget these things, so he can't forget that every midnight in the past seven years, he closed his eyes and saw false memories like this, and opened his eyes to see the reality of nothing.

It was hard to be beaten and expelled, and it was also hard to be looked down upon because of education and birth.

The tribulations in the world can be overcome with perseverance, but how can we resist the unforgettable memories?

He is not reconciled.

Everyone has bad habits, and his bad habit is that every night for seven years, he will be tortured to death by this unwillingness. He often cried in his dreams, and when it was severe, he might wake up from crying, so hoarse that he knelt on the side of the bed and retched. Sometimes it is better, just whimpering a few times unconsciously, which does not affect the normal life of the next day.

He didn't see a psychiatrist because he didn't want to tell anyone about his frustration. He wanted to suppress this unwillingness to death every night, he knew that he would be tortured for the rest of his life, so he accepted his fate.

Fu Jia curled up in Lu Qi'an's arms, trembling and crying. A spot of water was expertly smudged on the pillow. For seven years, they were always the same.

Lu Qi'an woke up with a start.

There was a small gap in the curtain, and through the faint moonlight, Lu Qi'an vaguely saw the tears on Fu Jia's face.


"Jiajia?" Lu Qi'an almost lost his voice, "Jiajia?"

Fu Jia was lying in his arms. They started again after seven years, and he had full confidence in protecting Fu Jia. They will never be separated again in the future, and he will fulfill the promises he failed to fulfill before.

Why is Fu Jia crying?

Hearing Lu Qi'an's voice in a haze, Fu Jia opened his eyes, and the darkness in front of him made him suffocate.

Lu Qi'an couldn't move his hand to turn on the light, he just hugged Fu Jia tightly and asked him: "What's wrong with you?"

Even when Fu Jia woke up, he still couldn't stop crying. His internal organs were twisted together and hurt, he struggled, wanting Lu Qi'an to let him go.

Lu Qi'an didn't dare to use force on him, so he could only let go.

Fu Jia changed her kneeling posture, clutching her abdomen tightly, sweat and tears streaming down her face.

Is this his dream again?

Could it be that when he closed his eyes and opened them again, Lu Qi'an in front of him disappeared.

Fu Jia buried her face in her hands, and let out a hoarse cry from deep in her throat.

This crying condemned Lu Qi'an.

"I'm afraid you're fake…" Fu Jia wiped his face, screaming every word, "I'm afraid you're fake, I'm afraid you're gone again, how many times have you disappeared in my dreams Do you know? Have you ever counted?"

Actually, Fu Jia has never counted, he doesn't want to count, but he just remembers every time.

Lu Qi'an seemed to have his heart crushed by someone, his face was pale: "I will not leave, I will not leave you again."

A firm promise did not bring much comfort to Fu Jia, he cried for a long time, and his breath was not smooth , His throat was also dry and hoarse, and he couldn't help retching.

Fu Jia is of course happy that Lu Qi'an is back. While he was happy, he couldn't help feeling inferior, afraid that Lu Qi'an would leave him again. He would rather the idea that he had never met Lu Qi'an in this life was not temporary, if Lu Qi'an wanted to leave him again one day, he would rather they not start over.

The unwillingness to part with Lu Qi'an has tormented him for seven years, what will happen again? He's afraid he can't imagine.

Seeing him retching, Lu Qi'an was so distressed that he regained his composure. He turned on the light, hugged Fu Jia to make him stand up straight, and patted him on the back.

"Don't cry, just touch me to see if I'm fake?" Lu Qi'an's eyes also turned red, "How can I be fake? I'm back, and I won't leave again. Jiajia, be good. Check it out, I'm not fake."

Fu Jia leaned on his shoulder, and tears soon wet his shoulder.

Lu Qi'an held Fu Jia's hand, kissed the back of his hand, and said, "Look, you can touch me, no matter how many times you close your eyes, I will always be there when you open them."

"Lu Qi'an…" Fu Jia called out Looking at him, "Lu Qi'an…"

As long as he calls out, someone will definitely answer him:

"I am here, I am here."