Chapter 67

Lu Qi'an asked Fu Jia's car to be driven back to the villa. After that, the car was left in the garage to collect dust for several days, because he would pick Fu Jia up to and from get off work every day, and would come to pick Fu Jia up for dinner at noon.

For this reason, Gao Xing couldn't help teasing Fu Jia: "I think Mr. Lu can't wait to shrink you down and put you in his pocket, and take you with him all the time."

Fu Jia retorted him: "We go to work together and have lunch together, isn't it? Is it normal? Ordinary friends will do the same if they have a good relationship. We are not as close as you and your wife."

Gao Xing and his wife don't commute to work or have lunch together, but they chat on their mobile phones anytime, anywhere , No matter how small things are, you can chat for a while. On the other hand, Fu Jia and Lu Qi'an only talked when they met and never chatted with their mobile phones.

After seven years, they are no longer the teenagers they were back then. They each have their own jobs, Fu Jia is busy, and Lu Qi'an is even busier. Although Fu Jia likes Lu Qi'an as much as seven years ago, and wants to see him all the time, wants to really shrink into a villain and get into his pocket, or vice versa, put Lu Qi'an in his pocket, but he Already able to control himself, try to be a mature and independent lover, no longer like a piece of brown candy that can't be shaken off, tightly entangled with Lu Qi'an like seven years ago.

At the end of September, the temperature drops. At the same time Midsummer left, No. 6 Middle School celebrated its centennial anniversary. Teacher Liu invited Fu Jia and Lu Qi'an to come over to play during the weekend and listen to her speech at the school celebration.

Fu Jia knew that the key point of this matter was Teacher Liu's speech, so she agreed without hesitation. Lu Qi'an just sent Fu Jia to the No. 6 Middle School because he had a job that day, and returned to the company after apologizing to Mr. Liu.

Before leaving, he said to Fu Jia: "Call me when it's over, and I'll pick you up."

Fu Jia nodded and said yes, and then he started the car and left.

Teacher Liu took Lele by the hand, looked at the car going away with complicated emotions, and said: "I vaguely guessed about your relationship before, and I was always worried about Qi An, and I was afraid that you might bring Qi An to a bad end. Now look at When you are with Qi An, I don't worry about him at all, I only worry about whether you are doing well. It is difficult to be with people of the same gender, but it is even more difficult to be with Qi An? His character… I won't talk about it, I'm afraid it's difficult for his family too?"

Fu Jia looked at her in surprise: "You know?"

"I can't know?" Teacher Liu was a little helpless, "I'm not an old man. What's wrong with homosexuality, and it's not against the law, as long as you live well, I'll support you."

Lele raised her face and listened curiously to the two adults saying something he couldn't understand at all. Fu Jia lowered her eyes, touched Lele's hair, and said, "Thank you, but…you don't have to worry about me, he is different from before, and although his family doesn't like me, I haven't thought about it either. Going to force it."

He smiled easily and said, "I am also different from seven years ago. If someone dares to break us up, let's try."

Teacher Liu was going to prepare for the speech, and Fu Jia took With Lele, wandering around the campus of No. 6 Middle School.

Everyone's life has several important turning points. For Fu Jia, transferring to No. 6 Middle School was one of the most important turning points in his life.

On weekends, there are only a few students wearing school uniforms on campus, and most of them are former alumni who came to participate in the school celebration. Fu Jia passed by the playground and saw some students playing on the basketball court. When a few young people saw them, they took off their suit jackets and got involved, full of vigor, just like back then.

If Fu Jia hadn't been expelled from No. 6 Middle School, and had successfully graduated and entered a higher school here, how would he feel when he came back seven years later and stood among the young students?

Will he roll up his sleeves and play with them, will he make an appointment with his classmates back then, and laugh about the past in the former classroom?

Fu Jia didn't know.

He led Lele away, and just two steps away, he heard someone behind him shouting, "Fu Jia?"

He turned his head and saw a big man with a shaved head standing not far away, and he called him in surprise, "It's Fu Jia, isn't it?"

Fu Jia looked carefully, but didn't dare to recognize him: "Big head?"

"It's me!" Da Tou stepped forward quickly, and said pleasantly, "I'm Da Tou, Boss Fu, how many years have we not seen each other?"

Fu Jia had mixed feelings in his heart. The big head was the first friend he made after he transferred to No. 6 Middle School. He was also the only good friend he made back then besides Cen Mengke. After he was expelled, he never contacted Datou and Cen Mengke again. He felt it was a pity, but also felt lucky, because he didn't know how to explain the reason why he disappeared back then.

"Long time no see, big head." Fu Jia said with a smile.

"It's been a long time. How many years has it been? I can't count at once." Datou looked at Lele and asked, "This is your son, right?"

Fu Jia asked Lele to say hello to Datou, and said, "No, This is my teacher's grandson, I'll take it for her temporarily."

Datou breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I was scared to death, I thought your son was already this old, that's not okay, I don't even have a girlfriend yet It

's the first time Lele saw his bald uncle, tiptoeing to stare at Datou's bald head, Datou laughed, and squatted down to let him touch his baldness.

Fu Jia wanted to tell Lele that it was impolite, but seeing that Datou looked like he was enjoying it, it was fine.

"Why did you transfer schools suddenly?" Datou also touched Lele's head, and said, "It was too sudden, and I didn't tell my classmates, and your phone couldn't be reached, even if I asked the teacher, I couldn't get through. You."


It turned out that the explanation given by the school to the students was to transfer to another school.

"It's nothing, something happened at home." Fu Jia didn't answer directly.

They are all people who have been struggling in the society for several years. Fu Jia didn't go deep into it, and the big head didn't go deep into it.

He stood up and said, "Didn't you join our classmate group? Our class appointment is in the newly opened coffee shop next to the cafeteria. There are many other classes there. There are acquaintances everywhere. I will take you there." I don't want to see any more classmates. He was afraid that the matter of dropping out of school would be found out, and he would have to bother to explain it.

"I'm still taking the teacher's grandson with me, today…"

Datou knew that he wanted to refuse, so he quickly said: "You transferred to another school without saying a word, and there are still students in our class who remember you. Forget it, we've all met, it's unreasonable for you not to meet your old classmates. Besides, we're all in different places now, if it wasn't for the centennial celebration of our alma mater, we don't know when the next time we get together will be. If you really have something to do today, add WeChat and we will keep in touch in the future."

Fu Jia thought for a while, and based on normal logic, he really had no reason to refuse Datou.

He agreed, added WeChat with Datou, and walked to the coffee shop together.

The coffee shop was only built in the past two years. The upper and lower floors of the glass house are full of people. Datou is still as popular as before, and was recognized by his classmates as soon as he entered the door.

He first introduced Fu Jia: "Look who this is, do you all remember?"

Pushed by him, Fu Jia greeted strangely.

Everyone responded enthusiastically, obviously remembering him.

"How could we have forgotten you?" A classmate said, "When we were in the second year of high school, you beat up the one who was in the third year of high school… Who came from that, anyway, the family is very good, you are fine, but he transferred Let's go, our whole class will respect you, okay!"

Fu Jia smiled, not knowing how to answer him.

The students remembered him for so many years, but it was because of an accident that year.

He sat down with Lele in his arms, and the topic turned to the child. He dealt with it in a few words, and everyone's attention gradually shifted away from him.

He ordered some snacks for Lele and fed him slowly with a spoon. Seeing that he was taking care of the children, the others stopped bothering him and let him sit quietly in the corner.

until one appears.

His class was gathering next to him. When Fu Jia came, there was a lot of movement. He glanced there and recognized Fu Jia instantly.

His heart was overwhelmed, but he was patient. He waited until the people around Fu Jia were quiet before striding forward and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth:

"It's you, Fu Jia."

His tone There is hatred, unwillingness, and disdain in it.

Fu Jia raised his head and frowned.

The person in front of him was wearing a light gray suit, looking elegant, but with a sneer on his face: "Can you take a few minutes, let's talk alone."

Fu Jia's brows were tightened: "Do I know you?"

This person is Li Qinhe, Fu Jia recognized him. But he had no friendship with Li Qinhe from the beginning to the end, let alone anything to talk about.

Li Qinhe raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you curious about why something happened to you seven years ago? Are you also curious about how Lu Qi'an's family sees you now?"

Fu Jia's eyes were cold down.

He hugged Lele, said sorry to the classmates beside him, and stood up from the seat: "Go out and talk."

Li Qinhe did not refuse.

They walked out of the cafe and stood in the shade not far away.

Li Qinhe took out the cigarette and lighter from his suit jacket, and pulled out one to light it. Fu Jia said in a cold tone, "There are children here, if you want to smoke, we have nothing to talk about."

Li Qinhe shrugged, put the cigarette back in his pocket, and said, "You have a son, and Lu Qi'an is still willing to be with you?"

Fu Jia didn't bother to explain to Li Qinhe.

The more relaxed he looked, the more unconvinced Li Qinhe was. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth together, tightening his jawline.

He hated Fu Jia to the core, but he had to give in to Fu Jia.

"Back then, I was indeed the one who called the three people who beat you, but I told them not to hit you hard. It was their own idea that you would be hurt so badly. Moreover, I did not do the thing that you dropped out of school. , I have no ability to do something on your student status."


What is he saying?

Fu Jia's mind was buzzing, feeling endless absurdity.

He thought it was the Lu family who sent someone to beat him. Whether it's Lu Zhiyuan, Lu Wanqing, or even Lu Qi'an, it's justifiable. He also thought about whether it was the Lin family, Lin Fengxun, Lin Heng, Lin Qing, everyone hated him to the bone. But he never thought that it would be Li Qinhe, a complete outsider.

Li Qinhe lowered his head slightly, and reluctantly put himself in a lower position: "It's been so many years, there's no need to hold on to it anymore, anyway, now that Lu Qi'an has returned to China to look for you, you… …"

He gritted his teeth, crushed the proud bone with his own mouth, with blood in his throat, "Can you let him let go of the past and contact me again." As soon as the words came out

, Li Qinhe felt chills all over his body.

Seven years ago, it took Lu Qi'an less than a month to find out what he did to Fu Jia. On that rainy evening, Lu Qi'an was drenched and walked into his apartment covered in rain, holding a photo in his hand.

It was only later that he found out that the person he asked to teach Fu Jia a lesson did not obey his orders, and secretly kept a picture of Fu Jia covered in blood and lying unconscious on the ground.


Before the word "An" could be uttered, Lu Qi'an punched him.

Will Lu Qi'an still fight with others?

If he hadn't been beaten himself, he would never have believed it.

The torrential rain roared outside, he was stunned by the sudden punch, Lu Qi'an was so frantic that he wanted to kill him, he was beaten until his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he started to fight back belatedly, but he was already unable to beat Lu Qi'an.

Finally, in the blood-red eyes, he remembered what Lu Qi'an said to him in the car –

"If my guess is correct, I will not let you go." When

he woke up, he was already in the hospital, and no one Come to comfort him, and no one complains for him. He wanted to find the Lu family, but whether it was Lu Qi'an, Lu Zhiyuan, or even Lin Fengxun, they all refused to see him. He found his family and wanted them to ask the Lu family for an explanation, but his father woke him up with one sentence: "Stop messing around, and be careful to drag the whole family into trouble.

" The family sent him back to China and stopped him from studying.

Later, when it was agreed to leave him a position in the company, the family didn't give it to him anymore, and gave it to his cousin.

He thought he had vented his anger on the Lu family and should be their hero, but was told by the Lu family that it was just his self-indulgence.

He regretted it, and felt that regretting this emotion was a humiliation to him. He wanted to ask the Lu family to forgive him and accept him again, but he couldn't hold back his face no matter what. For seven whole years, he never contacted anyone in the Lu family again.

After Lu Qi'an returned to China, he also tried to contact Lu Qi'an, but he refused the door without exception.

He asked a friend to find out that Lu Qi'an was with Fu Jia again, and it might be his only chance to see Fu Jia in No. 6 Middle School today.

"You didn't do what I dropped out of school, and who did it?" Fu Jia asked.

"I can only assure you that it's not me." Li Qinhe said, "But judging by Lu Qi'an's attitude, it shouldn't be the Lu family, the most likely one is the Lin family, but Lin Heng was restricted by the Lu family at the time, so I Guess it's Lin Qing."

Fu Jia sneered, not surprised.

Look, his biological father asked him to drop out of school, which was far less absurd than Li Qin and letting him be beaten.

A bottle of black ink was knocked over his heart.

"You want to see Lu Qi'an?" Fu Jia hugged Lele tightly, covered his ears with her hands, and said, "Okay, kneel down now, and I'll let you see him."

The word "kneel down" means he He read very lightly, with a disregard for Li Qinhe.

Li Qinhe's whole body was stiff, and the muscles on his face twitched and twisted.

He looked at the pedestrians around him, but didn't speak.

The absurdity is even more absurd, Li Qinhe is actually considering whether to kneel down to Fu Jia.

Fu Jia couldn't bear it anymore, and showed her contempt on her face.

Seven years ago, he suffered a severe beating, and the pain lasted for seven years. The culprit was an irrelevant clown?

"You don't want to kneel? Then get out." Fu Jia said.

Li Qinhe's chest was filled with anger, and he glared at Fu Jia with red eyes, resisting the urge to punch, his bones creaking.

"Fu Jia, don't be shameless." He said, "You don't know yet, the Lu family has been hiding what happened to Lu Wanqing from Lin Fengxun. If I tell Lin Fengxun, guess what will happen? He is not in good health, if he gets angry, do you think Lu Qi'an will break up with you again?"

He cursed, "The Lu family is hard-hearted and will never accept you in this life, just wait and see , you and Lu Qi'an will never end well!"