To Kill A God

Daniel strained his eyes and saw a small figure standing even further in the distance watching. It could've been his imagination but he swore that the creature was… smiling. 


An earth-shattering roar from the lion sent cracks alongside the edges of the cave. His own blood began to vibrate and his bones felt like they would break at any point from the deity-like animal's voice. Instinctively, Daniel summoned a radiant blue sword and held it pathetically in front of the monster. The creature's lips curved into a smirk and his eyes filled with malice.





Daniel looked down to see a massive claw impaled into his stomach. He didn't even see the creature move. In an instant, Daniel was paralyzed from the abdomen down. He turned his head slightly to see his entrails and a portion of his liver covering Ales's body. Blood quickly poured from Daniel's mouth as the lion picked him up 'delicately' as if sampling a fine meal.

The lion brought Daniel to his mouth and quickly separated his upper and lower body with his teeth. Daniel couldn't even scream in agony, but he knew his time was limited as darkness began to surround his vision. However, suddenly a blue light erupted from Daniel's body as he was swallowed into the lion's stomach.

The acid tore through Daniel's flesh and bones almost instantaneously as he equally fast, began to regenerate the lost parts of his body. Daniel screamed in blinding agony as his nerves were reconstructed and burned again and again. A few seconds passed that felt like a millennia for Daniel before the lion noticed that something was wrong.

Daniel began expelling radiant blue qi and quickly materialized a sword. Daniel's sanity was broken almost instantly as he began to swing the qi around like a frenzied animal. Small cuts began to accumulate on the lion's stomach. As the lion realized that something was wrong, it began to sling itself into the cavern walls, destroying it almost instantaneously and causing a massive explosion that sent rocks around the desert to create their own miniature explosions of sand.

The cuts accumulated on the monster's thick stomach until an opening was formed. Acid from the creatures stomach leaked out into the rest of its abdomen, burning its way through the spleen, liver, and intestines. The creature roared loudly and propelled itself into the sky at a blinding speed. Daniel's rapidly regenerating body was sent flying deeper into the monster's small intestine before a rush of stomach acid burned a path for him to the abdominal cavity.

The monster let out an agonizing roar as its outer stomach burst open and began leaking its contents to the earth below it. Regardless, the creature continued exploding through the air at blinding speeds. Daniel's screams had become more like demented screeches as the acid continued to melt his own body.

Somehow, his eyes lit up with hope as he saw an opening through the monster's stomach leading to the world below them. Daniel frantically swam through acidic blood, and ripped the opening wider, allowing him access to the outside world. He was about to breath a sigh of relief when he saw the horizon of the planet he was on.

The monster had flown nearly 15 kilometers into the sky in just a few seconds. However, Daniel didn't have the capacity to think or comprehend right now. The monster and Daniel let out a final scream before Daniel pushed himself to the outside world. The monster's eyes flashed one last time before its wings stopped moving.

Daniel was ejected outside and both the Lion and he were sent plummeting back down to the surface of the planet. Daniel though his pain would end quickly, but after a mile of falling, his limbs began to light ablaze and he screamed in agony once more.

Daniel and the monster both appeared as fiery comets as they descended back to the face of the planet. Five minutes of agony passed before the monster and Daniel impacted the ground sending a massive explosion to the surrounding area.

[You have obtained 'Unrefined Sword Qi' (3 star)]

The pain subsided momentarily and Daniel's consciousness has almost begun to return when the Lion closed its eyes for good.

[You have slain a Mid Tier 3 monster]

Daniel's hand containing the war rune erupted into a fountain of blood as his chest began to expand unnaturally. Daniel didn't have the capacity to scream anymore and held his tongue in his throat, unknowingly asphyxiating himself while his soul was torn turn to shreds by the energy influx of a mid tier 3 monster. Unbeknownst to Daniel, soft footsteps approached him and a calm set of eyes were placed upon him. 

"How peculiar."