Hashing Out The Details

Qrir looked into the female's eyes, discerning her clear resolve. He did not doubt in his mind that she was serious.

Fortunately for everyone, they wouldn't need to go that far.

"There is no need for such dreadful thoughts. My lady has already asked me to arrange a meeting with her if you agree to help us. I'm sure she wouldn't mind meeting you before you make your choice.

"Unfortunately, I can't bring you to her as free people. If you wish to leave your ship and travel on our world, you'll need to come as prisoners. Of course, I will be the one to control your freedom, and should anything happen, I will release you immediately.

"Also, given our lack of knowledge of your technology, I would be hard-pressed to keep you from bringing hidden weapons; if you were to hide them under a pressurized suit, you would surely need to breathe our air."