What the Clones!?

"Alright Rusty, stay here, don't stray far. I don't want some imperials spotting you. Me and R4 are gonna go for some scrap" Jake said as he hopped on his speeder, R4 strapped and ready.

"You're gonna come back...right sir?" Rusty asked with a hint of panic.

"Of course Rusty, I'll be back, why wouldn't I?" Jake said as if it was obvious before speeding off, without a response from Rusty.

"Because...im..expendable" Rusty answered the teens question, Jake obviously not hearing him it anymore, the droid looked around not knowing exactly what to do, without Jake, or as Rusty thought of his commanding officer gone, he had 100 percent full choice of his actions, something it had never experienced before.

Rusty scrambled through his old separatist programming within its droid brain, hoping it would find something of interest. Rusty didn't find much, other then a few files, named "kill clones" "patrol perimeter" "order 99" and "unit marked for recycling". Ignoring the rather strange ones, he chose Patrol, which listed the following. 

"B1 units are to clear an area of hostile enemies, afterwards, they should proceed to their general for orders, if no orders are given. Set up a patrol perimeter to consistently walk on, this will insure safety of the area."

Rusty took in these orders, he calculated that this made sense but had one fatal error, no one was attempting to seize Jake's home, why guard if nothing was under threat. Rusty knew that patrolling wouldn't assist, he also knew he wasn't programmed for construction work, or at least it wasn't too good at it. So Rusty ended up at his last option other than shutting down, exploring.

This thought was daunting for Rusty, to explore alone....no commander...no orders...no -- .- ... - . .-.

Nonetheless, Rusty reluctantly initiated this action within its programming, hoping it could find something of use to please Jake when he returned. Rusty stared at the Cliff they lived next too, and using some common sense, calculated that high ground would enable long range viewing of the surrounding area, even without Micro-binoculars. Rusty pulled itself off the ground where it had sat, and begun its march towards a climbable surface towards the cliff. Thanks to a map Jake had made years ago that the B1 had downloaded earlier, Rusty knew that there was an easily climbable surface near the house to get up top.

Upon reaching the cliff side, he attempted to scan the best way up, but his scans failed thanks to age and cheap design, so he wasn't able to map a route up top. Rusty simply ignored this (as you do) and grabbed a rock that stuck out from the slanted cliff. 

"This isn't going to be fun" Rusty spoke in the all familiar annoyed tone that B1s so often spoke in

After around 20 minutes, and several close calls, Rusty was able to reach the top, and immediately began to scan the far reaches of the area around him, not needing time for rest. Surprisingly he spotted 3 white dots in the distance, his Navi-map told him they were in the direction of Jake's home, towards the way he had walked when he was on the bottom of the cliff, the figures were atop the cliff, and looked to be laying down. This worried Rusty, as it didn't know what the white things were from this distance. With a scratchy suspicious hum being imitated from its voice box, it pulled out its E-5 and marched towards the objects. He was going to figure out what those things were, why they're here, and most importantly, if they're hostile.

Jake is currently looking for an important piece of an AT-TE. The main cannon on top has a stabilizer that is used to make sure it can support all the weight from the one connection point it has with the rest of the walker. Jake was prodding around with a blowtorch to attempt to find it, as if he could properly re fit it it could help keep his house from being....ya know....blown away during a sandstorm. 

A noise confused him. The clear sound of a Probe Droid, a now imperial class scout. As it sped overhead. For a few seconds Jake simply got back to work, leaving the hiding area he entered upon hearing it, knowing it couldn't spot him anymore, Until he realized its flight path....

Straight home.....

Rusty was currently behind the three white figures, Rusty had identified them as troopers, due to their gear and blasters, they wore similar armor to the clones, but their colors had been faded. Rethinking what Jake had said, he assumed that these three were part of the empire. Rusty already didn't like them, but they seemed to be scouting out the village that Jake was from. Rusty's programming practically screamed at him "PROTECT THE TOWN". The troopers had no clue Rusty had advanced behind them...until..

"Greetings" the 3 Clone troopers spun around quickly from the laid stance, and stood crouched looking at Rusty. 

"I am B1 unit-" Rusty was rudely interrupted by one of the 3 troopers

"What's a B1 doing out here?" asked one

"I don't know Dash" responded another trooper, Rusty simply, stared at the three, with 0 idea of what they were planning.

in the background Rusty hummed "umm are we..?" wondering if they heard him.

"Let's send him to the scrap pile, just like the good old days" said the last trooper, Rusty calculated his response, and after some quick logical inspection he determined that these were Imperial clones.....

"Uuuhhhh ooooh!" Rusty voiced his response to the answer aloud, Rusty turned and began to run randomly from side to side, firing a loose blaster bolt into the blinding sky every few steps. The 3 clones gave chase.

"I've never seen a B1 smart Enough to run" Dash said 

"as if i give a shit Dasher, let's just scrap it" said Flame

" shut it guys" said the squad captain in a stern tone, who was marked with green armor pieces covering one of his shoulders" just finish the job" he concluded 

The three opened fire on Rusty, the B1 panicked even now, waving it's arms frantically as it nears the cliff edge, Rusty also let out a loud "NiahahaaaAaaaAhhh" during his attempts at escape.


Jake and R4 had just gotten home, with Rusty nowhere to be found, and with no luck finding him in the area, Jake began to panic. R4s scans picked up an electromagnetic signal, as well as 3 faint heat signals, atop the cliff. Jake immediately went to a spot and began to climb.

"R4, keep an eye on the house for me will ya?" Jake asked quickly 

"Bree beeep!" R4 gargled and sped on home through the sand

Jake reached the top of the cliff, and turned right, attracted by the noise of blaster fire. In the distance he saw Rusty not too far, which relieved him slightly. Of course until seeing him being followed by 3 what he assumed to be imperial troopers and several blaster bolts that seemingly always missed. Jake rushed towards them in a panic, pulling out his shock baton and being ready to fight till he physically couldn't any longer.

Rusty continued running, but of course tripped on some rocks on the ground, and with a metallic thud fell faceplate first into the sand. At first his preservation protocols told him to keep running, however Rusty noticed that the blaster fire had stopped, and that three shadows could be seen in the ground in front of it. Rusty was flipped over by Flamer.

"What ya doing? Clanka" he said mockingly

Dash gave a slight laugh " trying to run now where you?" He kicked Rusty's side, causing a mechanically grunt of pain to escape his Voice box " you don't like that do ya?" Dash continued, probably with a smirk beneath the helmet.

"We have protocol troopers, get yourselves in line " the captain spoke loudly, Rusty stared at the clone, somewhat thankful for making the other cease their aggravation.

"Roger that captain Kelp" both troopers said in unison, both with a hint of boredom.

"Get behind me, you two know the drill" Kelp spoke casually as he readied his blaster, Dash and Flame, both got into position.

"Uhhh, nice to meet you clone?" Rusty said in a desperate attempt to save himself from whatever was coming, his faceplate still showed no emotion, but his voice was more than enough to prove how terrified Rusty was.

Kelp gave a slight chuckle "ya know, almost makes me not wanna blast ya clanka" he spoke "Blasters ready!l kelp shouted.

"Wait! I'm sure we can talk about thi-" Rusty spoke in panic before being interrupted by screaming to their right, the three troopers and Rusty turned to see Jake charging towards them. Jack landed a blow on Flamer's face, causing a short burst of electricity before he fell to the ground. With a thud as sand kicked up around the now unconscious trooper.

"Flamer!!" Dasher exclaimed before charging at Jake firing bolts, missing all of them before getting into melee combat. Kelp turned to help before being yanked to the floor by Rusty who had grabbed his ankle.

"Your under arrest" Rusty spoke in the most threatening voice a B1 could muster 

"Get off me clanka!!" Kelp complained before the two began to wrestle

Jake had been pinned by Dash, who was about to throw a punch at Jakes forehead, this caused Dashes arm to release Jakes left arm, which he used to push Dash off him before shocking him with his right arm which held the Shock Baton, he turned to the know unconscious clone, with a sigh he got up and was called to by Kelp.

"Hey kid" Kelp mocked Jake as he held a struggling Rusty by the neck piece " wouldn't want to break something, right" Kelp continued to mock Jake, as Rusty could be heard complaining that his neck was extremely fragile.

"Let him go!" Jake screamed, he was done with these Imperial messes with his life. Jake pointed the shock baton at him and took in a breath " let him go'' he repeated in an angered but calmer tone. Kelp stared directly into Jake's eyes through his helmet as Rusty continued to struggle, but it was meaningless, Kelp tightened his grip on Rusty, receiving a small glitchy yelp from the droid. Even though it was questionable if B1's could feel things other than pain, pressure was able to be felt in a way by most droids.

Jake readied himself, nervous at the Imperials' silence, and scared because of Rusty's constant desperation to escape.

Kelp spoke grimly, his smirk almost broke the helmet he wore....

"Make me.."