imperial Pressure

Hi, no author's note this time. I've got nothin to say....


Jake and the others have arrived at the village entrance, at which point already had a replacement guard sitting atop the gate. The Geonosian didn't even question Jake, Teesh and T-83 as they walked in dragging the lifeless bodies of Clank and Rusty. Jake now knew both where going to fine once they reached Teeshes house and plugged them into a power socket, but R4 was still a problem, as far as Jake knew Teesh only had 2 charges, if R4 died he would have to carry him all the way back home, or use a strangers charger, which was another mess of social interaction Jake didn't want to deal with. Jake peered behind him and saw that R4 was slower than usual, but still seemingly doing well. Upon reaching Teeshes house they plugged in the two separatist droids and waited.

"Sir, I have realized that both the B2 and B1 have acquired names other than their factory numbers....why" T-83 spoke loudly and surprised Jake from the small trance he was in.

"Oh uh....names are an identifying factor, they like.....their the first thing someone knows about you, their very important" Jake response was decent enough for the Tactical Droid.

"I will auto generate a name fitting for my model using Etsy..." T-83 spoke almost to himself as it began to ponder a name. Jake didn't ask Esty because he honestly didn't care but after that he gave a few suggestions, all of which were denied.


"To organic"



"By who-"

"Don't question it"

Jake quickly gave up and went back to watching Rusty and Coank charge, allowing the droid to think. 

"Hmmmm...I calculate that T-38 is a good name," T-83 told Jake, who looked at the droid with a face of confused disappointment.

"No it needs to be a word T-83, that's literally the whole point" Jake explained annoyed. This returned Tactical droid back to its thoughts.

"Loookkk" Teesh said as he walked next to them. "Your a droid, your sssmart....issshhh....and your body isssss broken" T-83 looked at himself for a moment "make a name with that" Teesh finished. Jake watched this unfold and then waited for the undeceive droid to make a name.

The droid stared at several of its broken body parts, its burned feet and all the dents and scratches, yet it couldn't generate a name. Until it held its hand up and felt its broken eye, which was still cracked and not lit up like the other eye.

"i shall name myself Tac" T-83 said

Jake looked at him with confusion as he thought of the name. Which had nothing to do with the eye T-83 had just touched.

"I mean, it could be worse...." Jake said unsure, sure the name went with Tactical Droid, but otherwise it didn't make sense. Jake decided to just put it aside and congratulate Tac, formally T-83. 

"Well you've got a name now, that's all that matters" Tac simply nodded before looking at Rusty and Clank, both of whom had completely charged by the time Jake's conversion had ended. Jake just patted the droids on the shoulder as he then plugged R4 in to start charging. With a few low beeps R4s lights turned off he powered down to charge up.

----------------------- El Time jump (an hour)

The 4 were walking through the town, Teesh had decided to stay home while they went exploring, Jake showed Tack around as the other 3 droids did some small talk behind them. Tac curiously talked to several villagers about the town itself, speaking in the "dead inside yet still living" tone of voice common among Tactical Droids. Soon after showing Tac the gathering hub which hosted several tables and chairs, a small platform for performances and specialized food stand for geonosians, they went to the town market, it was bustling with people as per usual. Bugs behind the counter carried items back and forth, Tac scanned the stock hanging up on the large wall that supported the giant overhanging ceiling above them, Jake called over the rest of the droids to take a look, in case there was anything they wanted. However, Rusty, Clank and R4 all denied the need for any extra items, so Jake just focused on getting Tac a viable blaster, the droid's current one looked as if it was purposely covered in shit before being burned with 3 flamethrowers.

"Bout time we got you a new weapon, huh?" Jake nudged Tacs shoulder as he inquired the question.

"Affirmative" Tac spoke, taking a few steps forwards to continue looking at the stock. Several weapons and items showed themselves on the wall, things from imperial blasters, mechanical parts, scrap, electronics and even household items such as silverware were present, all of them neatly organized into differ t sections of the wall. Tac was obviously not interested in getting a fucking spoon se he stayed in the weapon section. 

"These blasters are obviously not fit for soldier use" Tac noted as he scanned the array of rusty guns.

"Well duh" Jake retorted "we're not soldiers, we're scrappers" he said slinging his arm over Tacs shoulder.

Tac ignored his comment and stared at a particular blaster on the wall, it was a clearly modified version of a DC-17, also known as the Clone blaster pistol. Tac asked the bug running that section if he could hold it. With the blaster in his hands he examined it, the gun had extra ammo, yet it wasn't the blue electrified bolts of the clones, it was instead the cheap red bolts used by most lower class fighters, including droids. It also had its flashlight removed and replaced with an extended barrel for more range. 

"This will do," Tac stated.

"Good, now let's see how much this costs" Jake walked up next to Tad and politely asked the geonosian the cost of it, with a few clicks and other noises plus a translation from R4 Jake discovered it was around 100 credits, it seems like a lot but with the help of his droids scrap had never been in such abundance, so he got a hefty pay every time he got into town. He handed over the credits as the bug thanked him, he walked back to the main group with Tac. 

Tac strapped the blaster to his hip "our survivability as increased by 43 percent"

"Well that's great!" Rusty said to the probably false information, Clank had no response. 

"Beep beep beeep" R4 rolled up next to Jake.

Jake knelt down slightly "what is it bud?" 

R4 beeped a few more times, informing Jake that he had lost his blaster when the 2 crazy B1's attacked them.

"Oh right, that was a one of a kind, we probably won't find another, sorry bud" Jake patted them on the head before signaling everyone to start moving.

With a slight mechanical sigh R4 rolled along with the rest of the droids. After some time walking through the town they reached the front gate, the sand blew against them as they walked through, the sun's shine slowly disappearing as a cloud momentarily blocked it out, the sand was rough and almost molded around the droid's feet with every step, and eventually their steps stopped. Jake saw his house not too far away, the problem was massive imperial LAAT parked next to it..

"Uhh I thought you landed our ship at the village" Rusty proclaimed with increasing nervousness 

"That would be correct" Clank said with a hint of fear himself 

Jake's eyes widened as he saw TK troopers emerge from the shuttle "how did they find us?! I thought we killed every imperial we came across" 

"Beeeee beeoop beee bop bboooo" R4 suggested

"I guess they do know where the town is you're not wrong" Jake said "alright, follow me" the group had thankfully approached the house from the back, and were able to slowly walk and hide behind the house itself, they could hear some chatter from the troopers but nothing important. 

He saw the window that usually gave him a shitty view and got an idea

"You guys stay here, weapons ready. R4 with me" Jake said as slowly got up to walk around the building. His 3 droids watched nervously.

With a fearful beep R4 followed Jake as the boy turned around the corner and to the front porch of their house. The troopers immediately saw him.

"Hey! Kid!, what are you doing here?" A trooper asked as 2 more walked up behind him.

"Ohh....I live here, I should be asking you what you're doing here?" Jake said, trying to sound confident despite his voice being filled with fear.

"Oh really?" One trooper mused, pushing jake slightly

"Wouldn't mind if we took a look inside would you" another trooper asked.

"Actually I w- " before being able to finish more troopers from the ship carried a small battering ram, swinging the door wide open and entering his home.

"Or not" he mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" One clone interrogated him as he pushed Jake into his house and against a wall.

"Nothing sir" Jake said strained as he held his back slightly from the impact, R4 also came rolling through the doorway to stay by Jake.

 "Right...anyways we've come looking for a boy around your age. He seems to lead a group of battle droids to fight in a nearby town, every heard of him" the clone was obviously accusing Jake.

"Nope, must've been someone else your looking for" Jake responded nervously

Another clone in the house responded to this "then why do you have 4 droids chargers for one Astromech?" 

Jake stayed silent as three clones in his house walked towards him, they noticed his lack of answers and raised their blasters, which prompted Jake to raise his arms, and R4 to let out an alarmed beep.

"You're under arrest in violation of code 167 and the possible use of separatist droids"

Jake stared at the clone before looking out the window and shouting "now guys!!"

All the clones slightly lowered their blasters and looked at the window in confusion, soon after Tac quickly appeared on the other side and broke the glass with a punch, soon after Rusty came flying through the empty hole yelling as Clank threw him, Jake quickly stepped back as Rusty knocked down both of the clones.

"Stop throwing me!" Rusty complained as he struggled to get off the clones.

 Jake chuckled a bit at the B1's comment before quickly pulling out his blaster and putting a hole threw the last clone Rusty didn't knock over, looking over to the window he saw that Tac and Clank were heading around the house to enter, and looking upon the ground he saw one clone not Moving and the other fist fighting Rusty and winning, the clone lifted the droid to its feet and punched its head, before another punch could land three blaster bolts filled the clones body as Jake killed the imperial. Rushing R4 and Rusty along the 3 went outside and saw the remaining clones firing at Clank and Tac, which had been pinned behind their speeder bike.

"We have a 200% chance of losing if we do not do something," Tac said as he reached his arm over to fire a few shots, all of which missed.

"Not now!" Jake yelled as he ran back inside his house with Rusty and R4 to use their door as cover and fire at the clones, few clones fell down dead as the slowly walked back to their LAAT to use as cover, Clank as taken as few hits due to his large size, but it didn't faze him. Jake looked around the house to find anything useful, until he remembered the ladder perched at the back of his house, they had ignored it earlier but if he sent Rusty through the window, the B1 would have the high ground angle in the imperials.

"Rusty! Go through that window and climb up to the ceiling" Jake yelled at Rusty through the hail of blaster fire.

"Roger Roger!!" Rusty quickly replied as it ran off in a panic. Not less then a minute later, blaster fire could be heard from above Jake, peeking outside he saw a clone fall to the floor as the imperials began to look up and what Jake presumed was Rusty being a badass. Tax and Clank took the clone's distraction and lifted themselves over their cover and unleashed all their firepower at the imperials, Clank's arm cannon destroyed any clone in sight, and while Tacs pistol required a few shots to finish off the enemy it was still extremely effective. 

The last remaining clones ran back into their LAAT and began to take off as the doors closed.

"Yeah, that's right, meatbags!" Rusty cheered as they all continued to fire at the ship as it blasted away moments later. The droids celebrate in a fit of awkward dancing by Rusty and entire essay released in the fight by Tac, and Clank's usual stare as things happened around him.

"Let's not get to excited yet guys" Jake remarked nervously 

"Beooo bee beee booop" R4 said in a see I fly somber tone

"They'll be back, we know this, and especially with the amount of....." Jake turned to look at the dead clones on his front yard "enemies...dispatched, they will definitely be coming back to wipe us out" 

"I calculate that the chance that the Enemy has located your main village is 103% Tac followed Jake's speech"

"Affirmative" Rusty said, visibly nervous despite the lack of facial emotion.

"We must be prepared for an assault on your home base sir, we must keep the people safe" Clank spoke in the deep gurgling voice as he shifted his heavy body towards Jake.

"Clanks right, we need to do something and fast" Jake finished this sentence and heard a call from behind him, he turned, along with the rest of the droids, to see Teesh running towards them with his long Trandoshan rifle out and a squad of geonisian guard behind him.

"We ssssawww the ssssshhhip fly past usssss, what happned!?" Teesh exclaimed as he reached Jake.

"We have to warn the bugs about an incoming attack, the Empire is coming.....,and they ain't fucking happy!"