Flesh Burns

Jake and the other rushed towards the mechanical screeching, Jake got there first and pounded on the now locked door, Tac came up and shoved jake slightly beginning to try and lockpick it, before anything could be done however Clank just straight ran throw both the door and his 2 companions, with R4 watching in disappointment. All three of them on the floor stood up quickly and their eye/Photoreceptors spotted Rusty standing up next to a barely functioning Commando Droid, having....small talk?

"oh there they are" Rusty told the Commando 

"Rusty!? are you ok?!!?" Jake said in a panic running up to the droid, the other following behind.

"Of course sir, just got frightened by him" The B1 pointed at the Commando Droid, of which hobbled up to the group, Jake scanned the new droid, it was horribly damaged. worse than even Tac. It's dark Grey coloring had mostly peeled off, leaving a rusty steel colored husk, one eye flickered on and off between white and red, the other eye was missing completing, along with most of that side of his face, leaving the actual yellow glowing photoreceptor exposed. it had both its legs, although it had several dents, and its left arm was cut in half, the sear burn still visible from the jedi who had done this, and Wires stuck out of every joint it had.

"you look..." Jake thought of a polite way to say "fucking destroyed"

"Br-br-ooOoke-enn=n==-qw=mn" The commando Droid spoke in a deep garbled and glitchy voice.

"how are you even a functioning trooper, you are missing several key parts" Tac asked directly, followed by an "Affirmative" from Clank.

"I-Iii-i Nevee-e-er-r Sh&utt shut@(#7Down-wdown." The droid said, a splatter of oil leaking from its chest due to the strain. Jake furrowed his eyes lightly and slowly approached the droid.

"Let us help you, and don't talk, you're gonna break yourself" Jake offered, extending a hand for the droid to shake. The Commando stared at the group for a second, noticing the obvious repairs done to all the droids, even R4. Rusty gave an enthusiastic thumbs up, while Tac and Clank waited for an answer, the Commando answered with a slight nod and shook Jake's hand.

with a grin Jake said "welcome, now let's leave...like now"

"wait" the Commando questioned "why-y-y-y-y---wh-y"

"....Empire" Clank said

The commando let out a glitchy sigh and picked up its Vibroblade from the ground, signaling Jake to go. With a nod, Jake speed walked out of the bunker, droids close behind, he immediately realized that the only way back was the way they came, and Jake knew they'd be waiting. he motioned the group to hug the cliff wall, they would have climb it, but it was easily three times taller than the one back home, and the droids metal tends to shine a lot, giving away their location. So rather than climbing they continued towards the exit, they found a position where the clones could be seen in the far distance, luckily for Jake the clones thought it'd be a great idea to hide in all white armor. 

"alright everyone, we have to stay low and get the jump on them...got it" Jake said carefully, knowing his squad wasn't good at stealth

a series of beeps and nods followed, including "of course" "obviously" Roger Roger" and "got it"

As they approached, Jake raised his Trandoshan pistol and aimed for a nearby clone, signaling for the others to get ready. of course, another clone appeared from behind a rock, causing Rusty to promptly stand up from his hiding spot

"hey look!! you should shoot that one!!" Rusty yelled, pointing obliviously towards the clone.

"oh.....my god" Tac stated

"beeeooo broooop" R4 stated in defeat

Clank just sighed.

"oh fuck it!. KILL THEM!" Jake yelled standing up and lighting up the clones with his pistol, Clank following suit with his Wrist blasters, Rusty and his E-5 Blaster got to work, the Commando sliced Clones stupid enough to get close, and Tac made precise callouts on enemy Positions. the Coordination was making Jake teary, until...

"DOOAAA...DAAA.....DRRAGGHHhHHH....." Clank mechanically screeched, as he fell over, smoke pouring out of a blaster mark on his chest, and 2 marks that destroyed the joint of his left leg, he quickly toppled over with loud SMASH, pulling up a cloud of dust. Clank tried to regain his footing, but the damage to his leg left him waving his arms widely shooting to the air.


"B2 Super Battle immobilized" a Clone yelled "finish them!" Another followed, both of them were quickly shot down in a barrage of bolts from Rusty and Tac. Commander Cody finally decided to appear and took shots at Jake, the teen swiftly ducked for cover as the bolt whizzed by his hair. A look of desperation of Jakes was seen by R4, who Beeped at Jake signaling only 3 Clones remained. Peaking over the rock Jake opened fire, missing his shots on the retreating clones, sadly Cody doesn't miss.

With a single bolt, it broke through the weak scrap armor Jake wore, going straight through it and his shoulder, another shot ringed in his ear as his eyes became blurring, he felt extreme heat as a bolt passed through a different spot on the same shoulder. This launched him flying backwards crashing into the floor, unconscious. R4 wheeled over with horrified beeps and Jakes bleeding body. 

"Jake!!" Rusty yelled, the B1 looked back to fire upon the clones, before realizing they had left.

"The Empires Gone! We need to get him home!" Rusty panicked

"Rusty collect the speeder and roll it here" Tac stated, Rusty nodded and light metal footsteps were heard walking away. 

"Commando droid, drag Clank next to Jake while commence medical Procedures" Tac said, ripping off some of Jake's cloths to use as a bandage. 

"You're no medical droid, what makes you think you can save this organic....we are probably better off without him." the Commando Stated

"I find your audacious behavior less amusing at this time. follow my orders immediately" Tac said raising his monotone voice. Without saying a word, the Commando walked over to the still malfunctioning Clank, and begun to drag him over, Tac also began to apply the little knowledge in medical he had and closed the wounds with a knot out of jakes cloths, exposing Jakes skinny upper body to the elements wasn't of Tacs concern at the moment.

A few minutes later Rusty arrived hauling the speeder, a long line created in the sand lay behind him. as he approached.

"prepare to transfer Jake onboard" Tac said quickly

"wait!" Rusty yelled "i found some medical supplies off a dead meatbag"

"Thank you for being useful for once, now get that speeder" Tac complimented and turned back to add on Bacta spray and more sanitary bandages. 

"your welcome.." Rusty said, slightly annoyed before shaking it off. Remembering the more important thing, he called over R4, who had been watching Tac work in overwhelming depression, to come and help the B1 turn on the Speeder. The Commando had been able to stop Clank's oil leaks, and stabilize his systems, but his left leg was still unusable and completely destroyed. Rusty sustained no injuries, neither did R4, and other than a few extra dents in the Commando from clones who dared punch him, the blood of said clones dried all along his body, everyone was fine.

With the help of all the droids, they strapped Jake and Clank to the speeder, and everyone else got into their places, the Commando droid was the only one programmed for this model of speeder, and began the Generator-wrenching path back to the Geonosian village. Rusty and R4 looked at Jake while Tac looked as scout for Imperials, both the B1 and the astromech stared at jake as if he was a rotting corpse, both could only pray that the Bug doctors that had saved him and Rusty last time, could perform another miracle....otherwise

they'd be on their own.........