Mindless Behavior

Jake and the others were at home, most of the droids were walking outside putting up large sticks and putting the helmets of clones and stormtroopers onto them, as a sign of victory jake assumed. R4 stayed inside with Jake, both just chilling, as they listened in to the droids conversation outside.

"Do you think the Empire is still after us, We havent bumped into them in awhile" Rusty questioned, and the B1 had point. Ever since the Attack led by Commander Cody, no imperials stood in their way.

"hopefully not, they are annoying" Clank let out in displeasure, receiving a slight chuckle from Jake and R4 who were listening. 

"i highly doubt they have given up, they will return eventually, i suggest we should bolster our droid numbers" Tac stated matter a factly.

"and how will we do that?" Rusty exclaimed "that Commando left, and we should thank the maker we are even functioning"

"i agree with the B1" Clank followed

"nevertheless, one B1, one B2, an Astromech, an Organic, and a Tactical droid, are no match for a large force of Imperial troopers" Tac stated monotonely.

"what about the geonosians?" Clank stated

"their are only so many insecnts in that hive" Tac said, with no response from the B2

Silence followed. With a heavy sigh Jake got up and stretched his back, processing what he had heard, and walked outside, R4 in tow. the sun brunt his face and shined of his partly metal clothing, which Jake had sense repaired and reinforced since Cody shot his shoulder, the boy cringed at the thought.

"sup guys" Jake waved at the droid

"greetings" all three responded unanimously.

"breee bep booop oboop" R4 beeped franticly

"your a droid R4, i dont even think you can get bored" Jake said semi jokingly

"breeoooooooooo...." R4 uttered in a low tone

Jake released a small chuckle, before walking past the droids and hopping on his speeder. They had some spare scrap that needed selling, so with a wave of his arm, all the droids attached to the speeder, as Jake began to drive to the Geonosian Village. Jake had a decent amount of time to ponder on the way there, about many things, firstly the Empire. Jake didn't enjoy even thinking about them but it was clear they'd be a persistent problem, especially after fight against Commander Cody. Jake decided to ignore that however, instead thinking about his droids, all 3 of them had changed from when he first saved them. Rusty, who used to be an obedient yet confused Battledroid who couldn't understand basic concepts and was always scared, had grown out of his stereotypical "follow and Obey" programming, he was definitely still scared but cant have it all. Jake thought about Clank, he noticed that Clank had changed slightly, the B2 was now extremally protective of both Jake and the other Droids, which Jake appreciated. Tac was more complex, the Tactical Droid still made snobby remarks, and only spoke in monotone voices, but it was clear to Jake the smartass droid did care, but as jake had expected, Tacs programming was more advanced, and Tac probably wont be showing as much emotion as Rusty, but Jake just hopes Tac can express himself enough to were people dont see the droid as an object, more then a thinking being.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Clank yelled, Jake snapped up from his thoughts and quickly turned out of the way of a rock, before slamming the brakes causing him and his droids to go flying a few feet into the sand, landing near the front gates of the village. "Guess i was thinking to much...ow.. my back" Jake thought to himself.

The group slowly got up, with evident pain seeping from the droids voice boxes. Even R4 was making whining noises. 

"i suggest you pay attention when driving" Tac stated in sarcastic tone.

" please do...i cant feeling my motivator" Rusty complained

Clank just sighed heavily, and began to analyze his already damaged hip.

"yes yes....sorry guys" Jake said stretching his back, and attaching his shock baton, pistol and blowtorch back to his backpack, which had fallen off, before putting said backpack on. The group walked into, and threw the town gates, a new Bug Scout now perched atop it. the wind blowed peacefully in the canyon, pushing small amounts of sand on Jakes metal infused clothing, creating a small howl, townspeople of varying races could be heard chatting, and the ever present metallic footsteps caused by the feet of the several droids. As they continued to walk, many villager came up to them, with lots of "thanks yous" and ëven a few gifts ranging from random items to blaster ammo, it wasnt much, but the exchange left the droids confused, leaving Jake to reply to all the people and store their gifts in his backpack.

walking up to Teeshs house, Jake yelled "OIII LIZARDDDDD!!!" the front practiclly flew open as the Trandoshan glared at Jake. The Droids all took a step back.

"heyyy budddyyyy"Jake followed, "whatcha up to?"

"sunbathing"Teesh replied tiredly "why?"

"well we were about to go looking to see if any other droids might still be alive, wanna come with?""Jake spoke casually to Teesh

"....." with a long sigh Teesh spoke "sure" a goofy grin grew on Jakes Face as Rusty cheered in the background, his cheering was cut off by a wack from Tac, Rusty turned his head slowly and gave Tac a stare that said "really?" Jake and Teesh chuckssled slightly at this, but then began to walk away from the Lizards home and back towards Jakes speeder. Jake had planned to use his LAAT, but he just needed to get his speeder back home, then they could use the LAAT that was parked next to his home.

Upon arrving back home, and everyone hopping off the bike, Jake rushed over to the LAAT and begun the startup process. R4 and Tac made some small talk, it was mostly just R4 being frustrated that Tac kept reapeting that astromechs are not combat droids and shouldnt fight. 

"alright guys, ships ready to fly" Jake said leaning against the open slide door of the LAAT

"Can you fly this thing properly?" Teesh asked in with concern

"uuuuuhhhh........i can fly good enough, ive practiced a bit sense last time" Jakes phrase was followed immeditantly by Tac.

"no you haven-" The droid was interrupted 

"shut iiittttt" Jake yelled out with a goofy grin

With a heavy sigh Teesh followed the droids into the ships troop designated area, and slide the door shut behind him, Rusty closing the other side. the large trooper transport slowly hovered of the grainy surface, gusts of sand blew away from the sheer force of the thrust as the starship egan to speed forwards towards the battlefield, Jake slolwy typed in cooardinates into the navicomputer, stopping halfway, Jake peaked into the open training book that he had taped onto the ships dashboard. Thankfully, Jake was able to keep the ship steady, and flew only about 30 meters of the ground. The droids and Teesh in the back, had chill quiet ride, other then Rusty, who kept rabbling about how he reaaallllyy wanted an oil bath.

Landing the hefty ship into the sand, Jake made sure he was were he wanted to be.

"alright guys, so weve landed in a new area of battlefield, we are pretty deep into the battleground so be wary of the empire and any compustable tanks" Jake yelled from the Cockpit, Rusty let out a nervous laugh as Jake turned and glared at the B1, remembering how the droid shot an AT TE gas canister and almost deactivated itself in the process.

"got it" Teesh spoke, hopping out of the LAAT, and scrounging around

"remember, look for survivors, buuuut some scrap never hurt anybody" Jake chuckled

"agreeable" Clank responded

For the next long while, the group searched vilgiantly for scrap and droids alike, scrap was plentiful, droids not so much. The ones they did find online, were broekn into an inchohernt loop of static being emmited from their voiceboxes, but most of the separatist force lay utterly devastated. Jake pushed the body of a rusting B1, one of its arm falling off in the process, to reveal a small carge shipment, it had been busted open, as the contents spilled on the hot sand, mostly a bunch of wires, which Jake took happily. Clank and R4 had blown a hole in the side of an AT TE using the oil within the remains of the droids around them, inside, R4 scanned everything in sight, adding it to his database, where he also added a note to show off the Jake all of his new scan info. Clank had been staring at the corspe of a Clone trooper before shaking is large body and looking away.

A few steps to the right, the B2 picked up the upper half of a single B1 Battledroid, Clank tried to calculate a good reason as to why the B1 was in the Clone Walker, not to mention, it was the only droid in the interior, which only added to Clanks Confusion. Turning around, still holding the droid upper half, Clank questioned to R4 bout the droids presence.

"R4, why is this B1 unit here?" Clank asked monotone, as he dangled the dead B1s body infront of R4s optic.

"Breeee..Bro boo buuu boop weeree??" R4 suggested

"I highly doubt a B1 would be capable of such manuvers" Clank retorted, deciding to drop the B1s corspe to his side, the body smahsing into the ground with a loud DING.

"Booo Breep" R4 beeped sarcasticlly before rolling towards the hole they had mad to leave the AT TE.

"You take that back" Clank said in its usual deep voice, causing R4 to chortle in response as the astromech rolled out of the walker and away from Clank who was now slowly chasing the droid.

Tac was with Rusty searching a large pile of B1s, seemingly made by Clones as a means of cleaning up the area. Rustys program cringed as it detected and witnessed the massacre of droids infront of it, the B1s were missing arms, legs, heads...their exterior aror riddled with holes, or simply melted beyond comprohension, Rustys skinny frame shudder with a metallic twitch. Tac mindlessly walked by the large pile, picking up a a B1 head momnetarily, before throwing carelessly behind him. if Rusty could glare, the Tac might have died with the one the B1 was currently giving him, not acknowleding Rustys displeasure, Tac stuck his arm in the side of a dead B2 that had been blasted open, small amounts of sand poured form the hole when Tac removed his hand, now holding a specialzed B2 hip piece, but also covered in oil. Tac stood up, his burnt legs shifting the sand, Rusty poked the droids shoulder, Tac turned and staed at Rusty with his one functioning eye, the other letting out a few sparks, like it always does.

"Yes?" Tac inquired

"You should treat our fallen comrades better....."the B1 paused, and held out the B1 head Tac had thrown earlier "its not very nice to throw dead body parts" Rusty suggested.

Tac processed only for a moment "They are inferior" Tac stated simply

Rustys body shifted back slighlty, and he almost seemed to recoil into himself, like the tactical droids word had sapped his power "inferior?......you realize i am also a B1 unit correct" Rusty asked almost accusingly

".........." Tac stared at Rusty "......Yes." Tac stated again, then turned around and began to collect scrap.

Hurt, Rusty pulled Tac by the shoulder spinning it around "i am not inferior!" Rustys voicebox screeched

Tac pushed the B1s hands away "get your hands off me, it is not my fault you were built for sacrifce, I did not choose YOUR purpose"tac explained harshly.

"Built for sacrifice?!" Rusty yelled "well its not my fault you were programmed to be an unthinking prick!!" Rusty retorted, his voice as angry as his voicebox could produce.

Tac stopped moving for a while, before, with a quick movment of his arm smacked Rustys faceplate, causing the B1 to reel backwards. Rusty stared into the tactical droids emotionless face with his own, and even Tac knew the pain Rustys program felt.

"wait-" Tac called out, but he was cut off as Rustys voicebox produce a mechcanical whimper, and the B1 ran away back towards the LAAT. Tac was left watching Rusty run into the distance, he looked at his three fingered hands, and clenched them into fists.

"dammit" Tac voicebox painfully let out.

Jake had been waiting, back at the LAAT, he had dragged back a decent amount scrap, mostly bent metal, and the left overs of destroyed blaster, he hadnt found any fixable droids, just piles of dead metal. Jakes attention was quicly turned to the distant footsteps of Rusty, Jake smiled warmly and stood up to great Rusty with a wave. His greetings wasnt returned as the droid practiclly threw itself into the LAAT, and balled up in the corner, shaking.

"Rusty?...you good?" Jake asked worried

Rusty replied with an unconvincing nod. With a warm sigh, Jake dusted his boots as he stepped into the ship and kneeled down next to Rusty. Jake decided not to probe the droid, so he just slowly pat the B1s back. 

Clank and R4 also returned to the ship, they were hauling a B1 body, its lower torso had a hole in it, and it was pretty bad condition, but at least it was intact. Tac also returned to the ship at the same time, it had dropped the scrap it had previously collected, and he walked with its armed slumped, and its burnt colored feet dragged hopeless lines in the sand. 

"Well Clank, R4, nice job. was this the only good droid out there" Jake asked

"bre boo" R4 responded 

"bummer, but good on you two" Jake reassured, reciving happy chortle noises from R4, and no reaction from Clank. Jake looked over at Tac and noticed the droids normally confident postiure being devolved into a sad slump."you ok Tac?" Jake questioned, getting concerned by his droids sour mood.

Tac looked up slowly, then turned his head to look at the quivering Rusty, the B1 shaking his side to side. Tac nodded in response.

fixing his posture, Tac reassured Jake he was fine. Jake smiled innocently, an began to pack the scrap on the ship, Clank and R4 joined in soo after. With everyone distracted, Tac walked up to the B1, who balled up even more in response.

"I....I am sorry" Tac stated, it was almost not hearable, but Tacs mouth light prooved that he did speak, Rusty slowly nodded his faceplate in approval. 

Jake, R4 and Clank hadnt heard the two, and were doing their own thing. Jake was starting up the LAAT, peaking at the manual every once in a while, while R4 and Clank worked on the deactivated B1 they had dragged in. Tac and Rusty came over to assist. The droid they had brought had the typical geonosian color scheme, unlike Rustys pechy tone, the hole in its torso had been filled by the handy work of R4, a large slab of grey metal being apparent were the injury used to lay. Tac and Rusty, both got to work, with Tac and R4 being the ones to fix it, and Clank and Rusty bringing the parts needed.

Once they had landed the ship, Jake, along with the other, dragged the lifeless droid into his home, and Jake began to work on the more critical systems and improve the mid handywork of the droids. 

"R4" Jake called, without even needing to finsih, R4 popped a wrench into Jakes hand.

"breee booooooooooo" R4 thrilled, Jake just gave a chuckle.

Jake spent several hours with repairs, he had already told his droids to go get some rest. He worked perfectly, but slowly. Every wire Jake added, the B1 glicthed, and shook for a few moments, filling Jake with hope, untill Jake connected the final eletrical parts. The B1s eyes glowed, reminding Jake of Rusty, as the droids joints creaked, its antenna rose, and the B1 came to its feet. Jake stood up next to it.

"uhhh.......where am i??!" the B1 panicked, reaching for the blaster that was supposed to be on its back.

"hey..hey calm down, i fixed you up" Jake said reassuringly, the noise drew all the others to also come meet the droid.

"oh..greetings..i am not gaining a signal from separatist command" the new B1 spoke

"we lost the war" Clank stated

"what?!" B1 stated

"yeah it sucks" Rusty followed, patting the B1s shoulder

"welp ill let you guys explain to...uh" Jake stared at B1, 

"oh i am unit 9921" B1 stated

"right, to 9921 whats happened and who i am, for now though, you need a name" Jake poked the droid in its chest

"oh..uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" B1 pondered

"like thats Rusty" Rusty waved "thats Clank" Clank didnt budge "and thats Tac" Tac looked away almost shamefully, but it was impossble to tell behind the unmoving metal.

Clank grabbed anearby bucket and put it on the B1s head, the new droid panicked for a moment but then removed the bucket.

"why?!" B1 whined

"it is what humans call "humor" " Clank said, recieving a laugh from Jake "see"

"oh, ill name myself Bucket! no clones tougher than me!" the new B1 said proudly

"i doubt that but sure, welcome Bucket!" Jake pat Bucket on the back, before he and the other droids entered the house, where Rusty, Clank and R4 explained to Bucket what had happened, and Tac distanced himself from the other, staring out the window.

Only the maker knows what the droid is processing


in the Past--

Teesh entered the LAAT before Jake and his droids, scrathcing his back, the reptile opened the cargo compartment, gave it a sniff and rolled up into the a comfy ball to fall asleep... 


Later, Teesh awoke startled face up in the Sand, it was now the middle of the Night, and a bright light flashed his slit eyes. wincing, Teesh saw R4 beaming the light at him, and then the face of a very unhappy Jake.

"you missed the entire trip" Jake stated seriously

"oh, wasssssssssss it that bad" Teesh said smugly, shrugging his shoulders

Jake just sighed "Just stay at my house for tonight, you can sleep in the closet" he told Teesh as the lizard got up of the grainy sand. with a thankful nod, Teesh curled up into the closet, as Jake walked by the now Deactivated Rusty, R4, Clank, Tac and Bucket, before falling into the bed, and falling alseep instantly.

"stupid lizard"

were Jakes final Thoughts before drifting to sleep....