Giddy For Destruction

Tarkins light footsteps barely echoed in the walls, leaving no trace of his movements despite them having the illusion of purpose, walking into the bridge a holotable flutters to life, presenting Moff Gideon on the other side, he wore white and black armor with a grey cape, his face was deadpan, no emotions other than the slight smirk when Tarkin came into his view. Tarkin had more important matter to attend to, including some project the Emperor had ordered personally, thanks to this, it seemed obvious that someone else should chase after the band of misfits and the kid, as they weren't as important. Gideon hadn't many chances to prove himself, Mandalore was very much intact by this point in galactic history, and Gideon had just recently gained the rank of Moff. Don't be fooled, even young Gideon was more than willing to massacre an entire village, hell, an entire system to get what he wants, and what he wanted know was recognition, something capturing this troublesome boy would do very, very well.


The Clone Commander stood stiffly Infront of a cell, the red ray shield humming calmly as Jake and his friends lay on the floor, the clones had made sure to deactivate the droids, so after a few mins and some wakey wakey gas (yes that's the official name) Jake and Teesh wheezed violently, coughing as they shakily stood up. Jake held his head, his vision blurry, his eyes scanned the room wildly as he almost fell over, Teesh catching the kid, his body being able to ignore major effects from the gas. When Jakes vision returned to normal he wished it hadn't come back, he stares at the limp bodies of his droids scattered on the steel floor. As one could imagine after being literally kidnapped Jake was a little on edge, not to mention the whole Empire thing and now seeing literally ALL of his droid companions on the floor seemingly dead, reasonably, he got pissed. 

Actually more than pissed, Jakes eyes widened instantly and he let out the most threatening yell a scrawny teenager could muster, he then proceeded to slam by far the nastiest right hook into the ray shield he could. Obviously, it did nothing, other than a small ripple creating on the shield, and the clones flinching slightly, other than Commander Mute, who scoffed.

"Sepi scum, your not going anywhere" Mutes voice let out through the helmet.

Jake just stared at the clone with a straight face "Oh fuck off you Imperial cum stain" Jake insulted, Teesh smirking at the comment.

Ignoring the insult Mute asked a question. "Wait..Imperial? we serve the Republic, how do you not know this?"

"wha-...Republic, dude the Republic fell like two years ago, the Empire is here now, bunch of assholes" Jake explained confused.

"The...Separatists...won" a nearby clone stated.

"well no" Teesh replied "You both lost that i know off, Republic corrupted into the Empire"

"And the droids shutdown" Jake finished.

"Right, and if i decided to believe you then why are you with those Clankers" Mute questioned with obvious prejudice.

"A scrappers got to get all the help he can get, they help me fight, carry valuables, and i consider them my friends."

"well that's stupid" a nearby clone muttered. "Shut the fuck up" Mute ordered with a sigh.

"look...kid, we've been stuck in this venator for what we believe is 3 years and haven't been able to connect with any Republic forces outside" Mute sighed, holding his hand to were his eyes would be but on the helmet. "So...your gonna explain all of it...or die"

"We jusssssssst did" Teesh complained in a snarky tone.

"i mean more in depth...what is the state of Galaxy"

"Well personally i ain't telling you shit unless you let us out, and revive my friends" Jake barked aggressively, the kind teenager currently angry beyond belief, he was actual composing himself pretty well.

"agreed" Teesh hissed.

With a huff Mute waved his hand at the clone next to him, Jake took in his armor for a moment, the black stripes and marks easily earning a spot in Jakes mental badass book, not that he would ever admit that. The ray shield fell apart, Teesh and Jake walking out, the surrounding Clones tightly holding their blasters, Teesh could easily tell that their so called isolation had some confidence related side effects on the once proud warriors. Jakes eyes filled with life as he watched the Clones remove something from his droids, the battledroids sputtering to life.

"W-w-woah-woah whats going o-onnn" Rusty questioned as he shakily stood, Bucket doing the same silently. Clank arose with a heavy stomp.

"Whats going on?!" the B2 yelled.

"Tactical error" Was all tac repeated several times before going quite once his systems where okay. the droids stared around them, huddling towards Jake.

"great....Clones" Bucket complained with obvious distaste.

"watch your tone Clanka" a Clone mumbled. Clank grumbled and took a step towards the Clone, a few other Clones shuffling back at the action.

"What was that"

"you heard me" The Clone spat.

"Alright alright.." Mute yelled out "Stop it"

"Cmon Clank" Jake called the droid over, the B2 complying.

"well...explain" Mute said with a hand wave.

"Don't know what else to say, we aren't experts or anything, Republic was hear, some shit happened, Empire popped up..aaaaand their there's that" Jake shrugged.

"They are?" Rusty questioned.

"Beats me" Bucket responded.

"hmm.." Mute sighed looking away.."well, i suppose we are on the same team then"

"wait what?" Teesh said slightly confused.

"You don't like this Empire, and it.. allegedly took over the same team"

"My systems do not like the Empire, as they also caused the destruction of the Droid army" Tac stated "Sir, his logic checks out...we are..allies"

Jakes eyes narrowed at the word, but he sighed, reaching his hand out "The names Jake"

Mute gave a light chuckle despite the situation "Mute" he said shaking Jakes hand.

Rusty watched this and held his three fingered hand to a nearby clone. "i don't like you, but we are working together now" Rusty stated bluntly.

"at least its honest" the Clone mumbled, hesitantly taking the droids hand, which led to the other droids looking at the nearest clone, saying something along the lines of "me no like you but we friend now" and shaking their hand. Teesh being the only one to refuse the act.

"Well, what's your plan?" jake asked Mute.

"You landed here with an LAAT, we would be grateful if your supplies could be used to repair our LAAT which where destroyed in crash several years ago" Mute asked.

"it would take a miracle for those hunks of junk to fly again" Bucket chirped.

"agreed, but ill help you out" Jake answered.

Mute stood in silence for a bit "Thanks kid"

The group made their way to the hanger, where several Clones could be seen doing general maintenance so that this whole ship didn't fall apart. They had known of the teaming as via comms, the last thing Mute wanted was a fire fight, one wrong bolt could blow the whole ship. A few clones were inspecting Jakes LAAT, suddenly a huge BOOM echoed from outside the ship, the entire wreckage rumbled.

"What's going on??!?!" Rusty yelped as the floor shacked.

"Oh...oh no" Jake mumbled, turning to Mute. "I'm sorry" The Venators hanger cover was blown off in a massive explosion, chunks flying into space and towards the floor, Clones ran around scrambling for weapons, others were crushed by the hunks of metal, their blood splattering everywhere, traumatizing any nearby troopers. the open roof exposed a large triangle shaped vessel, it was the Empire, unbeknownst to Jake, it wasn't Tarkin, but Gideon, who combined his force with the nearby garrison.

"Out LAAT must have been tracked" Tac Stated.

"holy shit holy shit" Jake rambled "I'm so sorry i led them right FUCKING TO US!!" Jake panicked.

"no need kid, lets show this Empire some Republic hospitality" Mute said pulling out duel pistols, a alarm sounded a few seconds later, well over 30 Clones rushed in all directions taking cover in the hanger area away from the hole in the roof.

"You heard the man!" Teesh yelled out, the Droids scrambling to grab random clone blasters off the floor and throwing themselves behind cover. Jake peered over a random box, watching as TK troopers flooded out of Imperial transports, red blaster beams flying at them, a few Clone stood up and fired their blue bolts, many being nailed and shot dead. Mute rose up and fired his pistols, leaving burning holes in three TK heads, he then sidestepped out of the way of a bolt, shooting the one who fired it and ducking behind cover.

"Blast them!" Bucket yelled, all of the droids rising up and spraying bolts in all directions, they didn't hit many, but only retreated once Clank was hit twice in the chest, and Rusty nearly moved out of the way of a bolt, Jake sent his own bolts at the enemy, Teesh spraying them with an automatic, blaster, which of course he got. Looking around Jake quickly noted that their where many dead Clones, like a concerning amount, the TKs outnumbered them severely and it showed. Bucket rose up to fire but was sent onto his back as a bolt slammed into his shoulder, the B1 screamed out, but was still operational.

"We aren't going to win this!!" Jake yelled out to Mute, who nailed a TK in the skull before looking over.

"Agreed." Mute clicked his wrist display, the remaining clones turning and retreating into the hallways of the Venator, Jake and his droids following. Clank noticed a TK lining up a show at a nearby clone, the B2 stood behind the trooper, tanking 3 shots as they got out of harms way, the Clone temporarily stared at the droid, but jogged away, the B2 had no reaction and turned to Jake.

The Venators alarm was wailing by this point, back in the hanger, left over Clones held a last stand against incoming TKs, another ship landing, and a figure in dark armor and a grey cape walked out, followed by Death Troopers. The Clones stared with confusion at the full black troopers, even some of the TKs stopped fire and watched with confused looks, Death troopers were in their experimental phase, so nobody knew what they were. Ignoring them several Clone open fired at them, one death trooper got hit twice in the chest and barely took notice before raising its blaster and sending a hail fire of bolts at the last few Clones, they were quickly overrun and dispatched, TKs gathered around Gideon, who watched as a lone Clone tried to crawl away, missing an arm and a long trail of blood following him.

With a cocky look Gideon spoke "Search the area for survivors" He ordered his Death Troopers, who only responded with gurgling static. Walking to the Clone and flipping him onto his back with one foot, Gideon pull out a small blaster pistol, and slowly aimed at the Clone.

"Wait!...No Plea-" The Clones desperate cries where cut short as Gideon fired three bolts into the Clones chest, why the chest? Well Gideon relished the Clone screams as he didn't die instantly from the wounds, only dying several seconds later. After the Clone was dead, Gideon shoved his body away and began walking towards the interior of the ship, his forces in tow.

Jake shivered as the cold air from within the ship brushed against his skin, he was used to heat, but cold isn't something he would ever have felt, and it sucked. Him and the others where hiding at a large room with a holotable in the middle of the room. Mute along side three Clones were there, as well as Jake and his team. 

"Uh sir, shouldn't we find a way out of here?" Bucket yelped out slightly, clutching his stolen DC-15A.

"Escape pods provide a good escape route" Tac suggested.

"We've already used all of them trying to find out what has happened all this one returned" Mute answered back, the slightest hint of sadness staining his voice.

Jake hummed quietly, thinking "well....we would have to steal one of their ships"

"Are you mad?" a nearby Clone said surprised.

"Jammer is right....but its the only way....i have several hold out of trooper in the rooms of this vessel, ill send a signal, and hopefully form a successful push into the hanger, while we sneak onto a ship and then pick everyone up" Mute explained with a focused expression. 

"Works for me" Jake replied.

"Roger Roger"

"Roger Roger"

"Roger Roger"

Tac remained silent.

Gideon awaited at the entrance to the hanger, he knew they would have to steal a ship to escape, he sent all of the TKs in hopes of capturing them, but the Moff knew that these TKs where...inadequate. Tapping his wrist comm he spoke with obvious confidence. 

"Send in Unit-D45" near instantly, he heard the metallic rolling sound behind, one that would send shivers down any Clone and even Jedis spine. That of a Destroyer. It rolled past at blazing speeds, quickly locking onto the nearest room and speeding its way their, Gideon letting out a dark chuckle as his Death trooper stood guard at the door.

Jake followed Mute as he and the others walked down the hallway, he had learned the other three clones names were Jammer, Barren, and Castaway, all three of them had slight black marks similar to Mutes on their shoulder armor, and one on their knee armor. The droids mechanically looked around them, Rusty and Bucket being the most paranoid, their lanky forms frequently shivering. Mute paused in his steps, everyone behind him stopped, expect for Rusty who hit his head on Clank, the B2 not having a response to the clumsy action. In the distance a robotic sound echoed through the ship, Barren took a step back.

" cant be" the Clone spoke clearly frightened.

"Get a hold of your self!" Castaway said with a cocky grin, aiming his blaster down the hallway.

Suddenly, from behind them the noise became louder, when a greyly colored Droidekka rapidly rolled at them, unfolding and activating its shield, Jake stared with mostly confusion.

"what the Fu-" Jake was cut off as Teesh grabbed him and ran around the corner of a hallway, followed by everyone, Mute on one side with Rusty, Clank and Barren, and everyone else with Jake and Teesh. The Imperial Droidekka letting loose a wall of blaster bolts once its cannons powered up, Jammer peaked and fired two bolts at the droid before ducking into cover, the area he was standing being filled with bolts. his shots bounced right off the Droidekka shield, Jake stared with confused fear, he had seen a few dead Destroyers at Geonosis, but he couldn't every figure out what the hell they did, he kind of wished he never had.

"Droidekkas are known for their shields" Tac stated.

"Okay great does it have a weakness!?" Teesh snarled.

"its shield allows anything slower than the Droidekka to pass through it" Jammer informed as a few cannon blasts slammed into the walls corner.

"What if we could capture it? reprogram it?" Jake suggested hopeful.

"Are you mad!" Mute yelled across the hallway "Its just a stupid machine!" Mute let out, earning a cold stare from all the droids.

"Not to me" Jake replied confidently, the boy looked at Clank and yelled.

"Clank! Meat shield tactics!" 

Clank stood up fully, Mute and the other Clones staring in confusion.

"Roger Roger" Clank spoke darkly, Jake yelled out to no one in particular

"Are you sure this is a good idea-!!" Rusty chirped frightened, it didn't matter though, Clanks heavy footsteps were followed by the large droid passing around the corner and charging head first into the Droidekka heavy fire, Jake following behind, yelling at the top of his lungs. 

"I like this kid!" Jammer laughed out "WAAAAGHHHH!!" The Clone got up and charged following the boys lead, as did a confident Bucket with the droids own high pitched yell, Rusty and Tac opting to just watch the madness. Clanks armor got blasted by the Destroyer, the B2 inevitably falling backwards with a low groan from the recoil of each hit, Jake jumping over his fallen friend and jumping forwards, his body weight overheating the shield and causing the boy to tackle the Droidekka, the Destroyer still stood up right, but its attacks went slamming into the walls as Jake climbed atop the Droidekkas armored back, putting it off balance, Jammer ran up and sent a right hook into the Droidekkas face, Bucket following soon after, halting his running and sending a forward kick into the Droidekkas side, this, combined with the hammering Jake was giving while atop the Droidekka caused it to fall over, Tac quickly rushed over, plugged in his Data pad via a cable, and shut the droid down. Mute and Barren stared with astonishment at the action, Rusty was the first of the three to get up , running over to Clank and awkwardly bending down to help the B2 to its feet. 

"Are you ok friend?" Rusty asked with worry in his squeaky voice.

"Affirmative, no interior damage detected, exterior damage can be repaired....system status normal" Clank replied after running a diagnostics. 

"well, that's good" Rusty was quick to loose worry after that.

"Your either crazy or stupid" Mute said walking up to Jake, who hopped off the Droidekka.

"He'sssssss both" Teesh let out with a toothy grin, he walked up to Jake and grabbed his shoulder.

"Thatssssssssss my man!" the reptile spoke impressed, earning a happy smile from the boy.

"I worked" Barren said, staring at the downed droid with concern.

"HELLLL YEAAAAAHH BROTHERRR!!" Jammer yelled out putting his arm over Barren.

"That's what I'm talking about!! This kids is a BADASS!" Jammer exclaimed happily moving over the Jake and swinging his other arm around the boy, dragging Barren along.

Mute sighed "Well, good work kid, I'm assuming that Tactical Clanka can hack it?"

"That would correct" Jake smiled at the praise, giving him a sense of purpose, one he hadn't felt sense R4 was alive. "Also don't call em Clankas" he whispered. "Trust me they don't like it...i think"

Jake informed the Clone Commander, with Rusty, Bucket and Clank giving the clone a cold stare from behind.

"Yeah....fine" Mute mumbled.

"Yall aint to bad for Sepi's" Jammer spoke aloud, playfully bumping into Bucket.

"I can say the same for you Meatbag" Bucket exclaimed turning his head, which while despite the insult, sounded genuine.

"The names Jammer" the Clone said with a deadpan.

" apologies Jammer" Bucket said with a surprising amount of respect.

Jake turned around, walking over to Tac who was still typing into his Datapad, ignoring the conversations around him. As Jake walked over his metallic clothing clinged against each other, his dirty hair barely moving as he went along. While the Boy discussed with Tac about the hacking process, Mute, Barren and Jammer huddled together.

"You think we can trust these droids" Barren asked in a nervous whisper, taking off his helmet, exposing a face seen across the galaxy millions of times.

"they seem loyal enough to the boy, and he seems nice enough...its obvious he has some grudge against us" Mute recalled the looks the boy gave him.

"Well...just by the boys clothing its easy to see he is from Geonosis..I mean those parts are clearly from early models of the AT-TE, and some phase one clone armor in their too" Jammer stated matter a factly, despite being by far the craziest clone of the three, he was the so called, "Tech expert" so Mute didn't doubt him.

"hmm..." Mute thought about that fact, it was by far the clearest evidence he had. "The boy must have suffered by Republic hands" Mute suggested.

"It would explain the anti Clone sentiment" Barren said aloud, thinking to himself. Their conversation was cut short, as Rusty approached, Jammer being the only one to acknowledge the B1.

"Sup...What was it?"

"Ruuuusty" the B1 let out in the stereotypical B1 tone.

"Got it" the clone said with a smirk "well what is it?"

"Commander Jake wishes to see you"

The three Clones walked over to the teen, who was lifting the Droidekka back to its feet with Clank, the rolling menace still turned off for now.

"He guys, just wanted to thank you for helping us, i know you shot us and then we insulted you and blah blah blah...but wave been mostly on our own and its nice to have some company"

"Agreed, the feeling is mutual" Mute thanked.

"Well once Tac is done then we should try to push back into the Hanger, using this bad boy as our front line" Jake said patting the Droidekka.

"Now that's a plan...I've got some conformation from other squads of my Troopers, that they've sent out TKs to snuff us out, and..." Mute paused "and there aren't many of us left. Jakes face contorted into a frown, he didn't really like clones sure, but they had helped him, it wouldn't be fair of him not to care.

As if on que, red beams flew over their heads, "get them!" One TK in the distance yelled, before being silenced by one shot from Teesh. Jake and the others ran to the sides of the hallway and fired back, Tac hid behind the downed Droidekka.

"Almost completed" Tac said clicking the last few buttons, a bolt came flying at Barren, but Clank grabbed the nervous Clone and dragged him in a 180, the bolt smashing into Clanks back, the Clone giving a grateful smile, Clank responding with his unmoving faceplate. 

The Droidekkas parts twitched as its three eyes snapped alive, glowing dark red, almost instantly it let loose a hail fire so devastating it killed the small squad of Tks in just a few seconds their screams short lived. 

"It is complete" Tac said nonchalantly. Jake walked up to the Droidekka and inspected it, Rusty and Bucket gathering on one side, and the Clones and Clank on the other, the Destroyer turned its head both ways slightly to look at everyone.

" names Jake....uh" Jake was thrown off by the Droidekkas unnerving stillness "How are you"


no response.

"Sir.....Droidekkas are not capable of thought such as us other models" Tac explained.

"Yeah, they used to make horrible conversation" Rusty chirped in.

"But i thought they couldn't talk" Mute said confused at the B1.

"Exactly...horrible conversation" Rusty answered, Mute only staring at him.

"Well, either way he will be a great help" Jake said giving to pats to the destroyers head.

"Glad its on our side" Barren said inspecting it.

" will provide a major strategic advantage.

Teesh Chuckled "Well don't youu jussssst loooove Strategic advantages?" Teesh teased the droid, Jake rolling his eyes with a playful smile, the Clones also chuckling.

"Yes" was all Tac replied.

Jake looked around him, the Clone readied their blasters, the Droidekka armed it cannons, his droids lined up in a line and aimed their varying blasters forwards, and Teesh stood by Jake, the boy looking up to the familiar toothy grin of the reptile.

Jake chuckled "Alright, one hell of a squad...welp, lets go kick some ass, that sound good Commander?" Jake asked jokingly to Mute.

"Absolutely" Mute replied with a grin, Jammer chuckling to himself.

"Sound good droids" Jake turned his head.

"Roger Roger" Was heard from all droids but the destroyer, who simply waddled up next to the line.

"Teesh?" Jake finished.

"Fuck yeah" the Lizard replied.

"Well then LETS FUCKING GO!" Jake yelled out, running forwards back to the hanger.

"For the Republic!!" Mute Called, following Jake along side Barren and Jammer.

"For R4!!" Rusty yelled out, his lanky form charging forwards, followed by Bucket and Clanks heavy footsteps, Tac started running as the Droidekka passed everyone rolling ahead of the group. Teesh letting out a roar and charging as well, the entire group turned a corner and encountering a group of TKs that they charged at immediately.

One trooper turned around to meet the hoard charging at him and his squad, expressing his concern.

"oh fuck.." 

------------------------------------------------------Author note..thingy...for note stuff

Wsssssuuuup, just wanted to explain a few things, firstly thanks for the support! it means a shit ton to me. 

Secondly, i chose Gideon because he was someone that i personally really liked in the Mandalorian and has one factor to his character that is important to this stories future, plus he is badass.

Thirdly, the Death troopers will be much more of a threat in this story than in any show, why? well because i think they should be, i mean they are called DEATH troopers, no one with a name that badass should be weak.

and Lastly, i wanted to address how tanky Clank is, he has been shot countless times and i wanted to explain that for me, the B2s seem like absolute units, and shouldn't die in one or 2 hits like they do in the shows, if you don't agree then fair enough and I'm willing to hear out any ideas. But Jake also regularly fixes his droids, something that gets properly addressed later on.

Anyhow Thank you for reading!