A Shift in the Cog

Wassssssssssuuuup, i wanted to give you guys a little heads up that this chapter is weird. the first half is pretty much filler so you know what happens later, and the entire chapter is much shorter, but don't worry!!

We will be seeing much more of our favorite trio, and even more our crafty villain. 



The Commando droid sat coldly upon the seat of the Imperial transport, it wasn't an LAAT but some sort of drop ship, meant for quick unloading of troopers. Whatever the case, it was there's now, looking out the window Scythe could see Cody's ship, flying slightly behind but next to them. According to some info Cody had gotten, the Mustafarians were Anti-Empire, and the old Clone was hoping to recruit them into the Clone rebellion his friend Echo was starting, the Droids... Weeeellll they didn't really care, and only agreed to follow for resupply, they both would rather deal with this situation alone, as much as this attitude annoyed Cody, he didn't complain, it was just there programming.

"Golem, how are your blaster wounds doing?" Scythe asked in his metallic tone, not even turning to see.

"My repairs were successful, no major damage sustained" Golem reported.

"Affirmative, i give you a congratulation" Scythe said, his tone being the same but his intent being nicer, surprisingly. 

Golem stood still for a moment "I don't care" Golem retorted in a stale tone, Scythe turning his head slightly to give the MagnaGuard a cold stare, but the BX remained silent either way.

The ship was eerie, quiet, and had a hopeless atmosphere to it, Scythe never took time to think, at all really, he was used to just being told what to do, and then being shut off once the task was done. But for now he had his mind to himself as they would spend the next hours floating to Mustafar. However, despite all this free time, nothing ran through the droids circuits, no questions, no answers, no wondering, nothing. It didn't care about any of that, all it wanted was the Empire dead. 

Hours passed, and eventually a tired Cody blasted on the comms. 

"Oi, Clankas, you still with me" Cody yelled out, his voice grainy through the comm.

"Roger Roger, we are enroute to land" Scythe responded plainly, Golem standing behind him.

Both theirs ships landed on an old platform, originally apart of a Separatist mining facility, but most of the structures seemed to have collapsed. As the trio met up, leaving their ships and grabbing their blasters, hexagonal eyes peered through the dense smog, before retreating with a spine shivering skitter. The Commando Droid stared into the distance as Golem and Cody had a brief and mostly one sided talk, Scythes heat vision wasn't working at peek efficiency, partly due to age but also thanks to the lava, which would obviously interfere. Cody's information and told him that the colony lived somewhere near their location, but there where no specific given, the droids weren't annoyed, they actually didn't give a fuck, and quickly began to harvest valuables from the surroundings, storing steaming rocks, a rock on Mustafar that is hollow and carries lava inside of it, and if necessary, can be used as a crude way of power. Cody attempted to use his datapad to locate the bugs, but wasn't getting anywhere. 

"uughh...fuck me" Cody mumbled to himself "Come on Clankas, we got work to do"

Cody began to walk away as the two droids followed without a word, the walk was surprisingly short, the environment providing no incentive to stay any longer than needed. Passing a large rock three Mustafarians shrilled as they jumped Infront of the group, pointing their crude pole arms at the Clone.

"Woah! easy their, I'm on a mission to help" Cody scrambled with his words, taking a step back. The bugs growled lightly but submitted, stashing their spears onto their backs and walking away, calling Cody and the droids to follow with a arm wave. They were led to a large cavern, filled with Bugs crawling around on the walls and walking on the floor, goo dripping from the ceiling, landing onto Golems shoulder, the droid grunting in disgust as he wiped it away. The Mustafarian commander was quickly led to Cody by the workers, who scurried away afterwards.

"You have my attentionnn Clonne, speak or be dismissed" The bug was rude, obviously its Separatist relations in the past weren't transferring well, but Cody ignored it and spoke.

"I have come here on behalf of Echo, one of the leaders of an ever growing alliance of Clone deserters, ones that decided the Empire is wrong..."Cody paused for a moment, looking at the surrounding bugs who stared at him with confusion. "So..im to see if you would be likely to join us, we could use your numbers and you could use our knowledge" Cody finished, his voice weak as the veteran clone was a solider, not a politician, but it seemed to do the trick, the Bug Commander responding in broken basic language. 

"A reasonable request yes? hmmmm perhaps we we, think yes yes?" The Bug continued under the groups peering eyes, Cody's hid behind a helmet, and the droids hid behind themselves.

"Me...agree yes! Clones and bugs enemies once once...but we fight Empire!" The Commander thrilled, the surrounding workers and soldiers fluttering their wings with thrills and calls.

"Alright.." Cody spoke awkwardly staring around "These are the coordinates for Echo, he will be expecting you"

"We thank you for your offer Clone, Bye, now now" 

Cody and the droids left the cave, Cody shoving Scythe shoulder, the droid looking at him.

"Could've used some help from you scrapheaps!" Cody complained with a light chuckle.

"We aren't made for talking" Golem answered plainly.

"Tell me about it" Cody commented, which was ignored as Scythe followed.

"The work is done, let us leave this planet, it is messing with my scanners" The Commando complained in his deep stale voice.

"Yeah yeah, what are you even going to do?" Cody asked with genuine curiosity, he had never cared enough to wonder what the droid wanted to do when he fought them, for obvious reasons.

The droids pondered as their short walk to the ships was almost completed, they....didnt know. Golem had no idea, and ignored the question, entering the ship and slamming the door. Scythe processed it, but couldn't find one, he had no purpose, all of this traveling, fighting, was on Cody's behalf, but with the old Clone on his way to meet with Echo, the droids weren't capable of making their decision.

Cody smirked beneath his helmet "Thought so, well if your interested you can come along with me"

"And join your band of what...6 clones?" the Commando mocked him.

"shut your mouth...but yes, we could use your firepower, and i doubt the Clones would care about your models....especially with the Empire out and about"

"What do you think of this" Scythe asked aloud, opening the door so Golem could hear.

"I don't care"

Scythe stared blankly at him, turning back to Cody.

"Fine, but do not expect us to be friends"

"I wasn't planning on it droid"

The conversation was cut short, all three now entering the same ship, leaving the other behind for the bugs, Cody had employed the droids, and even if they didn't want to admit it, it felt nice in their programs, having orders to follow.


Gideons presence shattered the peace the bridge crew had, he stormed into the hanger of his Venator as it sped away from Jakes location, un beknownst to Jake and the others, the destroyed ships turrets were being manned by the last of the Clones, firing at Gideons ship, and even though their lives were ended swiftly, Gideon was forced to retreat. However, Gideon wore a smile of pride, of confidence, he knew what had happened to the boys dear friend.....Bucket was it? he didn't care, the Death troopers had cameras in their helmets, recording the fight as the Moff watched with fascination.

"Quite the surprise, this boys a better fighter than Tarkin led me to believe" Gideon spoke mostly to himself, before turning to Kelp. Kelp was assigned with the newly appointed Moff, and while Flamer was also here, sandstorm and the others were taken with Tarkin.

"Kelp..tell me, you know this boy" Gideon spoke, his voice one of questioning, as if he already knew the answer.

"Yes...sir, quite the nuisance"

"Ah..." Gideon replied with caution.

"That's were you made your error commander, this child is not a nuisance, he is a threat" Gideon answered sternly, pointing at the Green colored Clone.

"You would be wise to remember that"

"Not to disprove you sir, but he is just a boy" Kelp defended himself, still holding position.

"A fair observation, but he has the ability to hack into separatists droids, nothing new i assure you, but dangerous. No matter how you feel towards those...what is it..ah yes..."Clankers" you must know how many of your brother fell to their power"

Kelp looked away nervously as his memory haunted him, Gideons words eating at him and every Clone in the bridge.

"No need to fear my good friend, the plan is going excellently" Gideon spoke soflty.

"Plan? sir?"

"I'm sure your aware of R4..the...astromech that Tarkin had dismantled?"

"Of course sir, i was their, the kids reaction was priceless"

Gideon scoffed disappointingly at Kelps commented but continued "well...the droids memory corruption, the hologram that appeared...was fabricated"

Kelp stood still for a moment, processing his words. "I...I don't follow"

"Tarkin knew the boy was attached to droids...he had been spying in on him for weeks, and after i had a go at reading about this kids information it was clear that Tarkins plan was brutal, but effective"

Kelp stood quiet, Gideon now placing a hand on the Clones shoulder and walking into the hallway away from the bridge, the ships plain colors hurt anyone who looked at it, expect for Gideon, who relished the controlled atmosphere.

"That kid is on his way to Naboo, on some quest to find his past i imagine, and while some aspect of the hologram are true due to the limitations of that insufferable droids program, it worked just fine."

Kelp stared at the floor, the slightest hint of regret in his voice.

"That seems...like a bit much doesn't it?"

"My dear Clone...you have much to learn about the Empires glory, and ill have you know that this method will affect him, and lead to our capture of him, without a doubt" Gideon laughed to himself in a calm manner, some TKs walking by giving an concerned stare at him.

"If only he knew what we actually found in that astromech"

"and what would that be sir?" Kelp questioned, Gideon stopping in his tracks.

"Now that my friend...is classified...now go and get your partner, a training event will be hosted downstairs by some of my elite Death Troopers, you don't want to miss it" Gideon asked in the politest way of telling the Clone to fuck off, Gideons tone one of staleness, tainted by the slightest thread of insanity.