Your still Kicking?

Mute huddled behind a rock, another blast sending debris over his head. The clone panted looking to his, cringing as Jammers lifeless body littered the floor, it splayed out abnormally with sveral holes riddling his chest, to Mutes other sie Barren sat laid against the LAAT, breathing heavily as he held a blaster wound on his shoulder.

" nononononono..." Mute murmed to himself, his hnds trembling as the Clone quickly lost his composure.

"nonnonon NONON NOO!!" Mute heaved himself up and fired towards where he thought the blast had come from, the black figure quickly trained his sights on the clone, only for his sniper lens to be shattered by a blaster bolts, dazed momentarily, several more blue bolts hurdled themselves around the figure and into the mountain, untill another slammed into the shoulder armor, causing it to detach and fall off. The black armored trooper shifted backwards out of sight calmly, seemingly ignoring the attack despite how much damage it did.

Mute breathed in and out...easing himself as he ran over towards Barren.

"hey hey hey...listen brother.." Mute shook Barrens good shoulder kneeling down, now in the cover of the LAAT.

"im doing to well Mute...but ill live, already applied bacta" Barrne said wincing as he pressed a bloody cloth into his shoulder, the armor having been removed for ease of caring for it.

"Alright...alright" Mutes eyes trained on Jammers body, he was far frok saving. Mutes breath began to quicken.

"Mute..." Barren called out, pointing towards the entrance to area they landed in, the only opening towards their small canyon landing spot. Mute dragged his line of sight through his helmet to stare into the distance, a small platoon of TK Troopers made themselves shown, their rbight white armor painting their forms as they searched behind the rock.

"Looks as if this might be the end brother" Barren coughed out, holding his head back.

"Then lets make it count" Grabbed Barren and heaved him up to his feet, tossing him a blaster, the injured clone catching with one hand, the other holding his shoulder.

"For the Republic!!" Mute yelled, firing twice into the air, gaining the attention of the TKs, one of which yelled and pointed at the clones.

"There they are!"

Another called out.

"Blast them!"

Mute and Barren ducked behind rocks as a hoard of red blaster fire flew through the air, firing back when they could, a TK yelping as he got hit in the shoulder, stumbling as he got knocked down to the floor by a chest shot.

"Nice shot!" Barren spoke up.

"No need for compliments, these guys are easier to blast than battledroids" Mute said somewhat cockily, trying to lighten the situation.

"HAH! what id do to fight some basic clankers again" Barren mused, another bolts whizzing over the rock and hitting the LAAT.

"We had a good run" Barren concluded, the rock he and Mute where behind starting to crumble from the sheer volume of blaster bolts. They had already fought for hours against the sniper, and now more troopers? Mute knew this would more than likely be the end unless Jake arrived, which didnt seem likely.

The TKs overwhelmed the two clones, who ened up throwing out their weapons, and raising their hands, allowing them selves to be put in cuffs, the Sniper grappled down from the cliff side, landing infrotn of the two clones, pushing a TK out of the way.

"Youd really betray your brothers...for a kid and some Sepis?" The figure scolded.

"And who are you the know of Brotherhood" Mute snapped back.

"Im one of you...but i serve a higher purpose...if anything id bet your friend over their is greatful" The figure grabbed the bottom of Mutes helmet and forcfully turned his head towards Jammers still smoking corpse.

Mute grunted as he shoulder shoved the Imperial away, stepping forwards to contiue but being held back by two TKs. The figure only laughed.

"At first i had my doubts about this Empire...but seeing how you turned out, maybe it aint to bad" The figure removed his helmet, flicking a toothpick away as he put i back on.

"Good luck" he walked away, the TKs surronding them.

"Your coming with us-" The TK paused, the others stared at him, the figure ceased his walking to look behind him. The TK had a perfect hole between his eyes, the trooper toppling over soon after.

"what th-!" anothe trooper yelled out, getting launched to the floor by another yellow beam.

"Get her!" a trooper yelled, pointing as a green colored mandolorian flew through the sky, launching a wave of bolts, slmming into the rocks the TKs now hid behind. From the distance, a wave of red and blue blaster hurled themselves , killing two troopers who stuck their heads out, Mute being able to make out the forms of Clank and Jake , firing away while runnign forwards. Suddenly, a bolt smashed into a troopers back, the other looking up and behind them where Rusty stood waving, while Teesh picked off another TK. Racket rolled onto the scene crashing through a TK as the droid skidding in the sand and rolled away, repeating the cycle.

The figure grunted in frustration, as fianlly Tac appeared along side Rusty and Teesh on the cliff top, firing at him, missing as the figure quickly ran away mounting a speeder bike and launching into the distance. A TK ran after the speeder with their arms extended momentarily, as Clank came crashing through, running into the TKs knocking them over beofre blasting thier chest with his arm cannons.

Jake arrived soon after, tanking a red bolt as it bounched off his shirt metal, blasting the TK who fired at him, and within just a few seconds, every TK lay on the floor, smoking, and unmoving. Rusty, Tac and Teesh began to climb down the small rocky cliff side, as Clank and Jake ran towards Mute, Ada landing next to them.

"MUTE!, holy shit mute are you alright!" Jake stammered, looking over at Barren "BARREN!" Jake held his head.

"Hey dont worry kid, were fine. Jake near insatly sighed with relief. Ada nudged the boys shoulder, pointing at Jammer.

Jake face contorted into one of shock and sadness, but there wasnt much of either. Clank walked over to Jammers body, and kneeled down, Rusty and Tac arrived soon after.

" Jammer" Jake sighed, lookign at the sand, his brown and tattered shoes sinking into it bit by bit. Teesh didnt react, looking with suprisngly sad eyes for a reptile, before looking away, unwilling to say anything else.

"Jammer?..Jammer?" Rusty spoke with timid fear as the droids took its now shaky form towards Jammer, Clank rising to his feet. Racket staring at the whole ordeal.

"Oh...." was all Rusty said. Tac did not react, beyond apologizing to Mute, the Clone did not react.

Ada stared at the dead clone, a part of her felt bad, but most of her did not. The stale helmet on her head wore the same expression as her face, she knew Jake and the others knew these clones, but she didnt care. She stared at Jammers dead body, as Rusty and Clank walked away from it, a regretful smile tainting her lips.

----------Gideons ship--------

"Sir we have an unodenffied shuttle entering our hanger"

Gideon froze as he stood on the bridge, remembering Tarkins warning.

"What model" his collected voice not portraying his thoughts.

"A...Tie Advanced? ive never heard of this model" The TK turned to look at Gideon from the panal.

The Moffs face was wide eyed, he quickly cleared his throut and responded.

"Let them in"

"Uhh...they are already in sir..." The TK spoke cautiouly, Gideon stared confused at first before turning to the nosie of the metal of the slding door creaking. Gideons Death trooper jogged infront of him as the aimed their blasters, Gideon staring at was to come. The doors busted open, sliding into the walls against their will as a dark figure lingered in their place, a weezy breath echoed throught the halls breifly as he aggresively began to speed walk toards Gideon.

Following their training, one of the Death Troopers yelled in his static voice, both trooper where flinged to the sides with a motion of the figures hand, both hitting the walls fatally.

"Wa-wait!" Gideon raised his arms as the figures black maske peered into him, before he raised his hand

Gideon was sent floating in the air, his teeth gritting as his muscles starined to keep him togther. the crew members kept their heads down.

"YOU WERE WARNED, WHAT DEFEAT, WOULD BRING" the masked entity flicked his hand as Gideon flew through the air and smashed into the durasteel wall. The entity let his hand fall to his side, the Moffs body falling to the floor, some TKs jogging over to help him up, but they were pushed away. 

Gideon stood at attention, not allowing himself to talk back.

"This of no matter to me Gideon, but i was sent to enforce you to finish the job..." He paused, Gideons eyes stared into space. "Tarkin sees potential in you Gideon" the enititys words were dark, stabbing through the ears of whoever heard them, the wheezing breaths after every few seconds cutting through their chests.

"I will return to you in one week Moff...if Tarkin does not deem your results succesful, then you will wish i had killed you now" Gideon fell on his knee, bowing.

"Of course...lord Vader" 

Vaders presence darkned the room as he stared at Gideons bow, his form unmoving.

"Be grateful for my mercy" Vader turned and walked away doors aggresviely smashing together, causing every crew memeber to flinch out of fear.

Gideon stood up. "resume your work troopers" he turned around and walked out of the bridge, in the opposite direction of the hanger, an officer jogging to his side as he walked.

"Get a course set for Geonsosis, we have proof of them their correct?" Gideon asked.

"Yes sir, the asset Crosshair was able to eliminate one of the Clones the boy travels with"

" long for us to arrive?"

"two days sir"

Gideon turned to stare at the officer "What?!"

"the ship has to navigate around an ion storm in the area...sir" the offcier said shakily as she raised the datapad in her hands above her face.

Gideon sighed, his face contorting into one of stillness, anger clearly present, but covered by calmness, he walked away towards his quarters, where he had several Datapads layered across his desk, images and blueprints of Battledroids and the Invasion of Naboo littering their screens. He smiled slightly when looking at them.

"the more i know....the better they die" Gideon muttered to himself, turning to prepare a cup of coffee.

(what..he can drink coffee okay? jeez....)

(also sidenote, is Vader coming to punish Gideon, do i care? also no....i am very willing to break some blundrays for the sake of with it.)

(Please... :) )

-----------eeefff----------354--------------------Geonosis--Teenagers camp00--2----

Jake and the others sat around a make shift campire, its sparks floating around lazily, buring out in the sand, the night sky litered with stars as an eerie stillnes set into everyone. Mute hadnt spoken since the battle, and Barren was bust tending to his wounds, both Clones now asleep, leaning on a stray piec eof metal they found. After the events froma few hours ago, they had flew their ship to Jake and Teeshes old home, still decimated by the orbital fire, both prior residents still unerved by being here, but the lizard and the boy dealt with it.

The Droids didnt know what to feel, Rusty being the only one to feel bad for the place, while Tac and Clanks programming chalked it up to casualties of war.

Ada had never been here, but felt bad on Jakes behalf, attempting to provide support, of which was received with caution by the timid teenager.

"hey.." Ada spoke softly, she and Jake sat next to eachother in the sand near the fire. Teesh curled intoa balled nearby sleeping, and all the droids powered off, huddled together, other than Racket, who stood watch at the ruined gate which used to hold the Geonosisans scout weight atop it.

"yeah?..." Jake replied tiredly.

"Whats the plan...for tommorow" 

"Well" Jake paused, as they both stared into the fire during their conversation, Jakes empty ratio bar wrapper on the floor next to him.

"We were supposed to attack the ISB area...get our old weapons back" Jake spoke slowly, not to sure with his own idea. Picking up the wrapper and tossing into the flames, it crumpling near instantly.

"Now your wondering if its worth it" 

"Yeah..howd you know?"

"living with people when you cant see their faces helps with reading emotion throuhg voice" ada explained calmly.

"Oh...yeah thats fair enough...and cool" Jake admitted, Ada giggling softly.

They sat there for a bit longer, before a noise caught their attention, snapping his head to behind them he heard a distant thud, a loud one. Ada turned to look towards it aswell, the others somehow not waking up.

"Should we check it out?" Jake asked.

"we can take the Droidekka with us, itll protect us" 

"He" Jake corrected, Ada smirked beneath her helmet.

"He...will protect us" 

Jake smiled, grabbing his DC-15A and helping Ada to her feet, walking past the gates, calling Racket as they passed. The trio walked for near thirty minutes, before Jake was able to spot a ship, parked in the middle of the desert, its lights giving it away, nodding to eachother Ada and Jake approached slowly, telling Racket to stay back, the droid was to loud for stealth.

The ships doors opened and Ada threw herself to the ground, Jake stood confused for a moment before Ada tugged his leg, the boy going down soon after. Out the ship stepped a Clone, grey in color, followed by a Commando Droid, and a weird droid Jake hadnt seen before, carrying a large staff.

"What a second..." Jake eyes adjusted best they could, but as the Clone walked under a light Jake instantly recognized him.

"You knopw them?" Ada asked with caution.

"Holy shit, yes...i thought they died..CODY!!" Jake yelled, springing to his feet, Ada flinching at the loud noise, still somehwat concerned.

Cody turned to the source of the sound, Scythe and Golem dropping the crates they were unpacking and getting their weapons ready, as Jake ran over, almost falling over due to the soft sand.

"Kid?!" Cody exclamied, he scoffed as Jake slowed stopping infrotn of him, the two droids looking at eachother and putting away theirn weapons, Ada and Racket arriving a few seconds after.

"I was not aware you were still fucntioning" The Commando droid spoke, with somehwta of a rude tone.

"Wait...are you the same one" Jake asked, it nodded.

"I thought you had died, good to see you" Said removing his helmet, smiling widely, his eyes scanning Golem.

"And look at you...never seen a droid like you before" Golem just stared back at him.

"He aint the talkative type" Cody remarked, scoffing. Jake turning around as Scythe and Golem went to observe Racket.

"So traveling with a Mandolorian? weres the rest of your merry band"

"Her names Ada, shes cool" Jake said casually, Ada peering at him through the helmet with slight embarresment.

"Well nice to meet you" Cody said extending a hand, Ada shook it weakly without speaking.

"Rusty, Clank, Teesh, are all back at a camp weve made, plus weve got some Clones with us now"

"Is that so? how many?"

"well there was three but we lost Jammer in an attack earlier today" Jake remarked sadly, Cody nodding slowly.

"every brother will be rembered" Jake nodded in agreement.

"But Mute and Barren are ba-" Before could finish Cody gasped slightly.

"Mute? i used to serve along side his 453rd Battlion!....howd you find him, he was reported missing!" Cody spoke enthuasticlly, Jake wore a surpised look as he looked at Ada for a moment, who just shrugged.

"We found him and several Clone stuck in broken down Venators floating in space, only him, Barren and Jammer made it out, cause Gideon had tracked us there and started a seige, killed lots of them....and Bucket" Jake spoke with a queiter tone, not really wanting to relive the memory.

"Ah, i was wondering why you didnt mention the droid earlier...fucking Empire, killing my brothers" Cody cursed.

"Well.." Ada began "We could always use extra help, and Mute could certainly use some support" Jake smiled at her comment, leaving Ada not feeling as bad about talking good about the Clones, she wanted to like them, she really did. The walk back wasnt eventful, the Commando didnt chare Jakes want to reunite, and Golem was quick to be annoyed by the boys persistance. 

Upon arriving, the small group could see a worried few hustling about looking for Jake and Ada, Rusty was the first to see them.

"Hey! Its Jake, oh and the nice Clone from the big ship!" he yelled out, Mute perking up, Barren looking at the incoming arrivals. 

"Co-....Cody?!" Mute stood up insantly with a surpised look.

"Hows it going brother!" Cody exclaimed with a laugh as they walked up and shook hands, Barren following suite more timidly.

"Well...they know eachother" Jake said convinced, Ada nodded with a light chuckle.

"I did not think we would see you again" Tac stated allowed, mostly refering to the Commando Droid, who stayed silent as Cody responded.

"No worries tinny, cant kill me that easily"

The others started to chat, the Magnaguard and Commando pretty much just walking away from a chatty Rusty, the clones catching up and Teesh talking to Ada about something next to Jake. The teenager was doing fine, pretty well for someone who had lost so much at least, but he was a bit tired, so he kinda just stood there counting the seconds untill eventually, everyone decided to sleep. Cody and his droids even moving supplies to stay with the group, allowing Jake to sigh happily as he closed his eyes, snuggling beneath the cloth that barely classifed as a cover.

--------------------------------------Gideons vessel---------------

"Sir the nebula has moved eariler then calculated, we will make it to Geonosis within a few hours" A female officer voice hummed through a commlink as a Pajama wearing Gideon looked up from his datapad, him laying on his bed. He didnt reply, why would he? he just smiled, knowing that everything was coming to together, his finger lightly tapping on Jakes glowing name on the datapad, surronded by a wall of text, about the Battle of Naboo, among other stuff.

But Gideon didnt give a shit about that, or at least the generalities of it, this was a weakness.

One worthy of abuse.



so mesa was like, damm, i havent written in a while, here, lemme do dat. And tadaa. yousen getsin BOM BAD chapter, i hopes.

yeah ill never do that again, fucking gungan as talk "Mesa Was like" what am i stupid?


hoped u liked it, and please leave a comment on any mistakes you find that i havent catched, i appericiate your feedback and will correct as soon as possible.
