Chapter 14 Awakened

Nolan seeing her, looking at something in the air. Liked a dazed person, know exactly what she's seeing.

"Are you seeing it as well" Nolan said, waking her up from her dazed state.

Jasmine directed her gaze towards Nolan, who was looking at her eyes. She nodded and said, "Yes, are you talking about this blue panel?" She asked.

"Yes if you look at it clearly, it's just like a game stats, after you kill the required zombie you will unlock its function and become strong just like me" Nolan answered.

Jasmine was shock and surprised, even Sophia from the side could not belive.

"A game like system in the real world that's literally amazing" Jasmine and Sophia mumble in their mind at the same time.

"So now that you have finished killing, at least 1 zombie's only 9 left to go" Nolan said while helping jasmine stand up to balance herself seeing that she's fine now.