Chapter 16 Zombie?

As Nolan went on his way towards the river, he was stunned and a little clueless on what is going on.

"How come even the lake is dyed black?" As he looked at the big expanse of water that the lake covered.

As far as his eyes could see, the place was literally a dead place. No animals could be even see in this place.

"Is the question to my problem down there?" Nolan said inwardly, as he looked at the lake.

Trying to pierce it by his look, but he stopped when he only see deep abyss. Also he can't just risked his own self, to dive down there just to find his answer.

He can see that, Zombies, Mutated Animals and new Enviroment. Came appearing one another. So he must be careful, from his every move.

Nolan crossed the river, by going besides it he then directed his way up the mountain.

Unknown to him, the lake began to shook as he was already far away and a big sockets of eye appeared.