An outcast

Angel could barely sleep throughout the night as her mind was bombarded with tomorrow's plan. Would things go wrong? Urghh, it was so hard to read Fernando's mind even when he was calm.

Tossing around the bed, she kept on muttering inaudible words. At worst, she ends up with broken parts on her body or ends up unconscious.

But you can never know until you try, worrying is only going to make her nervous. She was going to do it and successfully clear up the misunderstanding between them. Dawdling around wasn't her style, getting things done was her style.

Pulling up the duvet, she prayed silently for mercy and lured herself to sleep.

The following morning, Andras came to wake Angel up around 6 am before most people were awake in the pack house. 

"Wa….it," slurring in her sleep, she uttered, holding the duvet tightly.