??? (2 in 1)

*Sound Effects*




(Point of View)


A/N: Title at end!



I got a call from Joe later after practice and he told me that they wanted me at the game tomorrow. I didn't know what to say but I readily agreed, he said that game 4 would be held at home so I would just need to arrive at the SBC Center. I asked him if I'd be able to go early in the morning so that I can prepare for the game if I play. He hesitated before saying yes and letting me know that he would get in touch with the security personnel so I shouldn't have any problems getting in.

The day passed as I took another glance at the system before going to sleep. My eyes widened in astonishment as I observed the significant increase in my currency. Prior to today, my balance was a mere 714 gold, but now it had surged to 1786 gold. Intrigued, I clicked on the gold icon and quickly discerned the reason for this substantial gain.

It appeared that the points I earned during scrimmages were twice as valuable as those from solo practice sessions: 2 gold for a layup, 4 gold for a mid-range shot, and a remarkable 6 gold for a successful three-pointer. To top it off, there was a noteworthy "Scrimmage Bonus +1000 Gold" contributing to the windfall.

It seems that depending on the setting, the amount of gold I'd receive would change, additionally, I had never received a bonus before.

Regrettably, none of my stats had budged, which left me feeling somewhat disheartened. Nevertheless, I understood that with this system, there were endless possibilities, and all I had to do was exercise patience until I could discover a more effective method to enhance my stats. At the very least, I could accumulate gold for packs and make progress that way in the meantime.

'Hopefully I can find out more' I thought before heading to sleep. 

I woke up at 4 am and headed to the team practice facility after being dropped off. Security recognized me, knowing my habit of arriving early, and allowed me to pass through effortlessly. I was aware of the designated practice times for the away team, and I knew I had until approximately 8 am before their scheduled arrival. As I laced up my Kobe sneakers and put on my headphones, I started my routine on the court.

As I went through my drills while listening to music, I thought I heard a sound that made me pause. Removing my headphones and scanning the stadium, I was surprised to hear a deep voice coming from behind.

"Nice shoes," the voice remarked. Turning my head, I was astonished to see the legendary Kobe Bean Bryant in the flesh.

'THAT'S KOBE!' raced through my mind, though I kept my composure on the outside.

I glanced at him and then down at my shoes, nodding in understanding. "They're not bad," I replied, acknowledging the compliment.

Curiosity got the best of me, and I asked, "How did you get here? You're not even playing."

Kobe responded matter-of-factly, "Doesn't mean I stop practicing," emphasizing that his commitment to practice didn't waver, regardless of his playing status.

"True, but how did you gain access?" I inquired, noting that access to the facility was typically restricted to designated time slots for the home and away teams.

Kobe gave me a puzzled look before subtly gesturing to himself, as if to say, "I'm Kobe."

"That makes sense," I stated before turning my attention back to my warm-up. However, just as I was about to put my headphones back in, I heard Kobe's voice assertively say, "Let me see if you have what it takes to wear those shoes."

Not wanting to explain that these were my only pair of shoes, I complied with a nod and placed down my MP4 player before surrendering the ball over to him.

"You sure you don't want to warm up?" I asked.

"Pssh, I don't need to," he replied, dismissing the notion and passing me the ball, motioning for me to start the first possession.

"What do you want to play to?" I inquired.

"21, 1's and 2's," he answered concisely.

I nodded, mentally preparing myself for the challenge ahead. As I looked at the person I had watched countless times on TV standing before me, I allowed a sense of calm to wash over me, fully embracing the Mamba Mentality.

The atmosphere around me quickly shifted as a serious expression crossed my face. I began to dribble, ready to embark on this unexpected matchup.

Facing off against Kobe, I knew I had my work cut out for me. Dribbling the ball, I searched for an opportunity to set up the legendary player. Trying to catch him off guard, I made a quick move, pretending to drive toward the hoop. But Kobe, composed as ever, didn't fall for the fake.

In a split-second decision, I opted for a layup. However, as I went up, I saw Kobe's outstretched hand. Thinking on my feet, I attempted an up-and-under move, releasing the ball off the glass. Fortunately, I got a lucky bounce off the rim before the ball went in.

Acknowledging my effort, Kobe simply said, "Good move," and returned the ball to me. On the next play, I decided to take a three-point shot, and the ball swished cleanly through the net, narrowing the gap.

As the game continued, I tried to fake another shot by positioning my right leg slightly behind me. But Kobe didn't fall for the trick; instead, he backed up, ready for a drive. In a swift move, he stripped the ball away from me. Without hesitation, I hustled back on defense, knowing I had to be ready for anything.

Kobe took control, showcasing his skills by sinking four consecutive shots, extending his lead to 4-3. When he missed a mid-range shot, I secured the rebound and attempted a step-back long mid-range shot that narrowly missed Kobe's outstretched hand before hitting all net.

Regaining possession, I crossed over to my right while keeping the ball low to protect it. However, Kobe's quick hands swatted the ball away while also coming into contact with my forearm. I chose not to call a foul, understanding the competitive nature of the game.

Kobe took charge once more, utilizing his signature fadeaway. Despite the physicality, I contested the shot with determination, but Kobe's shot found the mark.

As the game progressed, Kobe's athleticism and height proved to be decisive factors. I struggled to defend, hoping for Kobe to miss but realizing it was a challenging task.

The game concluded with Kobe missing a shot off the rim but following up with a powerful putback dunk. The final score stood at 21-10 in Kobe's favor. Although the outcome wasn't in my favor, I had a memorable experience going one-on-one against a basketball legend and gained valuable insights from the encounter.

"You can wear the shoes, but you'll never fill 'em," he stated with a sly smile.

'Damn, that stings,' I thought but didn't let it show. However, I couldn't help but recall Coach Will mentioning that Jordan had once uttered those exact words to Kobe in a game when he wore his shoes, and Kobe went on a two-week silent streak, embracing a sort of villain arc for a time.

"Wait...Didn't Jordan say that to you when he was on the Wizards?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

He remained silent, his expression growing increasingly stern and clearly irked by the comment. I couldn't resist a chuckle as I observed his reaction.


Despite the game having ended, I could feel the Mamba Mentality stirring within me, urging me to keep playing.

"Let's run it back," I declared to which he didn't deny.

I lost track of how many games we played, but hours had passed. Despite the fatigue creeping in, I couldn't help but notice the sweat dripping from my body and my gradual slowing down. Kobe, on the other hand, showed no signs of stopping. It wasn't until I lost again that I checked the time, and it read 7:49 am.

'Shit,' I thought.

"Thanks for letting me play against you; it's been a dream come true. But I need to head out now since the next team will be practicing at 8 am," I explained. Kobe nodded in understanding, seemingly aware of the time as well.

Before he could leave, there was one burning question I had to ask. "How was Jordan? How good was he really?" I inquired.

He looked over, his expression thoughtful, and replied briefly, "I still don't know," before walking away.

'That's Kobe,' I thought with a smile, as I gathered my belongings and headed out. His last words echoed in my mind. Upon reflection, it made sense. Jordan had retired at the age of 30 due to his well-known disputes with the Bulls' GM, Jerry Krause, leaving the game before his eventual return with the Wizards from 2001-2003, though by then, Jordan was nearing 40. The world may never truly grasp just how great Jordan was, unfortunately.

Despite playing numerous games, I never came as close to defeating him as I did in our first match. Once he warmed up, he became unbeatable. There were times when I ended up scoreless, but I never gave up, continuing to play with the same level of determination and heart as in that initial game. I couldn't help but have a lingering suspicion that he appreciated my unwavering effort.

Title - A Memorable 1-on-1 Matchup against Kobe 


(1st Person - Kobe Bryant 5:03 am)

I woke up early, the memory of our loss to the Pistons still gnawing at me. It had been a tough defeat, and I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment. Determined to get back on track, I made my way to the gym as I always did. As I thought about the Pistons, I couldn't help but think, 'I'll be back.'

San Antonio had been my destination to watch the Spurs face off against the Pistons. I wanted to speak with Tim Duncan about ending the series for me. As I entered the empty gym, the familiar scent of hardwood and the echo of the empty space greeted me.

To my surprise, I heard the distinct sound of a basketball being dribbled. My curiosity piqued, I followed the sound, and as I approached the court, I couldn't believe my eyes. A small Mexican kid was practicing with headphones in his ears, completely absorbed in his own world. What caught my attention even more was the fact that he was wearing my shoes. 

I called out to him, but he didn't hear. So, I decided to give it another try. he took off his headphones, and as he looked around, he finally noticed my presence. To my surprise, he remained remarkably composed, not starstruck or nervous.

Intrigued, I decided to put his skills to the test. I wanted to see if he was genuinely talented or if it was all just for show.

Game after game unfolded, and despite losing each one, sometimes by wider margins than others, he never wavered in his effort and determination. As the minutes turned into hours, we continued our intense competition on the court. Sweat poured from my face, and I could feel the ache in my legs, but I refused to let the pain overwhelm me, pressing on and playing with the same fervor.


Before I knew it, he brought the game to a halt after losing a final time and mentioned the time. I glanced at the clock and was shocked at how much time had passed. I had come here with the intention of a brief practice, but this kid had kept up with me for longer than I expected.

As I prepared to head out, still having obligations for the day, he brought up the topic of Mike. After a brief exchange, I turned to leave, a smile creeping across my face. I couldn't help but think that this kid reminded me of myself during the early days of my career.

However, my smile quickly faded, replaced by a slightly irritated expression as I remembered his snarky remark, which was why I destroyed every game after. Yet, amidst my competitive drive, I couldn't help but develop a sense of respect for the kid for enduring it.

(3rd Person - SBC Center, 7:08 pm)

Nearly an hour before the game at 8:00 pm, a small group of fans had already gathered at the SBC Center, eager to get an early start on the excitement. Meanwhile, Coach Pop was engaged in conversation with his players when he noticed Kobe approaching Tim Duncan. Kobe whispered something to Tim, who responded with a smile and a nod, engaging in a brief exchange of words.

Afterward, Kobe made his way over to Coach Pop, and they shared smiles and lighthearted banter. However, before leaving, Kobe leaned in and informed Coach Pop, "That Mexican kid, he's not bad," he said, then walked away.

Coach Pop looked puzzled and raised his voice, calling after Kobe, "What does that mean? You can't just walk away after saying that." He couldn't hide his annoyance. Kobe, not turning back, replied, "Check the cameras," and then added one last request, "Send me his number." Coach Pop wore a perplexed expression, wondering about Kobe's intentions, but decided to investigate further after the game.


(1st Person - Javi, SBC Center, 8:19 pm)

I still couldn't believe I was at a Spurs game; I had never attended one before. Watching the games on TV and experiencing them in real life were two entirely different worlds. The height difference among the players was much more noticeable in person. Even the smallest player who appeared average-sized on TV was a towering figure in real life, especially the Centers. I was seated just a couple of rows behind the starting lineup, the very same players I had watched on TV not too long ago, now here in the flesh.

I couldn't resist the urge to glance down beneath my Spurs jumper and catch sight of my jersey with the number 11 on it. The first time I received that jersey, it felt like a validation that I had truly made it.

As I watched the game unfold, I couldn't help but admire each member of the team. Unlike other teams, the Spurs played basketball differently. It was like watching an orchestra on the court, with every player in perfect sync and working together as a cohesive unit, all striving for one common goal: victory.

Before I knew it, the first quarter had come to an end, and during the break, I decided to take a look at my system out of sheer curiosity. Upon opening it, I quickly realized that the world around me didn't come to a halt as it did in my usual interactions with the system. 'I guess it doesn't work during live games,' I thought to myself. Nonetheless, I discreetly checked my virtual shop to see how much Gold I had accumulated.

My eyes widened slightly as I read the number. '82,566 Gold!?' I couldn't believe it. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that most of the gold wasn't from the points alone but primarily from the 'Bonus +5000 1v1 Kobe.'

Internally, I was ecstatic, but externally, I maintained a facade of mild surprise. If this had been before I got the Mamba Mentality, I would have been jumping out of my seat.

Dismissing the system discreetly, I redirected my attention to the action on the court. Time seemed to fly by, and eventually, we ended up losing the game. In the fourth quarter, most of the reserves were sent in, and to my disappointment, I was called in as well. Despite the outcome, I couldn't help but wonder how much gold I would earn from playing in the finals.

Before I knew it, it was time for me to leave. Despite having been shown the locker room, I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't truly earned anything yet. After all, they were in the finals, and I hadn't even played my first NBA game, let alone met any of the starters formally.

I approached Coach Pop, who kindly pointed me in the direction of my exit. Before long, a car was called for me, and I was on my way out. As I departed, I couldn't help but glance back at the SBC Center and envision a future where I had earned my place among my teammates. They would stay behind, fulfilling their professional obligations such as post-game interviews and more, while I looked forward to the day when I would be among them.

Title - Sideline Viewing


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I altered the Game 4 against the Pistons to take place a the Spurs home court, this is so it better aligns with the story, however, the end result will stay the same. Expect a time skip soon to the beginning of the MC's rookie year!