Misfit (1)

Chapter 38: Misfit (1)

It was unfortunate that Odin's time limit forced him to leave, as Jake would have loved to share the spoils of their well-deserved victory, to say nothing of him picking up a new legendary trace!

It meant a new summon would soon join their ranks.

Jake was so interested in it that he skipped all system messages and clicked on the one displaying the news of the legendary trace.

[You have extracted the legendary trace from the monkey boss, Puffy.]

[The legendary trace has entered your equipment.]

[You're free to bind it to yourself.]

'Wait a second,' Jake thought, clicking on the inventory. Inside, he found the legendary trace, which looked like a transparent slice of darkness with golden stars cluttering it.

Jake believed it was dark because of Puffy's fur, and the golden stars meant its legendary grade. He could be wrong, but that didn't really matter.