Ender (2)

Chapter 41: Ender (2)

[You have entered a hidden room.]

Wearing the wolf boss set, which significantly improved his defenses, Jake appeared in the hidden room where Ender slept.

Jake didn't bother with a torch this time, going straight ahead to activate the ancient writings glued to the ground and the pillars.

Their glaring light momentarily blinded Jake.

At the same time, Ender woke up from his slumber, spreading his wings wide. He rose to the ceiling and immediately drowned the cave in his bottomless darkness, anticipating the human traitor's return!

"Haha!" Ender's prideful laughter boomed in the cave. "You even betrayed your kind and became one of the misfits! Have you been expecting me to side with you because of that?!"

After hiding behind the blazing pillar, Jake shook his head. "That never crossed my mind."